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(1) See Alexa Voice Service.

(2) (Address Verification Service) See address verification.

(3) (Audio Video Coding Standard) A video compression technique developed by Chinese companies and supported by the Chinese government. Expected to provide better compression than MPEG-2, AVS was created to avoid paying royalties to the MPEG licensors, which are outside of China. See MPEG LA and EVD.
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The report says that the Dutch government is taking a balanced approach to AVs, in areas such as working to improve safety and enhancing the legal framework.
Looking at the four main pillars of the study, the UAE ranked 11th in terms of policy and legislation to support AVs, 14th in terms of technology and innovation, 5th in terms of infrastructure and 7th in terms of customer acceptance.
The DOT will prioritize safety by facilitating the early deployment and testing of AVs. Because AVs have the potential to reduce accidents and make roads safer, the DOT said participants should not wait until all risks are identified and eliminated in order to integrate automation.
Some people have described AVs as "offices on wheels," and employees will soon be able to work on the move no matter how they commute to the workplace.
military, a leader in developing technologies for AVs, used the autonomous technology employed in minesweeping to enable the current AV technology used in privately owned vehicles.
Consumers have trust issues related to AVs, but they trust the insurance industry most when it comes to addressing safety.
Other benefits expected to come about as a result of AVs include reduced traffic congestion, offsite parking, fewer cars on the road and less individual car ownership, as society moves to a ride-hailing and ride-sharing mentality.
Since Level 4 and 5 AVs will be capable of autonomous operation, designers can add human-machine interfaces, entertainment systems, and other features without concerns about distracting drivers from the road.
5G will also provide passengers of AVs with high-quality infotainment services.
Dr Bushra Al Blooshi, DESC research and innovation manager stated: "The initial phase structure of the standard was developed by conducting a full survey scope of the cyber threats and risks facing AVs, and an analysis of the failures/attacks that previously affected Autonomous Vehicles.
Under the new agreement, Accenture Digital Video will implement and run for KPN the latest version of its digital video platform, AVS 6.