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(Third Normal Form) See normalization.
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* 3NF : Table(x) [conjunction] Second Normal Form(x) a column(x,col) [conjunction] FD(x,fd) [conjunction] ~ Transitive Dependency (fd) [right arrow] Third Normal Form(x) [No transitive dependencies should be derived]
Section 4 presents an algorithm for classifying dependencies into full and partial and in section 5 we present the algorithms for the decomposition into 2NF and 3NF respectively.
notes The Manor Restaurant, Greasby Road, Greasby, Wirral, CH49 3NF.
C is the parallel capacitance and is equal to 3nF. From a netlist point of view, APLAC is evidently a SPICE-like simulator.
When the input set of data dependencies is a set of functional dependencies (or simply FDs) an appropriate normal form may be Second, Third, or Boyce-Codd Normal Form (abbreviated to 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF, respectively).
Flexibility is generally viewed from the architectural standpoint of a physical model based on third normal form (3NF), or the so-called "whole key," vs.
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) was introduced by Codd (1974) to provide a normal form simpler than 3NF. Fourth normal form was introduced in Fagin (1977).
After normalizing the data (3NF), three files were in the final design:
So the Baton Rouge researchers compared twin nitro-PAHs featuring identical chemical compositions and reduction potentials: 3-nitrofluoranthene (3NF) and 1-phenyl-4-nitronaphthalene (1P4NN).
Funeral service will be held on Wednesday 6th May at Southampton Crematorium West Chapel (SO16 3NF) at 11.30am.