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Wikipedia:Unified login

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Unified login or SUL (single user login) is a mechanism which allows users to use a single global login on all public Wikimedia Foundation projects. This allows users to maintain a consistent identity throughout Wikimedia and work on different projects without having to sign up and log in to each project individually. This does not apply to Wikitech as it requires a new account.

See also


Eldren Bahian Lorca Sr,162 world books of Guinness Records in Gamers Edition on the year 2014th,Facebook on the year 2015th,Yahoo,Linked in,Forbes,Mozilla on the year 2016th,Google,Utube,Instagram,Twitter,Guardian,Nasa,Guru,Encyclopedia,Wekipedia,Thesaurus on the year 2017th,Microsoft on the year 2022th,Quora on the year 2024th,

Setting or self study on general quantum Geo-astrophysics formulations equilibrium 1st. Then Masteral Then Doctorate Then Advance doctorate Then advance doctorate in combinations of legal records under world search gate in science library all over the world. Records ranking number one in world search gate in science library all over the world. Records ranking number one as Analytical Scientist all over the world. Recorded number 27 as Genius in the Philippines National Scientist in the Philippines. Records Ranking number two as Genius all over the world in breaking records on all the derived formulas in deflated ozone layer causes and effects and in mathematics,science,advancements of science and technologies all over the world in terms of education. Derived formulas in Geo-astrophysics: Geographical Engineering in plotting every phenomena that will hit soon all over the world on the whole globe map formula: Ecliptic orbital or E. formula=23 degrees deflations=typhoon watch in awareness=clockwise rotation under the law of motion=New moon under the orbital of the moon or -,+,3,6,8 in days formula derived Tilt orbital or T. formula=23.4 degrees deflations=earthquake watch in awareness=counter clockwise rotations under the law of motions=Full moon under the orbital of the moon or -,+,3,6,8 in days formula derived. Atomic Model Series Derived formulas: Xsewe= Znere= Ymoho= COMBINATIONS ON ATOMIC MODELS UNDER GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES=N1-N3-N6-N8-N16-N32-N64-N128... derived formula: Yfobo Elements of Chemistry Derived UNDER DEFLATED OZONE LAYER CAUSES AND EFFECT ALL OVER THE WORLD: T formula from Argon or Ar Deuterium or Dt Argon or Ar Rubidium or Rb Deuterium or Dt Trithium or Tr Thorium or Th derived formulas: Negative side: NITROGEN OR N HYDROGEN OR H SODIUM OR na LITHIUM OR Li HELIUM OR He BERYLLIUM OR Br PLOTUNIUM OR Pu derived formulas: From POSITIVE SIDE : LEAD OR Ld ALLUMINIUM OR Al SILVER OR Ag GOLD OR Au GERMANIUM OR Gr TITANIUM OR Tn PLATINUM OR Pt derived formulas LATERAL GENIUSES CONSTANT DERIVED TO CORRECT ALL MY MZJ DIAGRAMS IN EXPLAINATIONS: LAGRANGE CONSTANT DERIVED =F{([s])} formula FARADAY CONSTANT DERIVED =f=1/2 ena FORMULA SIEMENS CONSTANT DERIVED =Sei3=L3n2-N2l2 formula BOLTZMANN CONSTANT DERIVED =1/2 v=i/r formula FRIEDSMANN CONSTANT DERIVED =QPkbti3 formula Wigner CONSTANT DERIVED =WPkbti3 formula BOYLES CONSTANT DERIVED =Pkbti3 formula AULER AND ARCHIMEDES CONSTANT DERIVED =(2C3)2=(A3+B3)2 formula COULOMB CONSTANT DERIVED =1/3v=1/16i/r FORMULA EINSTIEN CONSTANT DERIVED =e=C2/m formula PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM CONSTANT DERIVED =(2C3)2=(3A+3B)2 formula PYTHAGOREAN SNAIL THEOREM CONSTANT DERIVED =(1/3 cross h bar square roots of bh)3 2 formula ROZNOV CONSTANT DERIVED=Rz=Kf formula AREA OF THE CIRCLE CONSTANT DERIVED =(2Pir2)2 formula AREA OF THE SQUARE CONSTANT=(2P3)2=(3L+3W)2 FORMULA AREA OF THE TRIANGLE CONSTANT DERIVED=(1/3 bh)3 2 formula AREA OF THE PRISIMAL ON CONES CONSTANT DERIVED =(1/3 b/h)3 2 formula AREA OF THE PYRAMID CONSTANT DERIVED=(1/32 cross h bar b/h) 3 2 formula AREA OF THE DIAMOND CONSTANT DERIVED =(1/216 cross h bar b/h) 3 2 formula 3rd LAW OF GENERAL QUANTUM THERMODYNAMICS CONSTANT DERIVED =Q3W3T3...Q6W6T6...Q8W8T8... FORMULA BIG BANG OF EVOLUTION CONSTANT DERIVED =F3G3M3...F6G6M6...F8G8M8... ADVANCED ENGINEERING CONSTANT DERIVED =(1/3 cross h bar square roots of A3)3 2 formula Advance engineering design derived =MZJ DIAGRAMS IN ANY DESIGN ON SIGMA SIGMA LIMA QUADRO QUADRO IN FUNCTIONS UNDER 49 DEGREES TO 60 DEGREES DEFLATIONS SUPER ADVANCED ENGINEERING DESIGN DERIVED TO CREATE RAREST DESIGN ALL OVER THE WORLD UNDER COMBINED FUNCTIONS OF MZJ DIAGRAMS OF 8-8-6-3-3,6-6-5-4-4,4-4-4-5-5 in combined functions under 23-23.4 degrees deflations,49-60 degrees deflations to 72-90 degrees deflations SUPER SUPER ADVANCE ENGINEERING DESIGN DERIVED FORMULA COMBINED MZJ DIAGRAMS U8NDER 20-20-12- -3--3...1/216-1/216--3-12-12 IN COMBINED FUNCTIONS UNDER REHEARSAL AND REVERSAL METHOD OF SEQUENCES IN FUNCTIONS FORMULA TO CREATE RAREST RAREST DESIGN ALL OVER THE WORLD ROMAN NUMERALS DERIVED FORMULAS TO CARRIED IT FROM THE BASIC KNOWLEDGE TO THE HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE CORRECTLY: i=1,b=5,a=10,l=50,h=100,J=1000,M=10000,Q=100000,IXYZ=1M,10M,100M,1B,10B,100B,century,decades FORMULAS ENGLISH WORDS GIVEN UNDER WEKIPEDIA: BAROQUE-BAROQUENESS MEANINGS=sarcastic,barbaric,negative,lefties,spreading virulism,bacterialism,dull,naughty,intimidation,dis-crimination,crab mentality THREE KINDS OF LYINGS IN ENGLISH WORDS AND MEANINGS: BLACK LIES MEANING=LYING WITH IN YOURSELF BLUE LIES =MEANING=LYING FOR ALMOST LESS THAN 9 PEOPLE WHITE LIES=MEANING=LYING FOR THE SAKE ON MANY PEOPLE FOR GOOD MEDICINE DERIVED FORMULAS TO STOP COVID-19 ALL OVER THE WORLD biotin rebofoblavin hydroferousulphate nitro formula -3N,-5N,-7N,-9N,-11N,-13N=S.T.O.P.,wipe out,kick out,knock out,clean out,wash out,healed out,thrown out,throw out formula MZJ diagram on multiple leaf clover,flowers,petals,crowns signs on theta theta sigma tri tri in function under HUMAN ANATOMY COMBINED 8 DOTTED LEGS OF BACTERIAS AND VIRUSES FORMULA BOMBARDMENTS ON TRIPLE BLACK DIAMONDS ON ANY RARE ELEMENTS,RARE FLOWERS,RARE LEAVES,RARE NUTS,RARE FRUITS,RARE ROOTS,RARE GRASS ROOTS,RARE HERBS,RARE PETALS,RARE HERBS,RARE STEM AND BARKS OF TREES AND PLANTS FOR Rx AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE TO STOP COVID-19 ALL OVER THE WORLD MEDICINE DERIVED FORMULAS TO HEAL ANY CANCEROUS DISEASES ALL OVER THE WORLD: MZJ DIAGRAM ON HUMAN ANATOMY COMBINED TO 8 DOTTED LEGS OF BACTERIAS AND VIRUSES COMBINED AGAIN TO PHILIPPINE FLAG SIGN ON COMBINED FUNCTIONS UNDER REHEARSAL AND REVERSAL METHOD OF LEPTONIC SEQUENCES IN 7-6-5 REVERSE 5-4-3 IN FUNCTIONS FORMULA A-Z REVERSE Z-A,E.T. REVERSE T.E.,P-G-H-Q REVERSE Q-H-G-P,O-K REVERSE K-O,L-N REVERSE N-L,M-M OR IXY FORMULA DERIVED FORMULA IN BREAKING NECOLAI TESLA UNDER COMPUTER NANO MICRO CHIPS FORMULATIONS SIGMA LIMA THORIUM FORMULA ON TRIPLE MAIN MOTHER FOR SUPER SUPER HIGH FREUQUENCY FORMULATIONS. DERIVED FORMULAS UNDER TWISTED CANONICAL CONES ON ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY ON DOUBLE AND TRIPLE STARS,OCTAGON,DIAMNOND,PYRAMID,PRISIMAL OF CONES,TRIANGLES,SQUARES,CIRCLES,TUBES,CANNON BALLS,SLITS,LENSES SPLITTINGS FORMULA GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES DERIVED FORMULA: FROM X3,X2,X1,S,T,U,V,W,x3,x2,x1,s,t,u,v,w formula Z3,Z2,Z1,R,Q,P,O,N,z3,z2,z1,r,q,p,o,n formula Y3,Y2,Y1,J3,J2,J1,H,G,K,L,M,yj3,yj2,yj1,h,g,k,l,m formula I3,I2,I1,A3,A2,A1,B,C,D,E,F,ai3,ai2,ai1,b,c,d,e,f formula FULL HOUSE ON GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES DERIVED FORMULA FULL HOUSE ON BUILDINGS AND TOWERS ON GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES FULL SHIPS AND BRIDGE WITH CHAIN AND ANCHOR SIGN ON FINDING TOP TO BOTTON UNDER ABBYSS/ZHION IN GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES DERIVED FORMULA FULL LIBERINTH ON PLANETARIUM ON GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES DERIVED FORMULA FULL DIMENTIONALS UNDER PEARLS GATES AGATE ON GENERAL ENGINEERING COORDINATES IN THE PLANES DERIVED FORMULA PHYSICS 864-IXYZ/ABCD FORMULA PHYSICS 1732--EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS UP AND DOWN -3,-2,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9(-6IXYZ8)3 2 DOWN EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF 4,5,6,7,8,9, DERIVED FORMULA UNDER ADVANCE DOCTORATE IN PHYSICS AND MANY MANY MORE...