
Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
których celem jest rozwój uczestniczek, otwarcie ich na branżę gier wideo i poszerzenie
ich wiedzy na jej temat.

Poznaj nasze Mentorki i Mentorów i wybierz z kim chciałabyś współpracować.

Yuliia Pryimak

Gameplay Designer


Mentoring with Yuliia Pryimak will be in English only, so the interview with the candidate will also be in English.


Despite my background in economics, I managed to defy the odds and secure an internship at CD PROJEKT RED three years ago. Since then, I’ve embarked on a fulfilling journey of transforming my game development dreams into reality. Starting as an Encounter Designer and later transitioning to Gameplay Designer, I had the incredible opportunity to contribute to the creation of Cyberpunk 2077 and its add-on, Phantom Liberty.

Beyond my professional journey, my heart finds joy in gaming, traveling, and indulging myself in the guilty pleasure of watching bad horror movies 🙂

As we embark on this journey together, I am dedicated to guiding you in:

  • grasping the fundamentals of design,
  • navigating design pipelines, from initial stages to feature delivery,
  • understanding the key principles of effective design,
  • acclimating you to the game development landscape and assisting you in identifying your niche within it.