
Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
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Poznaj nasze Mentorki i Mentorów i wybierz z kim chciałabyś współpracować.

Tetyana Meleshchenko

Senior Engineer, AI


Mentoring with Tetyana Meleshchenko will be in English only, so the interview with the candidate will also be in English.


I knew I wanted to be an AI programmer since I was a kid, after seeing that Robocop 3 scene where a girl reprograms a robot and saves the day 🙂 Being an avid gamer, to work on AI in the gamedev industry is truly like living a dream.

I’ve been working as a programmer for almost 17 years, 8+ of them in CD PROJEKT RED: first on Witcher 3, then CP and now Polaris. My day-to-day tasks revolve around behaviors of the NPCs and creating tools for content creators for implementing those, but often go beyond that, and that’s the beauty of gamedev: there’s always something new to learn every day.

In my free time, I love learning new languages and studying some neuroscience, playing games (duh!), and challenges of different sorts: either physical (can you do 100 burpees in 10 minutes?) or intellectual (Advent of Code).

I can help you with:

  • work with the game engines like Unreal Engine or Unity;
  • programming in C++;
  • 3D math and algorithms;
  • code optimization, debugging and troubleshooting.