
Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
których celem jest rozwój uczestniczek, otwarcie ich na branżę gier wideo i poszerzenie
ich wiedzy na jej temat.

Poznaj nasze Mentorki i Mentorów i wybierz z kim chciałabyś współpracować.

Gabriela Pešková

Graphic Designer


Mentoring with Gabriela Pešková will be in English only, so the interview with the candidate will also be in English.


I am a graphic designer, originally from Czech Republic. I got a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in multimedia arts and graphic design. I have always loved games and thought I won’t ever be able to work in the videogame industry due to not knowing any technical fields and feeling like graphic design is not enough to get it. Well, I almost fooled myself!

I was working in a graphic studio and after 3 years I was able to join CD PROJEKT RED and fulfill my dream. I worked mainly on Cyberpunk 2077 launch assets, both digital and physical, merchandise, various promotional stuff, Dziewczyny w Grze! visual style and more.

In my personal life, I enjoy gaming, watching various tv shows and making cosplays. I also have a dog Freya which takes up most of my life and am a long-time Witcher fan.

I will help you gain knowledge and develop skills in the field of:

  • Moodboards
  • IP branding development
  • Experimenting and discovering where we can go in visuals of the brand
  • Good visual communication with the audience.