A downloadable game for Windows

Destroy the Death Star in a VR remake of a 1983 Atari classic arcade game.  Pilot an X-Wing as you destroy TIE fighters, Turbolaser turrets, and avoid Darth Vader while making an attack run. Created at the University of Utah by Dylan Stout as a research project on Virtual Reality Sickness. 

Full gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XFaFUmAe2M

Current Release: 0.81

Next Release: 0.89 (Survival - coming November) 


Project Stardust - v08.zip 1.6 GB
Project Stardust - v081.zip 1.8 GB
Project Stardust - v081.zip 1.8 GB

Install instructions

  1. Unzip entire contents of "Project Stardust vX.zip" to install directory of your choice. (X to signify version number)
  2. Install SteamVR if not already installed (Free)
  3. Run "Project Stardust.exe" to launch game. This should open SteamVR and VR platform specific software to run game, along with the game launcher.
  4. At game launcher, select graphical quality and resolution for your system capabilities.
    1. Default - 2k Textures, no Anti-aliasing, Bloom lowest quality, no shadows
    2. High - 4k Textures, 2x MSAA, Bloom medium quality, no shadows
    3. Ultra - 4k Textures, 4x MSAA, Bloom highest quality, medium view distance shadows
  5. (Optional) If VR controllers used, check controls layout in readme and follow instructions to remap to your liking in SteamVR settings.
  6. (Optional) If HOTAS or Gamepad used, check controls layout in readme and follow instructions for custom remap in the game settings when launched.
  7. Click "Play" to launch Project Stardust and continue in VR headset
  8. Point VR controllers at menu items and press UI Interaction button to navigate main menu.
    1. If controllers do not show up in main menu continue to Troubleshooting Steps


  • [Added] Created a full html user README for running and configuring the game
  • [Added] Controller support & extended HOTAS support with Rewired
  • [Added] Default keyboard and gamepad mappings
  • [Added] Controller remapping scene on Desktop in main menu
  • [Added] Virtual HOTAS in cockpit can now be toggled, grabbed, and rotated with oculus touch controllers (not tested on other systems) control over X-Wing flight with virtual hotas not fully implemented
  • [Added] Ability to hide/show virtual HOTAS in cockpit
  • [Added] Ability to hide/show controllers in hands
  • [Updated] Change WMR controller layout to allow all cockpit actions via directional touch-pad mappings.
  • [Updated] Change Dashboard button colliders to be larger and have no overlap to allow for easier use.
  • [Updated] New textures for player wings and engines, for better fidelity when compressed in release
  • [Updated] Change compression ratios on larger textures to hopefully prevent the start crashes that seem to happen erratically on some systems. Think this may be a texture memory limitation issue, due to the fact that I pre-load the entire player X-Wing model/textures on startup since they require the most memory in a scene.
  • [Updated] Death Star Texture on Stage One & Three
  • [Fixed] Shadow near field plane on Ultra settings causes flickering; removed near field plane.
  • [Fixed] WMR mapping for roll movement is now not inverted in default mapping
  • [Fixed] Set skeleton default mappings for Index finger movements. Not able to test if poses still work while gripping controllers.
  • [Fixed] Valve Index recenter action not mapped on controllers
  • [Fixed] Auto-targeting gets stuck on some Tie Fighters even when switching out of Auto-aim mode
  • [Fixed] Increased timer for allowable "Out of Bounds" travel time.

Development log