Last updated on November 1, 2023

Comet, Stellar Pup - Illustration by Jeff Miracola

Comet, Stellar Pup | Illustration by Jeff Miracola

Greetings planeswalkers! Today it’s time to go over the Draft format of the latest Un-set, Unfinity. You could consider this one of my “Ultimate Guides” if you want, but I'll be going into a bit less detail than normal given the casual nature of the product.

I still have everything you need for success though. Expect to learn the archetypes, how to use attractions and stickers, and what bombs (or ”bombs”) you might open. Without further ado, let’s dive into Unfinity Draft!

Casual Draft Philosophy

Opening Ceremony - Illustration by Greg Bobrowski

Opening Ceremony | Illustration by Greg Bobrowski

Before getting into the meat and potatoes of the set I wanted to touch on how best to approach a format where winning is a secondary goal. Going into Unfinity like any other Draft set is kind of missing the point.

While your store might still have payouts based on Draft record there’s such an obvious change to the “spirit of the game” when playing a set like this. Just picture your local grinder trying to rules lawyer their 10-year-old opponent that they were standing too close for Dart Throw (“Judge! My opponent was only 2.95 feet away, I measured it!”) and you’ll see what I mean. Pure, uh, cringe,right?

So my philosophy for drafting sets like this is simple: don’t be cringe! You should still be directionally aligned towards winning (if not outright trying) since there’s nothing “fun” to me about getting mana screwed or building an unplayable deck. But at the same time my goal for every Draft of this set above all else is to do something fun.

My philosophy is: use basic archetype drafting and good deckbuilding fundamentals to make sure your deck is functional and then use the leverage that creates to try to pull off something neat like Form of the Approach of the Second Sun. And don’t get tilted if you lose to shenanigans. That’s the point of the set!


Attractions are a core facet of theme parks and a big feature in this set. They’re particularly notable because they start in a completely different deck. They’re similar to contraptions in that they don’t have a normal Magic card back.

Some rules for the attraction deck are as follows:

  • You need to have at least three attractions to build an attraction deck. There’s no maximum number.
  • You have to spend Draft picks on attractions to build your attraction deck.
  • There’s no restriction on playing attractions of the same name, similar to other Limited cards.

You need to play a card with “open an attraction” to actually use attractions. That flips the top card of your attraction deck into play which causes you to visit your attractions each turn.

Dart Throw (d)

Visiting your attractions happens automatically as you begin the first main phase on each of your turns. Just roll a d6 and visit each attraction that corresponds to the result. You can see which results correspond by looking to the bottom right side of an attraction card. The Dart Throw above lets you play it on a 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Note that all of the attractions have different variants that work the same except they have different eligible die rolls. The number 1 on these cards never activates them, while the number 6 always does.

Attractions are a major draft mechanic for Golgari () and Dimir () but can be engaged with to varying degrees in other archetypes. You might want to prioritize them, pick up just enough to make the attraction deck, or ignore them entirely depending on your deck.


Stickers are another core mechanic in Unfinity. There are four kinds of stickers in this set:

  • Name stickers
  • Ability stickers
  • Art stickers
  • Power/toughness stickers
Unfinity sticker sheet (Urza's Dark Cannoball)

Each of these stickers has a corresponding Draft archetype that I’ll cover later. As for the stickers themselves you can see what they look like above. It’s important to remember that you have to spend tickets to buy ability and PT stickers, but not name or art stickers. Tickets are an alternate resource generated by cards like Park Bleater and as a prize for winning certain attractions.

You can put stickers on your cards by playing cards that say “you may put a sticker.” Some cards just say “a sticker” (meaning you can put whatever you pay for), while others specify what kind of sticker you can use.

You can use the stickers that you open from your three packs. You don’t have to draft them, but you also can’t pick whichever ones you want. There are 48 different sticker sheets in the set, so expect the unexpected!


For all its apparent gimmicky-ness, Unfinity has 10 2-color Draft pairs like any normal set. Some of these archetypes overlap nicely while others are basically doing their own thing entirely.

Azorius Name Stickers

Angelic Harold

Azorius’ () signpost uncommon is Angelic Harold, which shows off its theme in this set. Namely (heh) putting name stickers on things and getting all sorts of bonuses for doing so. In another world, this is a candidate for a fun Unfinity commander.

The most reliable cards to build around for Azorius are those that care about you placing a name sticker. Some good payoffs for this archetype include A Good Day to Pie, _____ _____ _____ Trespasser, and Make a _____ Splash. Wizards of the _____ is one of my favorite commons for this deck because it’s a great value creature with a bit of name synergy.

Dimir Roll Control

Dee Kay, Finder of the Lost

Dimir’s signpost uncommon is Dee Kay, Finder of the Lost (“dee kay”=decay, get it?). This archetype is often a grindy 2-color combo, but its approach to grindy-ness in Unfinity is rather novel since attractions are your main form of card advantage.

Attractions themselves are rather unreliable, but that’s what you signed up for by playing an Un-set, right? You’re in a great position to get extra value out of Dee Kay and Night Shift of the Living Dead since attractions roll dice every single turn. Common removal spells like Boing! and Six-Sided Die trigger them too. And be sure to pick up Attempted Murder if you can since it’s an absolute bomb in this archetype.

Rakdos High Roller

Monoxa, Midway Manager

Rakdos’ () signpost uncommon is Monoxa, Midway Manager, a somewhat efficient creature that becomes much stronger if you can pull off some good die rolls. This makes attractions attractive to Rakdos because having at least one out lets you roll more each turn.

This is generally an aggressive strategy, so Dissatisfied Customer is a good fit here. I also like the cards I mentioned above like Six-Sided Die here.

Gruul Mass Dice

The Space Family Goblinson

The Space Family Goblinson shows off Gruul’s () approach to die rolling: quantity over quality! You’ll want to roll as many dice as you can to power up cards like it, Resolute Veggiesaur, and Goblin Girder Gang. Atomwheel Acrobats is another card I like here because it rewards you for low rolls.

While this archetype overlaps with Rakdos quite a bit (both are aggressive decks that like rolling dice), one key difference is that changing die roll results is only available in black. This further reinforces Gruul’s argument for rolling lots of dice and caring less about results.

Selesnya Ability Stickers

Tusk and Whiskers

The adorable Tusk and Whiskers show off Selesnya’s () approach to Unfinity, which is all about putting ability stickers on creatures you control. Tusk and Whiskers acts as an engine of sorts giving you extra sizing, free tickets, and lots more opportunities to put stickers on your cards.

Ticket generation is very important for this archetype since the better ability stickers can be very expensive to buy. Some great cards for this are Wicker Picker, Stiltstrider, and Finishing Move.

Orzhov Hats Matter

"Brims" Barone, Midway Mobster

“Brims” Barone, Midway Mobster is a neat card that headlines Orzhov’s () archetype in this set: hat tribal. Hat tribal is a bizarre aggro deck that seeks out creatures wearing hats. These aren’t identified for you in the text of the cards, so look closely for hats in the art on your cards!

Some cards that really excel in this archetype are Hat Trick, Park Re-Entry, T.A.P.P.E.R., Haberthrasher, and Rat in the Hat. This isn’t an exhaustive list of cards with hats on them though, so be on the lookout for creatures that can fill out your curve.

And don’t forget to bring your own hat too or else ”Brims” won’t have menace!

Izzet Art Stickers/Spells

Roxi, Publicist to the Stars

Roxi, Publicist to the Stars is Izzet’s () signpost uncommon in Unfinity, leading another archetype built around stickers (specifically art stickers). It’s a potent wincon if you can cover your board with art stickers and basically starts as at least a 2/4 flier for .

To get the most out of this archetype you want cards like Wee Champion, Proficient Pyrodancer, and Goblin Airbrusher.

Your stickers can be put on creatures you control, lands you control, or anything else. Creatures like Wee Champion encourage you to go all in on them with stickers, but you risk losing all your stickers if the creature holding them dies. A balanced approach is to spread the love and occasionally sticker up your lands.

Golgari Attractions

Spinnerette, Arachnobat

Spinnerette, Arachnobat (neat pun) heads my favorite archetype in this set. It’s a decent creature that blocks fliers, has a bit of ETB value, and attacks better later on.

To build a good Golgari () deck you want to focus on drafting the best attractions, ways to open them (Coming Attraction, Petting Zookeeper, Squirrel Squatters), and some removal to slow down the game.

You’ll have all sorts of time to sit by blockers and do things of questionable value like Dart Throw, Push Your Luck, and Memory Test if you can stop your opponent from killing you. What can I say, I just love durdling!

Boros Clown Robot Tribal

Pietra, Crafter of Clowns

For those who don’t love to durdle, Pietra, Crafter of Clowns might be an appealing card to build around. It headlines Boros’ () tribal aggro deck in this set, which is, uh, “clown robot aggro.” Boros just loves attacking so much that it can’t even take a day off for an Un-set!

There aren’t a ton of cards for this theme in Unfinity, but there’s just enough between Clowning Around, Circuits Act, Assembled Ensemble, and Pietra, Crafter of Clowns to build a deck. Prioritize payoffs like Omniclown Colossus and Assembled Ensemble above all else because that’s where a lot of this archetype’s power comes from. Those are your best lead in for drafting this archetype since it’s too narrow for me to recommend that you force it.

Simic Power/Toughness Stickers

Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop

The final archetype is a bit of a ramp/stompy deck built around power/toughness stickers. Ambassador Blorpityblorpboop is the signpost uncommon for Simic () and acts as more of a value card than anything else. It can eventually bash for a ton of damage, but its second ability likely won’t add much sizing if you play it on turn 5.

Some great cards for Simic are Lineprancers, Vedalken Squirrel-Whacker, Finishing Move, and Strength-Testing Hammer. This archetype also has great overlap with Selesnya because of all the tickets it generates, so feel free to splash for great white cards if you can.

Draft Overview

Drafting Unfinity is a bit weird. You usually start with either an archetype signpost, a great uncommon that goes in multiple archetypes, or something plain funny and weird. You can then either draft around what you have or stay open to new things you get passed.

Remember that a lot of archetypes overlap with each other:

  • Azorius, Selesnya, Izzet, and Simic all have overlap, which means focusing on stickers is a good hedge if you start with white, green, or blue cards. Some sticker payoffs work fine with all kinds of stickers.
  • Die rolling is another overlap, so Rakdos and Gruul can prioritize a lot of the same cards.
  • Dimir and Golgari have the best overlap for a controlling attractions deck since they both care about value, removal, and opening attractions.
  • Orzhov and Boros are aggro decks that are mostly on their own. These are good choices if you keep getting passed payoffs for them and lack a strong other direction, or if you just want to bash some heads in with meme aggro.

Drafting attractions is one thing you’ll have to worry about, particularly if you’re playing anything with black. These are largely interchangeable, but the best ones tend to be at higher rarities. Even the worst attractions (defined as ones you can’t consistently complete) still let you roll dice and won’t prevent you from opening new ones.

Bomb Rares

Phone a Friend

Phone a Friend

Phone a Friend is gimmicky but grossly undercosted. It’s probably game-breaking no matter what you get!

Comet, Stellar Pup

Comet, Stellar Pup

Comet, Stellar Pup is a really powerful planeswalker that goes off with all the effects in this set that cares about die rolling. It’s unusual to use and a bit unreliable, but it usually puts out a bunch of value.

Urza’s Fun House

Urza's Fun House

Urza's Fun House doesn’t look usable at first glance, but all it takes is one Nearby Planet for this to add infinite mana. This is a mondo combo, and the added value from the “” mode makes this one of the best cards in the set.

Surprise Party

Surprise Party

Surprise Party has a bit of a Cheatyface subgame to it but it can win you the game on the spot if you pull it off.

Attempted Murder

Attempted Murder

Attempted Murder isn’t technically rare but makes the list anyways because it’s most definitely a “mythic uncommon” of sorts. The base rate here for “kill and make fliers” is strong, but what makes this even better is that it triggers any “when you roll” effects X times!

This is close enough to something like Stolen by the Fae that I highly recommend it.

Pregaming the Draft

Because Unfinity has a bunch of weird cards that ask you to do unconventional things for the best results, you can metagame the set by coming prepared with the following items:

  • A hat (the best hats are ones that you can easily balance objects on).
  • As many Magic-branded items as you own (Souvenir T-Shirt).
  • A rainbow shirt (an MTG pride shirt fulfills two requirements at once).
  • A list of good instants/sorceries in Standard (for Standard Procedure).
  • A staged setup for Photo Op on social media, if you’re that much of a try-hard.
  • Friends for Phone a Friend. Hopefully, you have those.

All I’d bring myself is a hat. Who metagames at an Unfinity Draft?

Wrap Up

Carnival Barker - Illustration by Dave Greco

Carnival Barker | Illustration by Dave Greco

And with that, we’ve reached the end of my Unfinity guide. I could’ve certainly gone into more detail but that would ultimately be against the spirit of the set itself. This set is truly a Draft experience like no other, and one that I hope you’ve gotten to enjoy yourself. Whether or not this set succeeds will likely inform how many other Un-sets like it we get in the future.

What do you think of Unfinity Draft? Is it too silly for you, or are you excited to go all-in for this set’s format? Let me know in the comments below or tag us in a picture of your Unfinity Draft metagame get-up over on Twitter.

Until next time, may you always come prepared for your Opening Ceremony!

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  • Avatar
    André January 24, 2023 10:41 am & and are very different websites.
    You need to change the spelling in the article under Urza’s Fun House

    • Nikki
      Nikki January 24, 2023 11:56 pm

      Totally right, thanks for pointing that out! Fixed it

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