Last updated on June 4, 2024

Inferno Titan - Illustration by Sam Burley

Inferno Titan | Illustration by Sam Burley

Ranking titans in Magic is kind of a tricky thing because all of the most well-known ones are technically giants. “Titan” as a creature type hasn’t been used much throughout Magic’s history. But let's try to run around that a little bit and look at cards that have “titan” in their name and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find that one titan you need for your deck.

I doubt you’ll be able to build a proper titan typal Commander deck, but you can always try. You can always build a completely unplayable thematic deck if you want to; I know I’ve done that a few times for the sheer fun of it.

So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!

What Are Titans in MTG?

Frost Titan - Illustration by Mike Bierek

Frost Titan | Illustration by Mike Bierek

Titans are not a creature type despite what you may expect, . At least not if you’re looking for things like Sun Titan and Primeval Titan. There are quite a few creatures that you could consider titans, but the ones I’m considering for today's list are creatures with “Titan” in their name.

One considerable overlap of most titans is that they have abilities that trigger when they enter the battlefield or attack. So, at least there's that.

The Only True Titan: Mountain Titan

Mountain Titan

Well, this is quite the quick list. Mountain Titan stands tall as the single best titan creature in Magic thanks to it being literally the only creature to have the “titan” creature type in the history of the game.

All jokes aside, this is far from the worst card out there. It’s not the greatest card ever, but it can make for reasonable filler in a casual Rakdos () EDH deck. Especially if you’re playing into a +1/+1 counter theme.

#36. Marshmist Titan

Marshmist Titan

Marshmist Titan may have had some use in Limited devotion decks as reasonable filler (casting a vanilla 4/5 for one or two mana can be pretty useful), but it hardly has any use nowadays.

#35. Gorilla Titan

Gorilla Titan

I’ve talked before about how the flavor text on this card is a prime example of bad flavor text. But okay, bad flavor text doesn’t necessarily mean the card itself is terrible. Gorilla Titan isn’t all that terrible if you manage to empty your graveyard.

A 5-mana 8/8 with trample isn’t bad at all, but keeping your own graveyard empty isn’t always easy. This could work for a couple turns in a graveyard-centric deck but it’d mean sacrificing a lot of graveyard interaction in decks that absolutely need it.

#34. Laccolith Titan

Laccolith Titan

Laccolith Titan can end up being circumstantially good. Being a decent hitter that can redirect its damage when blocked means that your opponents are essentially forced to block it, which can net you good value if it’s the biggest creature on the battlefield.

#32. Deep-Slumber Titan

Deep-Slumber Titan

Four mana for a 7/7 would be a great deal, but the drawback on this card is just a little too big. Deep-Slumber Titan comes in tapped and won’t untap unless someone somehow deals damage to it.

There are certain ways to make good use of this. You can basically make your titan act like it has vigilance if you have it and Prodigal Pyromancer on the field. Attack with it, deal one damage with Prodigal Pyromancer to untap it, and now you can use it to block. Useful, but far from wonderful.

#31. Kavu Titan

Kavu Titan

Kavu Titan is a good vanilla creature with a kicker that makes it a good vanilla creature with higher stats. It’s a very simple card, but what makes it somewhat good can also be its weakness.

I’d dare say this was a pretty good card in Limited but it is hard to find a home on a decklist.

#30. Erebos's Titan

Erebos's Titan

Four mana for a 5/5 that can sometimes become indestructible and return to your hand is reasonable from your graveyard. This card isn’t terrible per se, but it ends up being very circumstantial and specific.

Only having indestructible when your opponents control no creatures is pretty mild. It does make it impervious to targeted non-exile removal, but this is the kind of creature that needs indestructible when your opponents control creatures. 

#29. Titan of Eternal Fire

Titan of Eternal Fire

I like Titan of Eternal Fire from a pure design and lore standpoint. This card is clearly Theros' stand-in for Prometheus, and I think its effect conveys that pretty well. I'd like it if it was a legendary creature purely to make the Prometheus parallelism a bit nicer.

The effect requiring you to pay mana on top of tapping your humans makes it slightly weaker than it could be. And the sheer stats on this are fine, but nothing too extreme.

#28. Granitic Titan

Granitic Titan

Big creatures with menace are always a good thing in my opinion. You either hit your opponent for significant damage or you force them to lose creatures they may need.

Granitic Titan also has cycling as an extra advantage, which has proved to be a really useful ability that has had a ton of support throughout the years.

#27. Opal Titan

Opal Titan

This isn’t technically a creature at face value, but I’ll count it anyways. While very circumstantial, Opal Titan’s ability means that it’ll almost always have protection against at least one color.

This is just a 4/4 creature with extra steps if your opponents play a ton of colorless creatures, and even with the influx of devoid creatures in Modern Horizons III, most players play more colored creatures than they do colorless.

#26. Changeling Titan

Changeling Titan

Okay, I may have been wrong before. Mountain Titan isn’t the only card with the titan creature type. Changelings count too, and this one even has “Titan” in its name. Being all creature types at once is always a huge advantage because you can fit this card into almost every tribal deck, and it can make use of cards that care about creature types.

Changeling Titan also has a great stat-to-cost ratio. The only real drawback is having to champion a creature, but you can just champion some token or weak creature since any creature works.

#25. Sludge Titan

Sludge Titan

Maybe I don't play enough graveyard themes to fully appreciate this card's self-mill and recycling. If you want consistent graveyard filling, Sludge Titan does a great job, but is the mana cost right for when you want to fill your graveyard?

#24. Doomskar Titan

Doomskar Titan

Both of Doomskar Titan‘s effects can prove to be really useful. Foretell is a great way to reduce a card’s cost, even if just a little bit, and it synergizes well in things like Prosper, Tome-Bound decks.

What’s even better is the fact that Doomskar gives all of your creatures +1/+0 and haste. It’s clearly not the single most overpowering effect out there, but it can mean a strong swing to put pressure on your opponents if you have a ton of creatures.

#23. Sundering Titan

Sundering Titan

Some of you may be wondering why such a strong card is so low on this list. That’s because Sundering Titan is banned in Commander, and I have to say I agree with that choice because I absolutely dislike this card and find it extremely unfun in formats like EDH. Being able to destroy one of each basic land whenever it enters or leaves the battlefield is more annoying than anything else.

Sundering can be really useful to slow your opponents down and be able to remove their basic lands, and this effect triggers whenever it enters or leaves the battlefield, which means it’s repeatable. If you’re gonna play land removal, play a good old Jokulhaups and properly ruin the game for everyone, yourself included.

#22. Primeval Titan

Primeval Titan

Primeval Titan is ironically also banned in Commander, but for the opposite reason as Sundering Titan. The entire game will revolve around this card the second it enters the battlefield. And you’ll be left behind in the game if you have no way to answer it.

Keep in mind that this card can fetch you any two lands each turn, which is a ridiculous advantage in almost any deck.

#21. Blight Titan

Blight Titan

I want to think of Blight Titan as a nerfed Grave Titan since paying to get your creatures is really significant. Otherwise, I love the scalability of caring about the number of creatures in your graveyard.

#20. Salvage Titan

Salvage Titan

The simple reason for why Salvage Titan is great is that artifact decks have a ton of synergy, all the time. Having three artifacts to sacrifice is absurdly easy. It’s even easy for non-artifact decks nowadays, especially with tokens like treasure, food, and clues, etc. being so popular and well-supported.

Its second ability is also amazing, but it does force it into more artifact-heavy decks. 

#19. Titan of Industry

Titan of Industry

We keep up with the ETB theme in titans with Titan of Industry from Streets of New Capenna. This is a card that isn’t particularly easy to cast if you’re playing multicolored decks, but you’re gonna get some nice rewards if you manage to do it. Getting a 7/7 with reach and trample, a 4/4 creature, and destroying an artifact or enchantment for seven mana is great value.

I think gaining five life and putting a shield counter on another creature are pretty circumstantial effects, but having the choice out of four options is amazing.

#18. Prophetic Titan

Prophetic Titan

I dare say that Prophetic Titan and Titan of Industry can swap places if you want. They’re very similar with particular advantages and drawbacks. This card plays right into its colors’ strengths.

Any Izzet () deck is sure to have at least four spells in the graveyard by turn 6, so you’re sure to get both effects out of this titan.

#17. Marble Titan

Marble Titan

Marble Titan is a card that works great when you’re not playing other titans. Effects like this one can turn an EDH game around. And you might make some enemies at the table if you’re able to protect this creature with something like hexproof.

#16. Towering Titan

Towering Titan

I personally love cards that care more about toughness than power. I think it’s original and it makes use of the typical stats in innovative ways. This card does exactly that, getting +1/+1 counters equal to your creatures’ added toughness when it enters the battlefield.

Towering Titan is clearly designed for a toughness- and defender-heavy deck, which can be super interesting to build in Commander. This would be a wonderful addition if you’re building an Arcades, the Strategist deck.

#15. Phytotitan


At this point I don’t think I need to explain why a mono-green, six mana, 7/2 creature that returns to the battlefield from the graveyard is amazing. Phytotitan can be extremely useful in both graveyard and sacrifice decks.

Even in regular decks, a recurring giant creature is always useful. Except maybe a deck that plays around Towering Titan specifically.

#14. Jareth, Leonine Titan

Jareth, Leonine Titan

Going back to more defense-oriented titans, Jareth, Leonine Titan makes for an incredible blocker. There aren’t a lot of creatures that can face up against an 11/14 blocker, and 4/7 isn’t a shabby attack either. 

Let’s also add the bonus that you can give it protection against a color of your choice for a single white mana. An amazing addition to almost any white deck in need of large creatures.

#13. Reaver Titan

Reaver Titan

If you know how much removal goes in Commander decks you know that a ton of the staple removal is three mana or less, and Reaver Titan says “not today” to those spells. Not to mention tokens have no chance at quadruple blocking this. Double digit stats and a Lava Axe to all opponents upon attack is really cool too.

#12. Daemogoth Titan

Daemogoth Titan

Daemogoth Titan is a beast of a card that could feel like it has a slightly-too-big drawback if the set it came out on wasn’t chock full of token generators. Specifically tokens that allow you to gain life whenever you sacrifice them.

I’d argue this is a better version of Doomgape thanks to its lower cost and the fact that it only forces you to sacrifice if it attacks or blocks, but Doomgape gains you life which can help a ton. In either case, both can be decent additions to graveyard and sacrifice-heavy decks.

#11. Frost Titan

Frost Titan

Frost Titan is, in my opinion, the worst out of the five most well-known mono-colored titans. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad card, but the other four titans are just better.

On a more positive note, this is a solid card in terms of stats. You also get the upside of tapping your opponents’ creatures and having ward 2.

#10. Mechtitan Core

Mechtitan Core

Mechtitan Core barely counts because it’s not exactly a titan per se, but none of the cards on this list are really a titan either so that means I make the rules here. And I’m absolutely obligated to include this card considering it becomes a Megazord.

Unfortunately it only works once since you need to exile it permanently, and you need another four other artifacts, but the payoff is more than worth it. And you get to put a Megazord on your field; who wouldn’t want that?

#9. Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury

Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury

If history has taught me anything, titans that have escape are pretty darn good. Boros () is not great at filling the graveyard, but the very threat of Lightning Helix every attack is powerful. Don't under estimate Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury.

#8. Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger

I’m honestly disappointed that we only got two titans in the latest Theros set. As a mythology enthusiast I really like the design behind them, and as a Rakdos player I really like Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger specifically.

Forcing all opponents to discard for two mana when Kroxa enters the battlefield isn’t bad at all, not to mention that having to sacrifice it can trigger quite a few abilities in Rakdos permanents. And the escape cost isn’t too bad, either. Getting five other cards in your graveyard can take some effort in certain decks, but it’s not impossible at all. And you get to repeat its effect every time you attack once it escapes.

#7. Inferno Titan

Inferno Titan

Not unlike the other cards in this cycle, Inferno Titan is a very mono-red card. Having fire breathing is always good, and the ETB/attacks ability means you get to cast a free Lightning Bolt whenever you attack, which you can also divide among three targets if you want to.

#6. Triplicate Titan

Triplicate Titan

Triplicate Titan’s cost can be a little high at face value at nine mana. Not only do you get a 9/9 flying, vigilance, trample creature, but you also get three 3/3s with those abilities when Triplicate dies.

#5. Titan of Littjara

Titan of Littjara

Titan of Littjara has the incredible ability to net you a lot of cards, especially considering your merfolk or drake tokens will count. If you've got at least one of those creatures you chose, you get to loot every turn. At best you're doing better than Sanctum of Calm Waters since there's far more of the creatures you chose than shrines. Call this a titan of card advantage.

#4. Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath

I’ve already praised the design behind the titans from Theros: Beyond Death. Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, one of MTG's best giants, doesn’t fall behind at all. This card’s ability falls perfectly in line with Simic () landfall EDH decks.

I’d dare argue that getting five cards to exile from your graveyard to activate escape can be harder than in a Rakdos deck, but it’s more than doable and the rewards are pretty high.

#3. Kogla, the Titan Ape

Kogla, the Titan Ape

If you were around to play Standard when Kogla, the Titan Ape was around then you’re probably aware that it basically meant you had to concede the game. Okay, I’m exaggerating a little, but the Titan Ape does pretty much anything you’d want a mono-green card to do.

Kogla may not make for a great commander, but it’s definitely an amazing add for any green deck. Especially ones that focus on big creatures.

#2. Grave Titan

Grave Titan

You knew what the top two cards on this list were gonna be. They’re just too amazing.

Grave Titan is already a huge creature. Add to that the fact that it can destroy almost any creature even if they’re stronger and you get to create two zombie creatures whenever it enters the battlefield or attacks. This card being black also means that any deck it’s in has a big chance of having cards that can bring it back from the graveyard, so you shouldn’t be too afraid to attack with it and fill your field with zombies.

#1. Sun Titan

Sun Titan

Talk about bringing things back from the graveyard. White decks have a tendency to have low-costed permanents, and being able to bring one of them back to the battlefield every time you attack with Sun Titan is great.

Vigilance also makes this arguably the best out of the five big titans to have attacking every turn since it doesn’t get tapped and you can use it to block later. An all-around solid card.

Best Titan Payoffs

This can be hard to pick since titans aren’t really a creature type. If you’re looking to make something like a titan deck, here are a few strategies I'd focus on.

Anything that benefits from playing or having large creatures is a solid strat. Almost all titans have power greater than 4, so ferocious cards like Bonders' Enclave, Colossal Majesty and Garruk's Uprising come in handy. Mayael's Aria is a neat growing anthem that triggers easily with virtually all the titans above, and you don't need to play it for the alternate win condition.

The most popular titans (including the mono-colored cycle and THB’s titans) have abilities that trigger when they enter the battlefield or attack. So having cards that let you repeatedly blink your titans, or attack, can give you a safe way to exploit their abilities.

And this may seem obvious, but anything that benefits giants works on almost all titans. Save a few exceptions which are usually the least interesting ones, all titans are actually giants, so make use of Aegar, the Freezing Flame, Calamity Bearer, Sunrise Sovereign, and basically every other card that could fit right into giant typal decks.

Wrap Up

Sundering Titan - Illustration by Grzegorz Rutkowski

Sundering Titan | Illustration by Grzegorz Rutkowski

If you came here to find the best way to build titans, I’m sorry to have been the one to let you know there’s exactly one creature with the “titan” type. That said, I do like that the whole “enters the battlefield or attacks” thing became relevant to titans specifically. 

But enough about me. What do you think about titans? Do you want them to become a proper creature type? Do you play any titans in your EDH decks? Feel free to leave a comment below or give as an answer over on Twitter.

That’s all from me for now. See you next time, and have a good one!

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