Last updated on July 8, 2024

Gavi, Nest Warden - Illustration by Randy Vargas

Gavi, Nest Warden | Illustration by Randy Vargas

Jeskai () commanders offer a plethora of archetypes, from tempo to control and combo. You can surprise your opponents with a horde of monks, use energy in your favor, or cheat out giant 9+ mana spells. And to that end, the choice of who leads your Commander deck in battle is crucial.

Blue, red, and white is the color identity of non-creatures spells in Magic, the prowess combination if you will. More often than not, your creatures will be few and far between, but the ones that stick will hit your opponents hard.

With that in mind, let’s look at all the best Jeskai commanders, and how to better choose your tools for the job.

Why Go with a Jeskai Commander?

Zedruu the Greathearted - Illustration by Mark Zug

Zedruu the Greathearted | Illustration by Mark Zug

Don’t you wish you could combine the card advantage and proactive play of blue with the tempo and direct removal of Boros ()? Luckily for you we have one of the most powerful tempo-oriented color combinations ever, the Jeskai way!

The Jeskai pride themselves on their cunning strategy and wisdom and they perfectly represent these characteristics through their strategies and playstyle. If drawing tons of cards, blowing up enemy permanents, and exiling your opponent’s critical combo pieces sounds like fun, then it’s time to start mulling over your options for a commander.

#36. Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart, from Doctor Who, is a commander that works with time counters. You'll make a 1/1 when you put time counters on something, and you can buff your creatures later. The thing is, you’ll usually take time counters off spells rather than put them on, unless you’re doing weird stuff like proliferating the time counters so that your vanishing creatures stay a little longer.

I see Kate Stewart as more of a support card in a suspend-based strategy than as a commander. There are some cards that work well with it, like Hourglass of the Lost, The War Doctor, Rose Tyler, or As Foretold, not to mention some vanishing cards.

There’s also Dreamtide Whale from Modern Horizons 3, which is a strong beater. You can proliferate to keep the card alive, but it’s a stretch to make this deck work.

#35. The Face of Boe

The Face of Boe

The biggest aspect of The Face of Boe is that it’s meant to do broken stuff with suspend cards. You can cast Greater Gargadon from your hand by paying only a red mana, or cast a Restore Balance by paying a single white. Or true Ancestral Recall via Ancestral Vision. Sadly you can only do this once per turn, and your opponents will think twice before letting you untap with a game-warping commander like The Face of Boe.

It can be an interesting Jeskai commander in a long game, and you can play the early game by suspending some spells and controlling the board.

#34. Cayth, Famed Mechanist

Cayth, Famed Mechanist

Hailing from the Modern Horizons 3 Commander precons, Cayth, Famed Mechanist offers an interesting take on artifacts and tokens.

This Jeskai commander can be built around the fabricate mechanic, so your creatures either ETB with an additional +1/+1 counter or with an artifact token. You can also proliferate or populate once per turn, which goes well with cards that make big tokens or +1/+1 counter synergies – without green, that is. Planeswalkers can also benefit from the extra proliferate that’s going on, or affinity cards can benefit from all the Servos.

#33. Dr. Madison Li

Dr. Madison Li

Dr. Madison Li, from Fallout, is your build-around energy commander, allowing you to gain a steady amount of energy by playing artifacts and other cards that grant energy. Then you can use energy to buff a creature, draw a card, or reanimate an artifact.

You’re playing blue, so looting big artifacts away is key. Look out for cards like Izzet Generatorium, a card that rewards you for spending energy. And if you’re spending your turn to give +1/+0 and haste to a creature, it’d better be worth it, so you can include a big chonker or two.

#32. Saint Traft and Rem Karolus

Saint Traft and Rem Karolus

Saint Traft and Rem Karolus is a team up straight from March of the Machine. This commander leans into the convoke mechanic to generate numerous tokens each turn.

Convoke spells are a great place to start. The MOM precon gave you some powerful options with cards like Flockchaser Phantom and Wand of the Worldsoul that give your spells convoke. The main set also gave us some powerful effects like City on Fire and Transcendent Message to juice this commander up with.

You can also draw on plenty of classic convoke cards. Venerated Loxodon does a great job of boosting the power of the tokens you're making. Hour of Reckoning and Bennie Bracks, Zoologist also add more value to your tokens, while Clever Concealment protects us from wraths.

You can also draw on cards that benefit from your creatures getting tapped. Halo Fountain can be powerful with tap and untap synergies. Jeskai Ascendancy does some crazy “ramping” by untapping your creatures in the convoke deck, and Drumbellower doubles the amount of convoking you can do.

#31. Akim, the Soaring Wind

Akim, the Soaring Wind

There's another token commander in Akim, the Soaring Wind, though this bird doesn’t care much about convoking. Akim pulls double duty as a token generator and a finisher thanks to a powerful activated ability.

You'll start by loading this up with token producers. Secure the Wastes and Finale of Glory make tons of tokens. You can also look to make tokens with cards like Deekah, Fractal Theorist and Talrand, Sky Summoner as an added effect to casting spells.

You want to find ways to circumvent Akim only doing the thing once per turn. Effects like Strionic Resonator double up the triggers, but my preferred method is making extra copies. Spark Double and Irenicus's Vile Duplication make nonlegendary copies of Akim to get multiple triggers each turn.

#30. Numot, the Devastator

Numot, the Devastator

Who said your opponents get to cast spells? Numot, the Devastator is a Jeskai commander all about land destruction. It can be slow as a 6-mana commander that needs to deal damage but can also take players out of the game.

You'll absolutely be the villain with this commander and lean hard into land destruction. Blowing up two lands won’t be enough; you have to consistently pressure the mana base. Price of Glory is perfectly fair because your opponents need to choose between losing lands or giving up on interaction. The same can’t be said for cards like Armageddon, Ravages of War, Wildfire, Fall of the Thran, and Impending Disaster. If you weren’t meant to destroy all lands, why is it so easy?

You'll also need some counterplay to make sure you come out ahead. Avacyn, Angel of Hope prevents your lands from getting destroyed. You can also respond to your land destruction with a Teferi's Protection to keep your lands safe and prevent your opponents from retaliating. Cards like Serra Paragon and Crucible of Worlds let you play lands from the graveyard, so you have more access than your opponents.

Artifact interaction is also a vital part of a mana disruption strategy; blowing up a few lands is less effective if your opponents have played a bunch of Signets by the time you get to Wildfire. A few cards like Stony Silence and Vandalblast set them even further behind.

#29. Rory Williams + Amy Pond

Rory Williams Amy Pond

Rory Williams partnered with Amy Pond make an interesting Jeskai duo based on suspend spell synergies. Rory is a pushed card as a 3/3 with first strike and lifelink for only 2 mana. You can’t cast it, only suspend it with three time counters. On the other hand, Amy Pond takes suspend counters off cards when it deals combat damage to a player, so you can cast Amy, suspend Rory, hit with Amy, take two counters off Rory, and so on.

There are many cards in the Universes Beyond Doctor Who set that have suspend or synergize with suspend, such as the time travel mechanic, and you can also play the old Time Spiral classics. Together, they offer you a good aggro start, but it’s hard to attack with a 2/2 later in the game or wait three turns for Rory to come back. That’s where the good and expensive suspend spells help you.

#28. Gandalf of the Secret Fire

Gandalf of the Secret Fire

This Jeskai commander from the Lord of the Rings Magic set exiles spells with three time counters when you cast them on opponents' turns. Gandalf of the Secret Fire is best friends with most spellslinger payoffs, because there are going to be instants flying around the battlefield.

Tools like Hypersonic Dragon and Vedalken Orrery let you cast sorceries on your opponents' turns. Also, cards that benefit you for playing cards from exile are very good, so be sure to include Vega, the Watcher in your deck. Cast a spell, wait some turns, then it’s cast again and you reap the rewards. And if you’re going that route, might as well include some foretell and plot cards, too. 

#27. Commodore Guff

Commodore Guff
Commodore Guff is a great super friend that supports planeswalkers and should be best friends with Ajani Steadfast. Planeswalkers that put out mana dorks on a plus one and have a starting loyalty greater than their mana value are usually really good. You'll be in great shape if you can ever get X on the -3 ability to equal 3 or greater.

#26. Immard, the Stormcleaver / Guile, Sonic Soldier

The best route to take Immard, the Stormcleaver is a soldierproliferate strategy that wants to attack often and hit hard.

You start by assembling a force of soldiers. The Brothers’ War gave the archetype some bangers like Skystrike Officer, Harbin, Vanguard Aviator, and Myrel, Shield of Argive. There are still plenty of classic soldier cards to draw on like Captain of the Watch and Field Marshal to buff the team.

Token generation is another piece of the puzzle. Lots of soldier cards work well with tokens. You can make soldiers gradually with cards like Assemble the Legion and Elspeth, Sun's Champion, or all at once will massive spells like Martial Coup and Deploy to the Front.

You'll look to buff your team with +1/+1 counters from sources like Felidar Retreat and Basri's Solidarity. This is where proliferate comes to play. Cards like Experimental Augury, Inexorable Tide, and Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus give Immard, or the Street Fighter Guile, plenty of charge counters while making the rest of your team huge.

#25. Leori, Sparktouched Hunter

Leori, Sparktouched Hunter

Leori, Sparktouched Hunter is one of the strangest and most curious Jeskai commanders.

It’s a combat-oriented legend that has flying and vigilance, two good combat keywords. When you deal combat damage to a player, you’ll choose a planeswalker type – like Jace, or Chandra. That’s a Chandra typal commander if I’ve ever seen one. You can play cards like Chandra's Regulator, Chandra, Acolyte of Flame, Chandra's Embercat, and more. But what about Teferi typal? Or maybe Jace, or all-mixed. This elemental cat is probably the best support that red planeswalkers have, and once you’re activating their abilities twice per turn, you know you have something good going on.

#24. Éowyn, Shieldmaiden

Éowyn, Shieldmaiden

You gotta love a token generator that creates good tokens that can attack right away. Humans are one of the deepest kindred types, and though six is a lot to earn the extra card, Éowyn, Shieldmaiden helps you get there quick since the ability triggers on any humans, including tokens.

Éowyn says thank you to Thraben Doomsayer and Outlaws' Merriment, just be sure you can play your humans before the start of combat. Five power on your first striker and the threat of consistent card draw and you get a card fit to kill a Witch-king.

#23. Gnostro, Voice of the Crags

Gnostro, Voice of the Crags

Gnostro, Voice of the Crags gives us our first storm commander in Jeskai. This friendly chimera wants you to cast tons of spells to get value from the tap ability.

You'll start by looking at ways to untap Gnostro. This will be super useful to get the most value from your commander on turns you can’t win. You'll get ahead on board if you shoot several big threats. Jeskai Ascendancy is the best of these as it lets you use Gnostro as you cast more and more cards. You can also use Cerulean Wisps, Refocus, and Shore Up as extra untap options.

Then you'll need a way to get a win from casting all your spells. Phyrexian Vindicator and Stuffy Doll let you redirect massive damage from Gnostro to your opponents. You can also use actual storm cards like Ignite Memories and Temporal Fissure to try and get a win.

There are also plenty of non-storm ways to go about this. Niv-Mizzet, Parun is a great win condition in a storm-esque deck that puts lots of damage on the board while keeping the cards flowing. You'll also get a ton of value from cards like Talrand, Sky Summoner, and Urabrask as you cast more instants and sorceries. Aetherflux Reservoir is an especially appealing option; it doesn’t take much for Gnostro to let you hit the 50-life threshold, then you're just a Sydri, Galvanic Genius away from a win.

#22. Zurgo and Ojutai

Zurgo and Ojutai

Next up let's move away from combo to something simpler: dragons! Zurgo and Ojutai is another MOM team-up card that wants to helm a dragon deck. This lets you see a bunch of cards every game while dishing out damage, and even has protection if you’re willing to cast it every turn.

Dragons have a lot of good ramp options in red with Dragonlord's Servant and Dragonspeaker Shaman, which are useful for a creature type defined by being big. Aftermath brought another option with Sarkhan, Soul Aflame, which ramps you while providing extra pressure.

You'll want to back these up with some powerful dragons. This is a well-supported creature type with some absolute classics like Balefire Dragon, Utvava Hellkite, and Ojutai, Soul of Winter. These get supported by newer dragons like Goldspan Dragon, Terror of the Peaks, and the ancient dragon cycle from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate.

#21. Dynaheir, Invoker Adept

Dynaheir, Invoker Adept

Dynaheir, Invoker Adept is an interesting commander that cares about activated abilities. Giving your team pseudo-haste is a powerful ability, especially when built around cards with powerful activated abilities.

One way to break this wide open is by generating tons of mana. Blue has tons of cards like Fatestitcher, Aphetto Alchemist, and Nimbleclaw Adept that tap to untap other permanents. You can pair these with mana rocks that generate a bunch of mana like Basalt Monolith and Relic of Legends to generate a bunch of mana each turn and play more tappers than untap the rocks that tapped them. These cards are also strong with lands that tap for multiple mana like Lotus Field.

Once you've generated all this mana, you'll need activated abilities to spend it on to use Dynaheir’s activated ability. Triskaidekaphile is my favorite option for a cheeky alternate win condition. Timestream Navigator lets you take a bunch of turns, Mystic Archaeologist draws tons of cards, and you can put a lot of pressure on the board by copying Orthion, Hero of Lavabrink’s second ability.

#20. Liberty Prime, Recharged

Liberty Prime, Recharged

Liberty Prime, Recharged is more of an energy payoff than an energy builder. It’s a powerful 8/8 hasty creature for only 5 mana, but the catch is that you need to spend energy to use it. Of course, you can play it as a Voltron commander and sacrifice some artifacts to draw cards and get energy while your reserves are down, and you can surround this commander with energy-generating cards, too.

Another interesting option for this Jeskai commander is to conserve energy and use it to crew vehicles like Shorikai, Genesis Engine, Consulate Dreadnought, and Parhelion II.

#19. Ruhan of the Fomori

Ruhan of the Fomori

Ruhan of the Fomori is a Jeskai commander for the player who can’t quite let go of their tendencies to play Gruul (). Ruhan hits hard, fast, and often without much care for where it's going, so long as smashing something is the result.

This is a Voltron build with a few specific options. You can lean on some typal support from cards like Calamity Bearer and Aegar, the Freezing Flame for extra damage and card draw respectively. Raiyuu, Storm's Edge helps generate extra combats, while Boldwyr Intimidator and Kargan Intimidator put your opponents in their place.

As a Voltron deck you'll need some ways to buff Ruhan. Whispersilk Cloak is an option that lets it get through for free, while equipment like Fireshrieker and Embercleave help Ruhan hit even harder.

Pairing Ruhan with goad cards is also an excellent choice. Spells like Disrupt Decorum and Vengeful Ancestor force your opponents in on the aggressive fun, which makes it easier for Ruhan to attack. Goad also makes the game more interesting by forcing players to take more game actions.

#18. Hinata, Dawn-Crowned

Hinata, Dawn-Crowned

Hinata, Dawn-Crowned was once a force to be reckoned with in Standard when paired with Magma Opus, and it retains a lot of power in Commander with a much deeper card pool. Reducing a spell’s cost is insanely strong, and you want to exploit that to its fullest.

Hinata works incredibly well with X spells that target multiple creatures because it reduces the spell’s cost by one for each target. This lets something like Heliod's Intervention destroy any number of artifacts and enchantments for as Hinata reduces the cost as you add more targets. By Force and Red Sun's Twilight work like the Intervention to devastate any players relying on artifacts for mana or their gameplan.

Curse of the Swine is a great option to remove your opponents’ creatures, with March of Swirling Mist and Reality Spasm working as a more temporary measure. You can also do some ugly things with Mass Manipulation and Crackle with Power.

While casting massive X spells at a discount is strong, you can get some good payoffs from it. X increases a spell’s mana value, regardless of how much mana you pay. So you're paying to cast a spell with a mana value of 8 if you cast Heliod's Intervention targeting six permanents with Hinata in play. You reap incredible rewards with cards like Shark Typhoon, Chrome Host Seedshark, and Deekah, Fractal Theorist, which care about the mana value of spells you play.

#17. Optimus Prime, Hero / Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader

Optimus Prime, Hero gives Jeskai a unique commander from a Universe Beyond product. Its bolster abilities give you a reason to care about +1/+1 counters, which isn’t something Jeskai typically works with. That means you get to look at some unique combinations of cards.

White is a color that uses counters a lot, so you can draw on that for some synergies. Abzan Falconer and Abzan Battle Priest give your creatures some strong keywords while Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion increases your counter production.

You can also lean on artifact creatures and the modular mechanic for power and flavor if you're not able to call upon other autobots from Transformers. This gives you access to powerful cards like Steel Overseer and Arcbound Ravager to help distribute counters across your team.

Red grants access to some damage scalers like Uncivil Unrest and All Will Be One to get even more damage from the counters you're spreading around. It also gives you some easy infinite combos with cards like Quest for Pure Flame and The Red Terror.

#16. Narset, Enlightened Exile

Narset, Enlightened Exile

Narset, Enlightened Exile is a commander that begs to be broken. Giving your entire team prowess promises a ton of damage. This commander wants to lead a token deck into battle and give them a boost.

The first thing you'll need are the tokens. Cards like Monastery Mentor and Jaya, Fiery Negotiator that produce tokens with prowess are especially strong since multiple instances of prowess trigger separately. You'll also get lots of mileage from cards like Third Path Iconoclast and Kykar, Wind's Fury that make tokens as you sling spells.

You'll also need ways to buff the team. Balmor, Battlemage Captain helps here, as does Jeskai Ascendancy. Instants and sorceries that buff the team are also more than welcome. Crash Through adds a surprising amount of pressure with trample, while Pride of Conquerors easily buffs the board with +3/+3 thanks to a prowess trigger. And these are great spells to get back with Narset’s attack trigger.

You can do even more explosive things with Narset’s second ability. It only takes a few spells to get it large enough to cast extra turn spells like Time Warp and Temporal Manipulation. Extra combats with spells like World at War and Relentless Assault also lets you finish games quickly since you'll get extra prowess triggers, extra casts from Narset, and tons more damage.

#15. Kasla, the Broken Halo

Kasla, the Broken Halo

Kasla, the Broken Halo gives us another convoke commander. This one pulls out ahead of Saint Traft and Rem Karolus because this angel hits harder and turns all your convoke spells into extra cards. Commanders with abilities like convoke that reduce their mana cost are always strong since they can skirt the commander tax easier than other commanders.

You'll want lots of the same tools we looked at to give your spells convoke, like Wand of the Worldsoul and Flockchaser Phantom. You can also get a lot of mileage from Caetus, Sea Tyrant of Segovia, the flip side of Invasion of Segovia, to cast more convoke spells.

This deck doesn’t need to go as hard on tokens as the previous convoke deck, but that still works well with this mechanic. You'll get a lot of mileage from cards like Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Young Pyromancer spitting out tons of tokens to go with your spells.

The card draw tacked onto Kasla lets you use strong card-draw payoffs. The Locust God works well in any deck that routinely draws several cards a turn. Teferi's Ageless Insight lets you see an incredible number of cards each turn with Kasla’s ability.

#14. The Archimandrite

The Archimandrite

The Archimandrite is an interesting commander. You’ll give +X/+0 to advisors, monks, and artificers, and that’s based on the amount of life you’ve gained this turn. White cards are the king of lifegain, and there are many ways to boost that.

The amount of life you gain depends on you having more than four cards, and blue is the king of card draw. You’ll want to use as few cards as possible so you can favor expensive spells that let you take an extra turn or extra combat phases.

Some examples of creatures that fit these creature types are Serra Ascendant which benefits from the lifegain, or Loran of the Third Path which has a good ETB and draws cards. There are powerful artificers like Urza, Lord High Artificer and Sai, Master Thopterist that benefit from an artifact army, and Urza, Prince of Kroog can produce an interesting artifact army, too.

#13. Vadrok, Apex of Thunder

Vadrok, Apex of Thunder

Vadrok, Apex of Thunder is a mutate commander through and through and taking advantage of its mutate triggered ability is a big part of your game plan.

Most efficient spells that kill things, give you card advantage, or do both are all generally 3 mana or less. The benefit with this commander is that you get a second cast of these cards for free just by doing something that's already productive, which in this case is mutating your commander or other cards onto it.

While mutate finds its strongest cards in black and green, Jeskai's colors have powerful mutate cards. Pouncing Shoreshark and Sea-Dasher Octopus both have flash, which allows you to use a lot of your powerful instants on your opponent’s turn where they’ll be most effective. Dreamtail Heron, Lore Drakkis, and Cloudpiercer help you keep your hand full while you play from the graveyard, and Cubwarden and Regal Leosaur can turn your cantrip chain into a huge damage swing to knock out weaker adversaries.

#12. Tetzin, Gnome Champion / The Golden-Gear Colossus

Tetzin, Gnome Champion

Tetzin, Gnome Champion lives or dies based on your ability to keep casting double-faced artifacts. Between the original Ixalan block and The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, or even the original Innistrad block, you’ll have plenty of ways to do that.

The deck plays as an ordinary artifact control deck – it’s not the best move to try and flip Tetzin as quickly as possible. Cards that are good by themselves like Clay-Fired Bricks, Unstable Glyphbridge and Thousand Moons Smithy are very strong here, as well as cards that support a generic artifact strategy like Emry, Lurker of the Loch and Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain

#11. Sevinne, the Chronoclasm

Sevinne, the Chronoclasm

Sevinne, the Chronoclasm is the 2019 precon commander that promotes a fast-paced spellslinger playstyle. Sevinne is a very fun and interactive commander to have leading your deck. It helps create a healthy spellslinger build by generating more value out of your flashback mechanics.

Doubling a card that's cast from your graveyard means you’re getting triple the value of just playing it once. It turns simple cantrips like Consider into pseudo-Ancestral Recalls when played with Snapcaster Mage or Torrential Gearhulk.

Your commander won’t be the only thing giving you benefits when you cast from the graveyard; there are a bunch of other creatures and enchantments you want to run to maximize value. Vega, the Watcher draws tons of cards, Veyran, Voice of Duality gives you an additional cast with your commander’s ability, Murmuring Mystic and Thalia's Geistcaller give you 1/1 fliers, and Talrand, Sky Summoner bolsters your air force with more 2/2s.

#10. Pramikon, Sky Rampart

Pramikon, Sky Rampart

Pramikon, Sky Rampart shakes things up a bit and breaks parity by limiting players to only attack the opponent to their left or right. This passive ability lets you narrow your defensive focus to the weakest player next to you and creates a significant layer of defense for your planeswalkers. That’s right, this is a superfriends commander!

Since your planeswalkers will be extra safe from the most common threat, you're able to use them in a much more threatening and game-finishing way. While you’d normally rarely get to a planeswalker's ultimate ability in a game, your likelihood of exiling an opponent’s library with Jace, the Mind Sculptor is greatly increased with your commander and an Oath of Teferi.

I recommend building Pramikon, Sky Rampart in a much more defensive-oriented style where you’re pillow-forting against a specific enemy of your choice. This is very easy to do in Commander where you have access to so many walls and single-target removal. Planeswalkers' main weaknesses come from the fact that they pose a threat to three different potential attackers, but that weakness is now nullified.

#9. Brallin, Skyshark Rider + Shabraz, the Skyshark

Next up is the partner pair of Brallin, Skyshark Rider and Shabraz, the Skyshark. This pair does a little bit of everything; they benefit from card draw, from discard, and they grow large. This pairing is perfect for anybody looking to build a wheel deck.

This partner pair benefits from the wheel theme because either of them works well with it. Brallin generates tons of damage, which is better than Shabraz’s lifegain. Both becoming huge is a boon. A weakness of some of these partner pairs is a dependency on each other, but this pair gets past that.

The first step to your wheels deck is, well, wheels. Wheel of Fortune is a very expensive classic, but Wheel of Misfortune is even more fun. Windfall and Jace's Archivist keep the cards flowing into the bin and your hand. Change of Fortune is especially strong if you’ve already cast a wheel or two the turn you play it.

As for payoffs, you get a little more than just big commanders. The Locust God generates a terrifying number of tokens with this strategy. Rielle, the Everwise potentially doubles the cards you draw off your first wheel while becoming a massive threat itself. And if you want to try something a little spicy, Sphinx's Tutelage and Teferi's Tutelage can do a lot of work against opponents who are already tearing through their deck with the repeated wheels.

#8. Satya, Aetherflux Genius

Satya, Aetherflux Genius

Satya, Aetherflux Genius is a very powerful energy commander that copies a creature you control that enters play attacking. The caveat is that you need to pay energy equal to its mana value to keep that copy around. The good thing is, if you create a copy of a card that ETBs and produces energy, you’re still adding to your energy reserves even if you lose the creature. A card like Aethertide Whale is awesome with Satya. You attack with Satya, making a copy of a 6/4 flying attacker that gives you 6 energy. Later, you may spend the 6 energy to keep the token copy or let it go and use the energy elsewhere.

#7. Zedruu the Greathearted

Zedruu the Greathearted

Zedruu the Greathearted is a chaos commander, which means its goal isn’t to win as quickly and efficiently as possible; it's to create as chaotic and confusing a game state as possible and then capitalize off your opponent’s inability to navigate that game.

Part of this strategy revolves around donating permanents that seriously hinder other players at the table with your commander’s activated ability, and then benefitting by drawing multiple extra cards per turn. You want to exchange control of permanents between everyone and throw as many game plans off as possible. This means you want to include cards like Puca's Mischief and Vedalken Plotter to continue shifting things around.

Winning is difficult as far as conventional win conditions go, but you have the advantage that your games go fairly long thanks to the heavily disruptive playstyle. Cards like Nine Lives or Triskaidekaphile are much easier to pull off in your list so they’re your primary mode of victory outside of somehow coming out on top in combat.

#6. Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest

Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest

Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest is a Voltron menace that wants to become incredibly big with a flurry of spells before gaining double strike to finish off unsuspecting opponents.

Nobody will be willing to take a hit from a Voltron commander, so you'll need ways to slip Shu Yun through. Slip Through Space, Artful Dodge, and Distortion Strike ensure Shu Yun can connect.

You'll also need protection. Blue and white have plenty of options in cards like Slip Out the Back, Shore Up, Loran's Escape, and Apostle's Blessing to keep your relatively fragile commander safe.

Mana generation will help since you'll need to cast lots of spells. This is a very storm-esque deck; cheap spells that cantrip like Crash Through and Warlord's Fury work wonders when paired with cards like Birgi, God of Storytelling and Urabrask.

Prowess triggers alone won’t get the job done, so you'll need combat tricks. Brute Force is so efficient it could almost be a green card. Titan's Strength and Monstrous Rage also grant Shu Yun a ton of power, and Built to Smash and Invigorated Rampage both hit hard.

You can also find evasive tricks like Aerial Boost and Maximize Altitude to send this commander over the top.

#5. Aragorn, King of Gondor

Aragorn, King of Gondor

Aragorn, King of Gondor allows you to hit hard if you already have a good board while giving you the monarch. It’s a good human commander because Jeskai is filled with good humans and ways to make tokens, and Aragorn naturally benefits from human typal buffs.

If you’re the monarch, your guys are unblockable, and if you’re not,  you can play a card like Palace Sentinels that’ll give you the monarch back or attack with help from your commander. A 4/4 with vigilance and lifelink already attacks very well, and up to one creature can’t block, so the monarch player knows that you’re coming to get them.

This deck can play spot removal and counterspells to defend a good position, and cards to retrieve the monarchy, like Éomer, King of Rohan and Faramir, Steward of Gondor.

#4. Gavi, Nest Warden

Gavi, Nest Warden

Gavi, Nest Warden is a cycling-based commander that gives you free cycles and extra benefits for doing it in the first place. Cycling is a mechanic that's incredibly difficult to play around since you can't counter or do anything to stop the ability other than parity-breaking stax pieces like Narset, Parter of Veils. This works to your advantage since it means your cycling delinquency goes mostly uninhibited and you'll be able to carry out your game plan more reliably than a storm or combat-based deck.

Some major players in a cycling deck are permanents that give you some minor bonus for cycling. Cards like Astral Drift, Curator of Mysteries, and Valiant Rescuer come to mind. These cards aren’t game winners just from cycling on their own (well, maybe Astral Drift), but their minor bonuses add up as you cycle a dozen cards or so, especially when you have multiple bonuses in play. Your plan is to use these small bonuses to create huge advantages in cards or mana and out-value your opponents in the long game.

Some critical must-have cards in any cycling deck are Fluctuator, Drannith Stinger, and Abandoned Sarcophagus. These are the engine cards in your deck and something you can’t play without.

#3. Narset, Enlightened Master

Narset, Enlightened Master

If seeing your opponents’ smiles wipe off their faces as you take your fourth turn in a row sounds like fun then I present to you Narset, Enlightened Master. Narset lets you cast noncreature spells for free, which means you can stack your deck with powerful instants and sorceries like Omniscience and Temporal Mastery to play incredible cards quickly and consistently.

Part of what makes Narset great is blue’s ability to tutor cards to the top of your deck and stack the top four so you can continuously hit your target spells. Mystical Tutor puts cards on top at instant speed which means you can essentially cast any noncreature spell in your deck for once you successfully attack with Narset.

Long-Term Plans does the same thing for , which isn’t much worse considering that’s a 3-mana Enter the Infinite. Personal Tutor is sorcery speed and can only find sorceries but adds consistency to your deck that you can’t pass up.

But don’t get too caught up in taking extra turns! Approach of the Second Sun can be a much more threatening win condition when you can cast it twice in a single turn. Enter the Infinite and Omniscience almost always results in a scoop from the other players at the table.

#2. Elsha of the Infinite

Elsha of the Infinite

If constantly being looked at for permission to resolve a spell by your opponents while you spellsling five of your own every turn sounds like fun, then you should take a look at Elsha of the Infinite as your commander. Elsha gives you permanent card advantage by letting you cast noncreature spells off the top of your library with flash.

This presents an epic opportunity for you to chain cards off the top of your library while having more consistent answers for your opponents' threats. Cards that let you scry and stack the top of your deck become much more valuable and generate bigger leads in the long run.

Since you're casting a lot more instants and sorceries throughout the game, creatures that give you extra benefits for doing so are of the utmost importance in your decklist. I’m talking about Talrand, Sky Summoner, Baral, Chief of Compliance, and Archmage Emeritus specifically. This deck wins by hedging minor advantages over a large volume of spells, which adds up to significant leads over your opponents in multiple ways.

#1. Kykar, Wind’s Fury

Kykar, Wind's Fury

Kykar, Wind's Fury gives you creature fodder whenever you cast a noncreature spell as well as an outlet to use those creatures for mana advantage, making it a great spellslinger commander. This creates significant tempo opportunities for you and often helps promote a Polymorph strategy to win games.

Polymorph works as a 100%-accuracy tutor by only having one creature in your Kykar deck, which is Hullbreaker Horror. With Horror in play you can use your extra mana to chain spells to bounce your opponents' permanents and spells of their own. Successfully resolving a Polymorph usually results in you winning on the spot since the ability to bounce anything basically for free is an insurmountable mountain to get over.

Unfortunately this can result in you putting all of your eggs in one basket, which is something you want to avoid. This can be done with an alternate win conditions and combos. Some examples are decking yourself and then casting Thassa's Oracle, or adding consistency by including Proteus Staff to act as a second Polymorph.

Decklist: Narset Jeskai in Commander

Narset, Enlightened Master - Illustration by Magali Villeneuve

Narset, Enlightened Master | Illustration by Magali Villeneuve

Commander (1)

Narset, Enlightened Master

Planeswalkers (3)

Narset, Parter of Veils
Narset of the Ancient Way
Teferi, Time Raveler

Creature (1)

Simian Spirit Guide

Instants (18)

Cryptic Command
Cyclonic Rift
Force of Will
Generous Gift
Long-Term Plans
Mystical Tutor
Nexus of Fate
Pact of Negation
Path to Exile
Response / Resurgence
Swan Song
Swords to Plowshares
Teferi's Protection
Wear / Tear

Sorceries (21)

Alrund's Epiphany
Approach of the Second Sun
Beacon of Tomorrows
Enter the Infinite
Fury of the Horde
Idyllic Tutor
Karn's Temporal Sundering
Mind's Desire
Part the Waterveil
Relentless Assault
Seize the Day
Supreme Verdict
Temporal Mastery
Temporal Trespass
Time Warp
Walk the Aeons
Waves of Aggression
World at War

Enchantments (6)

Ashling's Prerogative
Mystic Remora
Need for Speed
Thousand-Year Storm

Artifacts (18)

Arcane Signet
Azorius Signet
Boros Signet
Chrome Mox
Coalition Relic
Expedition Map
Fellwar Stone
Fractured Powerstone
Izzet Signet
Lightning Greaves
Scroll Rack
Sensei's Divining Top
Sol Ring
Strionic Resonator
Talisman of Conviction
Talisman of Creativity
Thought Vessel
Worn Powerstone

Lands (32)

Arena of Glory
Arid Mesa
Battlefield Forge
Bloodstained Mire
Clifftop Retreat
Command Tower
Exotic Orchard
Flooded Strand
Glacial Fortress
Hallowed Fountain
Hanweir Battlements
Hengegate Pathway
Marsh Flats
Misty Rainforest
Mystic Monastery
Needleverge Pathway
Polluted Delta
Raugrin Triome
Riverglide Pathway
Rugged Prairie
Sacred Foundry
Shivan Reef
Spire of Industry
Steam Vents
Sulfur Falls
Temple of Enlightenment
Temple of Epiphany
Tolaria West
Windswept Heath
Wooded Foothills

Your plan early on is to get some fast mana from one of your Signets or other mana rocks (of which there are 15!) while controlling the early game. Cards like CounterspellPath to ExileSwan SongWear / Tear, and other cheap interaction help keep your opponents in check and stop potential one-shot combos from firing up.

The deck plays exactly how Narset should, which is by taking a million extra turns and having game-winning finishers like Omniscience and Enter the Infinite. You might notice that this deck basically has no creatures, and that’s because you just don’t need any. You want to focus on out-tempoing your opponents until you can start casting your huge game-enders.

Approach of the Second Sun is an absolute sleeper card that's heavily underrated. You can win in one turn with as little as 8 mana and a Mystical Tutor if you also have Narset in play, ready to attack. It comes out of nowhere and players usually assume they have at least another chance to combat an Approach while here they don't.

Expropriate is probably the most fun card in the deck and always results in groans from the other three players at the table.

Commanding Conclusion

Elsha of the Infinite - Illustration by G-host Lee

Elsha of the Infinite | Illustration by G-host Lee

That concludes the ranking and sample decklist for Jeskai! This color wedge brings a wonderful balance of control and aggression that somehow fits together to form a cohesive gameplan, and the cards are simply gorgeous.

What do you think about these rankings? Would you have swapped any of the commanders around, or are there any missing cards that should’ve been included? Let me know in the comments down below, or over in the official Draftsim Discord.

Jeskai not your preferred color trio? Check out these other 3-color commander rankings: Abzan, Bant, Esper, Grixis, Jund, Mardu, Naya, Sultai, Temur.

Until next time, stay safe and stay healthy!

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