Last updated on July 9, 2024

Marchesa, the Black Rose - Illustration by Matt Stewart

Marchesa, the Black Rose | Illustration by Matt Stewart

Every once in a while you have to stop and ask yourself: How edgy do I want my next Commander deck to be? If the answer is “yes,” then let me introduce you to Grixis.

Tri-colored decks are particularly common in Commander. The variety that comes with mixing three colors allows for a super wide range of responses and reactions to the practically infinite ways your opponents can play.

Grixis combines red, black, and blue in what is commonly called a “shard.” These three colors allow for a weird mix of chaos and control strategies, upsetting your opponents' games while keeping your own on track as much as possible.

But what’s so special about Grixis? Let’s take a look!

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Why Go with a Grixis Commander?

Kess, Dissident Mage - Illustration by Izzy

Kess, Dissident Mage | Illustration by Izzy

We're all aware that all the 2-color combos in Magic are named after the Ravnica guilds. It’s a far easier and more comfortable way to refer to them. Plus it sounds way cooler.

The same thing applies for 3-colored combinations. The names for the first five of these spawn from the five shards in the plane of Alara, introduced in, you guessed it, Shards of Alara. The next five got their names from the Khans of Tarkir wedges, but I’ll leave those for another time.

So let’s go back to Alara. This plane was divided into five shards, each representing a sequence from the color pie. When it comes to Grixis, this means black paired with its two allied colors, red and blue. This makes a Grixis commander’s color identity black, red, and blue. This identity allows for tons of focus on spellcasting with a big emphasis on removal and card draw. Strategies like stealing your opponents' creatures and sacrifice are also pretty big in these colors.

According to EDHREC, the most common strategy used in Grixis decks is wheel: spells that make you and your opponent discard your entire hands and draw new ones, or at least a certain number of cards. I think this is already a great show of that chaos and control mix. It creates a huge amount of seemingly random interference while also keeping some level of control over the board.

Other popular Grixis strategies include Treasures, which at this point I’m pretty sure show up in spellslinger and any combination of colors that can play them. Grixis is a great color for wizard typal after all, and a lot of wizards care about spellslinging. Speaking of typal decks, Grixis’ most popular creature type is none other than pirates. I love this both because pirates is a really fun and flavorful strategy.

Also keep in mind that you can build a 3-colored deck with partner commanders, but I won’t be considering those combinations since they’re not necessarily Grixis.

This should give you a very basic overview on which strategies are preferred when building Grixis decks. But now it’s time take a look at the available commanders and what they do so you can choose your own strategy!

#48. Sauron, Lord of the Rings

Sauron, Lord of the Rings

Almost too costly to see play, Sauron, Lord of the Rings gets awkward around most things that aren't zombies. Feeding its own reanimation is good and while everything else is fine, the Ring tempting and amass 5 might not be relevant when you're finaly able to cast this horror.

#47. Cecily, Haunted Mage / Eleven, the Mage

I’ll save my opinions about Stranger Things and Universes Beyond for another time. Eleven, the Mage is by all means a viable commander, with a main focus on card draw. The focus on having exactly 11 cards in your hand is pretty thematic and interesting in a quirky kinda way. With Triskaidekaphile you can go all-in on a silly number-themed deck.

Lots of controlled card draw paired with other instants and sorceries is the focus for Eleven. Keep drawing and keep casting spells for free. Grixis has a ton of cards that either support or benefit from spellcasting, not to mention ways to protect Eleven so that it can attack every turn and give you free spells.

#46. Tetsuo Umezawa

Tetsuo Umezawa

This isn’t one of the strongest commanders out there, but it can make for a fun and interesting casual deck. Tetsuo Umezawa’s first ability is pretty common in assassin creatures. Royal Assassin and Stalking Assassin both share the “destroy target tapped creature” ability.

Fill up a Tetsuo-led deck with some rogues or ninjas to sneak in some damage on your opponents, targeted removal to make sure no huge creatures stick for too long, and make use of that blue color identity to get some counterspells and card draw. It won’t be your strongest deck ever, but a removal-heavy deck is exactly what Nicol Bolas’ original killer deserves.

#45. Garza Zol, Plague Queen

Garza Zol, Plague Queen

The main color trio for vampires is Mardu (). Even though there’s been some vampires with white in their colors, we mostly owe this to the Commander 2017 vampire precon. Ixalan showed up that same year with a massive wave of white vampires.

But blue had repeatedly shown up in vampires before that. I would’ve loved to see some stronger Grixis support for vampires instead of Mardu.

In any case, Garza Zol, Plague Queen is probably the closest we’ll ever have to a Grixis vampire commander. I’ll talk about other Grixis vampire commanders later so I won’t spoil much, but it’s fair to say the focus isn't always vampire.

#44. Gwendlyn Di Corci

Gwendlyn Di Corci

Cards from Legends are weird. And usually underpowered. Gwendlyn Di Corci is clearly not on the underpowered side of things, even if it also isn’t one of the strongest out there.

A deck built around Gwendlyn is clearly going to be a discard-based Commander deck. Waste Not, Sangromancer, and Tinybones, Trinket Thief are all must-haves in this kind of build. Add to that a backdrop of cards like Notion Thief and several wheel effects like Windfall and you can make sure your opponents are constantly discarding while preventing them from having any real card advantage.

#43. Goro-Goro and Satoru

Goro-Goro and Satoru
There is a fair amount of work to really get Goro-Goro and Satoru generating dragon spirits. The ability to grant haste stapled onto this fast goblin human commander definitely improves it. Fun, but the whole card feels more like a mono-red commander and lacks the diversity of play style that many of these other commanders promise.

#42. Cult of Skaro

Cult of Skaro
Choosing at random is fun, especially when you have access to a random number generator. Each of the choices are effects you’d be glad to have every turn for the cost of 2-3 mana, so as long as you can safely attack with Cult of Skaro, you should have a smashing good time.

#41. Sol’kanar the Swamp King

Sol'kanar the Swamp King

If Gwendlyn Di Corci was on the “not too powerful but at least interesting” end of Legends cards, Sol'kanar the Swamp King is definitely on the “pretty uninteresting” end. It’s not a terrible card, especially for its time. A 5/5 for 5 mana with an evasive keyword and an ability that was pretty strong for its time isn’t bad. It’s a relatively good card, but not a great commander.

The biggest drawback is that Sol’kanar isn't a mono-black commander. Black cards usually use life as a resource, so having an easy way to recover those life points is always great. You gain life from your own black spells and your opponents’.

#40. Sol'Kanar the Tainted

Sol'Kanar the Tainted

Sol'Kanar the Tainted is undoubtedly the better of the two Sol'Kanars (it even picked up a capital K!). It has various abilities that you can choose from as long as they haven't been chosen yet. It eventually ends with Sol'Kanar the Tainted being flickered under an opponent's control, but I don't think you'll be playing this in any flicker or blink EDH decks.

This is certainly a unique and fun design, but not necessarily the most powerful one out there for Grixis. It's a nice little… well I wouldn't say group hug, more of like a group stab strategy.

#39. The Valeyard

The Valeyard
Is this a 5-mana enchantment that does nothing to affect the board? It highly depends on how often you’re presenting your opponents with villainous choices or voting. Between the cards from Doctor Who and Conspiracy cards, you might have enough fun ways to break your opponents. By the way, voting twice is usually cheating, but The Valeyard says otherwise. It always feels like Grixis is on the edge of cheating, and should come as no surprise that all the villainous choice cards are available to Grixis.

#38. Parnesse, the Subtle Brush

Parnesse, the Subtle Brush

Parnesse, the Subtle Brush, from New Capenna Commander, is an interesting Grixis commander, to say the least. In addition to giving your a nice 4-life tax to prevent opponents from targeting you or your stuff, it allows opponents to copy a spell whenever you copy one. These two abilities come together to cause a lot of chaos at the table and leave you out of it.

Overall, I really like this idea and design. While there are plenty of spell-copying engines in Grixis to play in the deck, I wish this commander actually copied them itself.

#37. The Rani

The Rani
Relying on your opponents isn't a good thing in competitive Magic. But in multiplayer formats goad does great things for you by turning your opponents against each other, and this is one of the best goad commanders in the game. All The Rani is doing is handing out buffs, and it’s not like you’re getting a free card out of it; you’ll have to pay to investigate. For additional benefits, pair any Clue tokens you gain with Academy Manufactor. Cards like Bothersome Quasit will help you sit back and goad more creatures, since you’d rather not have to attack with The Rani if you can help it.

#36. Ashnod the Uncaring

Ashnod the Uncaring

Ashnod finally received their own card in The Brothers' War Commander. It's a 1/4 for 5 mana with deathtouch, but has a whopping ability to make up for the not-so-great stats. Whenever you activate an ability of an artifact or creature, which of course can't be a mana ability, you copy it if a permanent was sacrificed as part of the activation cost.

This seems a little underwhelming because it is, but sacrificing things as part of a cost really isn't that difficult to get going in Grixis. Sure, it would be much better without that sacrifice clause, but that isn't as much of a hindrance as it may seem at first.

#35. Crosis, the Purger

Crosis, the Purger

Crosis, the Purger can be pretty threatening if you play it right. Forcing opponents to discard all cards of a specific color can be pretty hard-hitting against mono-colored and even 2-colored decks. Just add Megrim and some extra evasion like Krydle of Baldur's Gate and your deck starts taking shape.

My favorite aspect of this card is that it’s the most viable commander for a specter deck. Specters are focused on flying creatures that force your opponents to discard whenever they deal combat damage, and that’s exactly what Crosis does. Pair that with a lack of legendary specters and it makes this dragon the best possible commander for a pretty niche typal deck.

#34. Davros, Dalek Creator

Davros, Dalek Creator
How many ways can you cause just one opponent to lose 3 life? One easy answer is any evasive 3-power creature, and you could count Davros, Dalek Creator. Of course, Davros is good friends with Ob Nixilis, the Fallen, Shrieking Affliction, and Tempting Witch. This scientist relies on smart attacks to really punish the opposition.

#33. Tetsuo, Imperial Champion

Tetsuo, Imperial Champion

Tetsuo, Imperial Champion is up next as a 3/3 for . This one's all about equipment, getting two different bonuses if it attacks while equipped. Normally I'm all over this kind of stuff, but not having access to white, one of the best equipment colors, is a big drawback to playing this as your commander.

#32. Lord of Tresserhorn

Lord of Tresserhorn

There really is something about old cards going on here. Lord of Tresserhorn is a weird card in my opinion. Playing it means paying a pretty big cost while also giving two cards to one opponent. That’s not exactly great.

There are ways to make this card work as a commander. The first is to simply build a zombie Commander deck around it. Most zombie decks are Dimir () but a little red thrown in can help with board wipes and removal.

But the main problem with Lord of Tresserhorn is its low toughness, so it's going to need some buffs to stay alive. Once you’ve made sure it can’t be easily killed by any medium-sized blocker, you have a two-shot commander damage win on your hands. If you add Tainted Strike or Temur Battle Rage to the mix you can start offing opponents pretty quickly.            

#31. Don Andres, the Renegade

Don Andres, the Renegade
Don Andres, the Renegade really likes Stolen Goods, and the evergreen Threaten effects combine with sacrifice outlets to be absolutely devastating when you pull them off. As for getting those noncreature spells your opponents left on the top of their library, Decadent Dragon, Gonti, Lord of Luxury, and Thief of Sanity will do a fine job of taking them for your casting.

#30. Nicol Bolas

Nicol Bolas

One of the original Elder Dragons that gave the EDH format its name and the main villain in Magic’s story for quite some time. Nicol Bolas isn’t as great as that introduction makes it seem. And I promise this is the last card from Legends on this list.

Nicol Bolas shows up on plenty of different cards, both as a creature and as a planeswalker. I think this specific showing of the Elder Dragon puts it a little ahead of Crosis, the Purger in terms of power. The upkeep cost of three different colors is a huge drawback if you don’t have a ton of lands. Discarding your opponent’s entire hand whenever they’re dealt damage by the dragon is a great effect that puts this card as the best of all the five Elder Dragons. But I still think it hasn’t aged quite as well as it could have.

#29. Ashad, the Lone Cyberman

Ashad, the Lone Cyberman
Like many bargain cards from Wilds of Eldraine, Ashad, the Lone Cyberman is decent on it’s own, and gets way better when you have creatures to sacrifice. Let’s see, can you name any nonlegendary artifacts that don't get better in multiples? Comment if you can, and let’s get some token copy buddies for the lone cyberman. Constructs, gnomes, and golems play well with Ashad; perhaps you’ve met Noxious Gearhulk, Threefold Thunderhulk, or Thought Monitor?

#28. Mishra, Artificer Prodigy

Mishra, Artificer Prodigy

Um. So. This card isn’t exactly great in Commander. Having a restriction of “one of each” for any non-basic land makes Mishra, Artificer Prodigy pretty much useless in Commander. Or that’s what you’d think.

Mishra has a very specific synergy that makes it work really well: You need to have Mishra, Artificer Prodigy and Possibility Storm on the field. Both cards trigger when you play an artifact. You want to resolve Storm first.

Possibility Storm will shuffle away your artifact spell and replace it with a random other artifact. Then Mishra, Artificer Prodigy triggers, letting you search for that original artifact and put it into play. You just got two spells for the cost of one. All the while you have Possibility Storm frustrating your opponents with some good old-fashioned chaos.

This strategy can also be used with Blood Funnel and Nether Void. Have them resolve first and put your artifact in the graveyard then use Mishra to fetch it back. You also get to counter almost all of your opponents’ spells.

#27. Missy

You get to know Missy real quick if you've never played against it. When your opponent can use targeted removal to bring your creatures to the opposite side of the board, it eats you up inside to see your cards face down in front of Missy.

It takes some work to flip them faceup, but it’s a scary possibility. Missy is also dangerous as an artifact creature commander, causing chaos in games whether chasing planes is a factor or not.

#26. Sedris, the Traitor King

Sedris, the Traitor King

There are plenty of ways to go about building a Sedris, the Traitor King deck. The most obvious is to have a lot of creatures that can make good use of their newly-gained unearth ability. The main thing you want in this deck is Obeka, Brute Chronologist. Unearth makes the creature go away at the end of that turn, but your creatures don’t have to leave if you never actually reach that stage.

Adding a good amount of extra graveyard recursion to a Sedris deck is a smart choice. You obviously want ways to put your higher mana value cards into your graveyard so you can unearth them. But if Sedris, the Traitor King can’t help with that, you can always use Chainer, Nightmare Adept or Feldon of the Third Path so that your graveyard doesn’t go to waste.

#25. Admiral Brass, Unsinkable

Admiral Brass, Unsinkable
Did Admiral Brass, Unsinkable just make those four new bloaks walk the plank? Pirates, reanimation, swashbuckling, all you need are black sleeves of the Jolly Roger and you’re practically playing out a pirate movie. Seriously though, you stand a good chance bringing the likes of Breeches, Brazen Plunderer, Coercive Recruiter, and Hostage Taker back into play. Besides, what’s that the pirates say? “Take what you can, give nothing back!”

#24. Mairsil, the Pretender

Mairsil, the Pretender

There are plenty of cards out there with good activated abilities. There are also plenty of cards out there that can become pretty annoying if their activated abilities are combined. The main card you want to exile with Mairsil, the Pretender is Aetherling. Being able to exile it then put it back on the battlefield allows you to exile other cards from your hand or graveyard and increase the number of abilities you stack up.

There are plenty of combos you can put in a Mairsil deck. Get Aetherling and Nevinyrral's Disk exiled with a cage counter on them and you’ll have a repeatable board wipe every turn with Anger in your graveyard. Exiling and putting a cage counter on Hateflayer and Tree of Perdition allows you to take out one opponent per turn as long as you have the mana. These are two of the most popular combos but there are plenty of ways to create some really threatening interactions with this commander.

#23. Saruman, the White Hand

Saruman, the White Hand
Goblins and orcs have never felt more protected than under Saruman, the White Hand, but the real ticket here is the value on noncreature spells, and prowess-lite is a really powerful ability. Saruman might not get to 10,000 strong, but your army is going to be fearsome fast. Another great aspect to this is adding amass to any of your instants.

#22. Evelyn, the Covetous

Evelyn, the Covetous

Evelyn, the Covetous is an absolute bomb of a commander in Grixis. It's very easy to cast with the hybrid mana symbols, and the 2/5 statline is made up for by the sweet abilities. In addition to having flash, when Evelyn or another vampire enters the battlefield, you get to exile the top card of every player's library and set it aside to cast later, using any color of mana to do so.

There's nothing I love more than playing somebody else's cards, especially when they're easy to cast like this!

#21. Edward Kenway

Edward Kenway

Edward Kenway is one of the most interesting Assassin’s Creed commanders. You’re rewarded for playing assassins, pirates, and vehicles, which all generate more Treasure. Assassin or pirate typal, vehicles and artifact-matters, affinity for artifacts – you can do it all!

Many cards in the Assassin’s Creed set support the assassin, pirate, or vehicle theme, so that’s a clear source of cards for this commander. Assassins and pirates are also outlaws, and there are some benefits for running an outlaw typal deck with cards like Laughing Jasper Flint and Back in Town.

#20. Thraximundar


Sometimes you wanna pull up to your game group and go: “My commander’s name is ‘He Who Paints the World Red’,” just to feel edgy and imposing. And that’s not only fine but also extremely cool I promise that’s fact and not just my opinion. Even though Thraximundar’s first appearance was in Alara Reborn, a lot of people know the card for being one of the alternative commanders in the Commander 2013 Grixis precon.

The obvious main strategy for a Thraximundar deck is sacrifice. You’re probably not gonna be casting your commander a lot thanks to its huge mana cost. Fill your deck up with cards like Mayhem Devil and Butcher of Malakir, mix in some token generation like Dreadhorde Invasion and a few sacrifice outlets, and you’re good to go.

I’m basically saying that Thraximundar is a great excuse to build a sacrifice deck even if you’re not gonna play your commander all that much.

#19. Be'lakor, the Dark Master

Be'lakor, the Dark Master

Be'lakor, the Dark Master is from the series of Warhammer 40k decks that released in late 2022. This is one of the more expensive cards on this list in terms of mana value, coming in as a 6/5 for 6, but it has some sweet abilities that make it worth the price.

The first keyword, Prince of Chaos, is an ETB ability that draws X cards for X life, where X is the number of demons you control. Getting a board full of demons isn't too hard, and drawing cards at the cost of life based on the number of demons you control is the most black-mana ability I've ever heard of.

Lord of Torment is a triggered ability that has your demons deal damage to any target equal to their power whenever they enter the battlefield. This makes Be'lakor very strong not just when it enters, but also passively throughout the game.

#18. Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor

Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor

Everyone who knows the curse cycle of cards from the Commander 2017 precons was hyped to see Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor. Even if you don’t like it all that much. At least now we know who’s torturing the Unluckiest Planeswalker so much. But silly lore aside, Lynde is a really interesting commander.

This is the first time we got a commander with such a strong focus on curses specifically. It makes for some really fun EDH deckbuilding possibilities. One of the strongest drawbacks is the ability that has you attach curses to yourself when they go to the graveyard. Being able to then reattach them to your opponents and draw two cards is amazing, but you can only reattach one per turn and that makes it risky, to say the least. Even with all that considered I still really like Lynde and all the possibilities to play around with curses.

#17. Sauron, the Dark Lord

Sauron, the Dark Lord
Losing to this multiple times makes me want to join the dark side and build Sauron, the Dark Lord. The first two abilities alone are hard to play around. Any Ring tempting (and believe me there’s enough) and this dark lord will take over the game. Not to mention it has the sweet spot of 7 power for lethal commander damage in three hits. It’s easy to imagine how this character nearly conquered all of Middle-earth.

#16. Mishra, Eminent One

Mishra, Eminent One

Players got a new version of everyone's second-favorite Dominaria brother in Mishra, Eminent One. This 5/4 for 5 is all about those artifacts and animates one of your noncreature artifacts once per turn as a copy. It enters as a 4/4 with haste and is sacrificed at the end step.

I really like this version of Mishra. It works both as an aggressive creature-based artifact commander as well as an engine to get extra activations or triggers out of your other non-legendary artifacts.

#15. Jeleva, Nephalia’s Scourge

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge

The face for Commander 2013’s Grixis precon. We’re finally getting into one of Grixis’ themes: spellcasting decks. Jeleva, Nephalia’s Scourge is definitely a high-risk high-reward kind of card. Having to exile an increasing number of cards for every time you cast it is extremely risky because you might be taking extremely important resources away from yourself. But you could also be taking equally important resources from all of your opponents. And you could also be speeding your own game up if the cards you exile are strong enough.

Having quite a few powerful instants and sorceries in this deck is obviously a pretty good strategy. There are plenty of cards from Prosper, Tome-Bound’s Forgotten Realms precon that fit right in with this commander. Cards like Wild-Magic Sorcerer and Prosper, Tome-Bound itself (which is a great commander in its own right, by the way) really benefit from Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge’s ability. And spells like Mnemonic Deluge and Fevered Suspicion are pretty abundant.

#14. Zevlor, Elturel Exile

Zevlor, Elturel Exile

Zevlor, Elturel Exile, a Grixis commander from Battle for Baldur's Gate, was quite literally made for Commander. Simply put, Zevlor copies your spells that target just one opponent or their permanent and makes enough copies to target those other players or their permanents. You read that right, for just and tapping it, you get up to two copies of any instant or sorcery with a single target. Pretty cool, right?

#13. Marchesa, Dealer of Death

Marchesa, Dealer of Death

With Outlaws of Thunder Junction‘s Marchesa, Dealer of Death around, every crime you commit essentially has “kicker : draw a card.” The Grixis colors are very suitable for committing crimes, so you can burn someone or something, counter a spell, play black spot removal, or even bounce a permanent.

In a Marchesa deck, you’ll want a mix of cards that commit crimes and cards that reward you for crimes even further. A card like Arcane Denial is very interesting in this scenario because not only will you counter a spell and draw a card, but it’ll also trigger all crime synergies you have and potentially draw another card if Marchesa's around. It’s also a 3-mana commander that’s easy to build with cheap cards like common and uncommon removal spells and counterspells.

#12. Inalla, Archmage Ritualist

Inalla, Archmage Ritualist

Grixis isn’t without its typal decks, and Inalla, Archmage Ritualist was the face for the 2017 wizard precon. The eminence ability that lets you generate copies of any wizard you play is pretty great and can be exploited for quite a few combos.

It also works great as a simple enabler to build a powerful deck around. As it happens with a lot of typal decks, sometimes the commander itself isn’t so important as part of the deck. You just want a creature that works thematically or mechanically with the creature type you want to build around.

#11. Obeka, Splitter of Seconds

Obeka, Splitter of Seconds

Obeka, Splitter of Seconds is a unique Grixis commander that lets you have multiple upkeep steps. That was an effect only specific cards like Paradox Haze could do, until now.

Fortunately, there are many cards in MTG’s history that trigger at the beginning of your upkeep to benefit from Obeka’s ability. The cycle of Courts like Court of Ambition gives you an instant benefit because you become the monarch, draw an extra card, and have a strong upkeep benefit right away. Cards like Phyrexian Arena and Dark Confidant give you extra cards on your upkeep, while cards like Bonehoard Dracosaur reward you right away – you don’t need to wait for your next turn and untap.

#10. Anhelo, the Painter

Anhelo, the Painter

Anhelo, the Painter‘s up next. This vampire assassin with deathtouch gives the first instant or sorcery spell you cast casualty 2. That's a nice, cheap cost for doubling a spell, and I can see this ability working quite well in any predominantly black sacrifice version of a Grixis spells deck.

#9. Cormela, Glamour Thief

Cormela, Glamour Thief

Here we have Cormela, Glamour Thief. This vampire rogue legend from New Capenna is your classic instant- and sorcery-based spellslinger commander. It has haste, can add a bunch of mana to cast instants and sorceries, and bounces an instant or sorcery to your hand when it dies.

This is a nice and efficient commander, and I think it's well-positioned for the meta if you're playing it at a relatively casual level. It's got enough power behind it to really drive a deck's strategy, but it just isn't efficient or powerful enough on its own to power through cEDH.

#8. Lord Xander, the Collector

Lord Xander, the Collector

Here's another one from New Capenna. Lord Xander, the Collector is a much heavier creature, a 6/6 for 7, but it brings enough power to make it worth the cost. When it enters the battlefield, a target opponent must discard half of their hand rounded down. Whenever it attacks, the defending player must mill half their library rounded down. To top things off, whenever it dies, a target opponent sacrifices half of their nonland permanents rounded down.

Just, wow. This is a lot of power packed into the commander Lord Xander, and the guaranteed half-board wipe is a strong method of deterrence. I don't think this is cEDH viable, but it will sure wreak havoc on a non-cEDH pod if it comes down.

#7. Admiral Beckett Brass

Admiral Beckett Brass

Let’s do one more typal deck. I love wizard decks but man, pirate typal is such a cool idea for an EDH deck. Admiral Beckett Brass’ abilities are both very good and very on theme. Making your pirates stronger is pretty standard for any lord-type card and it’s always good for typal decks.

What I really love is Admiral’s second ability. It basically allows you to board and plunder your opponents’ symbolic ships. You can take your opponents' stuff for yourself if you deal damage with enough pirates. What’s more pirate-y than that? With the influx of pirates from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan and support from the Ixalan block and Commander Legends pirates, there should be plenty of choices for crewmates.

#6. Abaddon the Despoiler

Abaddon the Despoiler

Abaddon the Despoiler hails from the Warhammer 40k series of Commander decks. It's a strong 5/5 with trample for 5 that comes with the “Mark of Chaos Ascendant” flavor keyword. During your turn, it gives spells you cast from your hand cascade as long as the spell's mana value is less than the total amount of life your opponents have lost this turn.

This is one of those abilities that's as fun as it is powerful. It really incentivizes going in for attacks while also having consistent forms of damage. Like many Rakdos decks, this one really gets rolling once you start getting damage in.

#5. Nicol Bolas, the Ravager

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager Nicol Bolas, the Arisen

This is the second and last time that Magic’s greatest villain will show up in this list. For now.

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager is definitely the better of the two cards and it mostly has to do with the lack of an upkeep cost. The reward for paying for its expensive ability is a planeswalker that can draw two extra cards per turn. And you can mill an opponent out in a single turn with enough loyalty counters.

I’d pick this card to build a Nicol Bolas themed deck. It’s not like there’s a shortage of Nicol Bolas-related cards, not to mention all of the planeswalker cards out there. Basically any and every card that synergizes well with Bolas’ planeswalker and creature cards are in Grixis colors, so go wild and build an all-out Nicol Bolas deck.

#4. Obeka, Brute Chronologist

Obeka, Brute Chronologist

I’m a big fan of cards that let you interact with the way turns develop. Discontinuity and Time Stop are always fun to play when a player is about to cast an important creature or spell for their combo, because you’re cancelling their whole turn. Obeka, Brute Chronologist doesn’t work quite like that but it does give your opponents the choice of avoiding end-of-turn and other similar effects.

One of the most common combos for an Obeka deck is Final Fortune, Isochron Scepter, and Obeka, Brute Chronologist. Just get those three cards going and you have infinite turns. I personally prefer this card as part of the 99 and not as a commander, but it’s still an interesting card to build around.

#3. Marchesa, the Black Rose

Marchesa, the Black Rose

Dethrone is a super fun ability. It immediately becomes a great pay-off if you’ve lost a lot of life and at least one of your opponents has more life points. You can target them to make your creatures stronger and put some pressure on them. And as long as Marchesa, the Black Rose is on the field, you don’t exactly have to worry about your creatures dying. If they do die, they’ll just come back at the end of your turn.

This makes Marchesa an amazing card to play spells that give you control over your opponents’ creatures and sacrifice outlets. Use Captivating Crew’s ability on your opponent’s creature and use it to attack the player with the most life. Once it has a counter on it, sacrifice it with any outlet like Carrion Feeder or Viscera Seer and gain control of it for as long as you can manage. Rinse and repeat as much as you want. And if you’re the player with the most life you can always have an Unspeakable Symbol on the field to drain yourself while also putting counters on your creatures.

#2. Nekusar, the Mindrazer

Nekusar, the Mindrazer

Playing against Nekusar, the Mindrazer was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve had in Commander. It’ll have you drawing a ton of cards per turn. This would be amazing and rewarding in any other situation, but it meant seeing our life points going down ridiculously fast while most of us had to discard tons of cards at the end of each turn because of the hand limit.

Mix your Nekusar, the Mindrazer with Underworld Dreams and Fate Unraveler. Then play tons of discard-related spells and cards that’ll have your opponents drawing tons of cards per turn and you’re set for the rest of the game.

#1. Kess, Dissident Mage

Kess, Dissident Mage

Cards that let you play spells from your graveyard have always been well-liked in Magic. And Commander is a format that needs them more than most since you only get one chance to play each of your spells. Kess, Dissident Mage lets you get around that.

There are plenty of combos to put into a deck helmed by Kess. Most spellslinger decks have infinite combos and ways to break the game, and having a way to easily cast any spell needed for the combo a second time in case the first fails is really good. Kess, Dissident Mage stands tall as one of the most popular spellslinger commanders thanks to its ability and color identity.

Nekusar Grixis Deck in Commander

Nekusar, the Mindrazer - Illustration by Mark Winters

Nekusar, the Mindrazer | Illustration by Mark Winters

This Grixis deck is built mostly around having Nekusar, the Mindrazer out on the battlefield so you can punish your opponents whenever they draw a card. In case your commander isn’t on the battlefield yet, you have Fate Unraveler and Underworld Dreams to keep pressuring whenever your opponents draw cards.

Similarly, cards like Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might and Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph punish players whenever they’re pinged, which happens a lot if you keep Nekusar on the battlefield.

Wrap Up

Obeka, Brute Chronologist - Illustration by Jesper Ejsing

Obeka, Brute Chronologist | Illustration by Jesper Ejsing

Grixis is possibly my favorite color trio. I enjoy all of the individual colors, the three dual combos that they form, and the way all three interact when combined. I like the ridiculously edgy motif that comes with Grixis and it has some super interesting strategies like the ones you can build around Nekusar, the Mindrazer and Marchesa, the Black Rose.

I wish we’d get a few more commanders for this shard. I’d particularly enjoy more vampire commanders considering black and blue vampires still get some occasional support.

But what do you think? Which of these commanders was your favorite? Do you like this color trio, or do you find it way too edgy for your taste? Do you think a good specter deck will ever be viable? Feel free to leave your comments down below! And be sure to check out our blog for more content if you enjoyed this list of the edgiest of Magic’s color identities.

Grixis not your preferred color trio? Check these out: Abzan, Bant, Esper, Jeskai, Jund, Mardu, Naya Sultai, Temur.

That’s all from me for now. Have a good one, and I’ll see you next time!

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    Kononai June 18, 2023 7:41 am

    Not to be pedantic, but Grixis is a shard, not a wedge

    • Nikki
      Nikki June 19, 2023 5:14 pm

      Might be pedantic but you’re still right. Thanks for pointing that out!

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