Last updated on June 18, 2024

Finale of Devastation - Illustration by Bayard Wu

Finale of Devastation | Illustration by Bayard Wu

I feel like sorceries can sometimes get a bad rap in Magic. Yes, they have some obvious disadvantages when compared to instant-speed cards, but that tradeoff often means sorceries can have some pretty powerful effects. When looking at green cards, many of the recognizable spells that players use in formats like Commander are sorceries.

Green has plenty of great sorcery cards for getting ahead on mana. In fact, it can sometimes be hard to go back to playing other colors after you’re spoiled by how consistently you can build a strong mana base quickly with these types of cards. Green is also good at unnatural removal, and finding powerful creatures.

When looking for the best green sorceries, I tried to look for the ones that are going to be used in a wider range of decks. There are likely some that didn’t make the list that are all-star cards in the right deck, but are too situational to find their way onto a general list like this one. If you have any favorite green sorceries you think should have made the list, I’d love to hear which ones and why in the comments.

Let’s get started!

What Are Green Sorceries in MTG?

Gaea's Blessing - Illustration by David Palumbo

Gaea's Blessing | Illustration by David Palumbo

For the purposes of this article, I’m considering green sorceries to be sorcery cards that only have green or generic mana pips in their casting costs. While technically multicolor cards with green pips are also considered green sorceries, they would also be considered whatever other color they have in the cost as well. So, I’m focusing here on mono-green sorcery cards as opposed to multicolor cards that happen to also be green.

Honorary Mention: Tsunami


Plenty of Magic players like to half-joke about how they think Islands should be banned. Well if you really hate blue that much you can always run Tsunami as a way to take out most sources of blue mana. Personally, I think the card is too situational and a bit mean to anyone playing a mono-blue deck, but I just thought I’d mention this for all the blue haters.

#34. Beanstalk Giant / Fertile Footsteps

Beanstalk Giant

Fertile Footsteps is the adventure sorcery on Beanstalk Giant. It can be a good source of ramp or mana fixing, and it’s nice that the land comes in untapped to offset the cost a bit. Beanstalk Giant can also get pretty big in the late game, so it’s an added bonus on top of a decent ramp sorcery.

#33. Pest Infestation

Pest Infestation

Green has a lot of good options for unnatural removal, some of the best being instant speed. However, Pest Infestation is still good due to its versatility. You can play it relatively early to take out one target or hold out for a big play later on. It can also be a helpful tool in token decks or sacrifice decks as a way to add some extra bodies.

#32. Nature’s Spiral

Nature's Spiral

It’s always handy to have a card like Nature's Spiral that can get an important card back from the graveyard. Green is also a popular color to include in a dredge deck, so it can be a good tool for grabbing one of the cards you milled.

#31. Revive the Shire

Revive the Shire

Revive the Shire is just a slightly better version of Nature's Spiral since it allows you to do the same thing for the same cost, with the added benefit of making a Food token. This card will likely supplant Nature’s Spiral in many decks as Food tokens continue to get more utility.

#30. Primeval Light

Primeval Light

Whether it’s an aura-heavy deck or just a deck that utilizes a lot of typical enchantments, Primeval Light can be a devastating blow to certain decks. Four is a reasonable enough mana value that you could run this even as a slightly more expensive alternative to targeted enchantment removal just on the off chance you get a good matchup for it. I’d recommend this for casual or jank builds however.

#29. Reverent Silence

Reverent Silence

Reverent Silence can be an even better enchantment wipe, and can be easily played for free in green decks. That being said, it can sometimes come back to bite you if you give your opponents too much life, and you’ll be hitting your own enchantments as well.

#28. Rabid Bite

Rabid Bite

Mono-green decks can struggle from a lack of targeted removal. Luckily, Rabid Bite and similar “bite” effects can make up for this. Green decks will often run large creatures, making it relatively easy to take out your opponent’s creatures while keeping yours safe. This card also works very well with any deathtouch creatures.

#27. Gaea’s Blessing

Gaea's Blessing

Gaea's Blessing is a card I included, not for its use as a sorcery, but more as a form of mill insurance. This card can be especially nice in a deck that does a lot of scrying, because you can confidently shove to at the bottom of your library knowing it will probably best serve you down there.

#26. Blizzard Brawl

Blizzard Brawl

Blizzard Brawl is a great form of removal in snow decks. Giving your creature indestructible essentially makes this a very cheap bite ability that also offers a slight buff to your creature.

#25. Broken Bond

Broken Bond

Broken Bond is pretty cheap removal, and can act as a form of ramp. While it won’t always pay off with an extra land drop, it’s still worth casting even without that payoff.

#24. Animist’s Awakening

Animist's Awakening

Animist's Awakening is a great tool for land-heavy decks or ones that focus on landfall abilities. Its spell mastery ability gives it the edge over similar cards, as you may be able to get back a decent amount of mana you spent on it, depending on how lucky you get.

#23. Collective Voyage

Collective Voyage

Collective Voyage is a personal favorite, especially for 4- or 5-color Commander decks. It’s likely at least a few of your opponents will be tempted to join in paying for the spell, allowing you to get access to all the colors you need for a relatively low cost. It can also just speed up a game, so even if you don’t win, it at least makes things interesting more quickly.

#22. Circuitous Route

Circuitous Route

Where the previous two ramp spells can be a little hit or miss, Circuitous Route is more of a sure thing, if a bit less exciting. It’s most helpful in gate decks, especially with the addition of cards like Baldur's Gate that are more powerful than the original guildgate cards.

#21. Skyshroud Claim

Skyshroud Claim

Skyshroud Claim is very similar to Circuitous Route, but can be more helpful in a wider range of decks. Allowing you to search for any Forest cards means you can grab duals or tri lands that contain the Forest type, making this a good way to fill out your mana base.

#20. Explore


Explore is a good tool for land decks, and can be helpful in any deck if you’re lucky enough. It’s not always going to pay off, but since it also draws you a card it isn’t that big of a setback. If anything it just helps you thin out your deck a bit.

#19. Kamahl’s Druidic Vow

Kamahl's Druidic Vow

Legendary sorceries like Kamahl's Druidic Vow can be a bit risky, but in Commander you can usually meet the casting requirement. This card in particular is very strong in legends matter decks, especially once you’ve stored up a good amount of mana.

#18. Hurricane


While the first half of Hurricane is a bit too specific, the real strength comes from the fact that it also damages each player. If you’re running a lifegain deck, it’s easy for you to have a life advantage on your opponents. This card can help you close out the game with enough mana as long as you’re up on life, or just significantly weaken your opponents. It will also occasionally be a good source of removal, especially against decks running a lot of weak flying tokens.

#17. Kodama’s Reach and Cultivate

Kodama's Reach Cultivate

I’ve included both of these cards here because they essentially do the same thing. It’s important to note that Kodama's Reach technically has a bit more utility as an Arcane spell, but it’s such a fringe mechanic that it isn’t that big of a difference. These cards are a nice bit of ramp while also thinning out your deck and ensuring you hit another land drop.

#16. Rampant Growth

Rampant Growth

Rampant Growth is a good source of early-game ramp and/or mana fixing. It isn’t all that fancy, but it’s a great way to start accelerating your game and getting to the big, important plays.

#15. Nature’s Lore

Nature's Lore

Depending on the deck, Nature's Lore can be a slightly better version of Rampant Growth. This is similar to Skyshroud Claim in the way that it can search up dual or tri lands with the Forest type.

#14. Farseek


Farseek is very helpful for mana fixing. Since you’ll already have access to green mana when you cast it, this card allows you to find one of your lands that produces other colors. This card also doesn’t specify that the land needs to be basic, so you can search up any dual or tri lands that contain basic land types.

#13. Mwonvuli Acid-Moss

Mwonvuli Acid-Moss

Mwonvuli Acid-Moss is pretty cost-effective when you consider that it’s both ramp and land destruction. Blowing up a very important land on your opponent’s side of the field can be very helpful, and thanks to this card’s ramp ability you’ll basically be creating a 2-land swing in your favor.

#12. Abundant Harvest

Abundant Harvest

Abundant Harvest has a lot of great qualities. It’s cheap for one, which is always huge, and it replaces itself. If you need a land, it��s a great way to guarantee you get one, or if you’re flooded, it’s a guarantee you find something to cast. It’ll have its uses and it won’t set you back no matter when you draw it, making it a very easy one to include in a lot of decks.

#11. Splendid Reclamation

Splendid Reclamation

Splendid Reclamation is perhaps a bit more situational than some of the other cards on this list, but it can be very effective in the right decks. Dredge decks, self-mill decks, or decks that sacrifice lands can make very good use of this card. It’s also a great way to recover from land destruction. If you’re running mass land destruction cards, you can also float 4 mana, wipe out the table’s lands, and then get yours back.

#10. Scapeshift


Scapeshift can benefit you in a lot of ways. It can let you cash in on a lot of landfall triggers, it can trigger abilities that happen when a land is sent to the graveyard, and it can set up land-based combos like Thespian's Stage and Dark Depths. It also pairs quite nicely with Splendid Reclamation if you manage to draw into both.

#9. Scale Up

Scale Up

Scale Up can grant a massive buff to a creature for a very cheap cost. Its overload ability can also be incredibly impactful in a token deck. This card is a favorite for infect decks that are looking for a quick win as well.

#8. Sylvan Tutor

Sylvan Tutor

Sylvan Tutor is the sorcery speed equivalent of Worldly Tutor. While this makes it slightly riskier, as long as you have a way to draw cards on your turn it won’t make that big of a difference. Finding a specific creature can be very important for setting up combos or just ensuring you have a good play on the next turn.

#7. Deconstruct


Deconstruct is an effective form of removal because it won’t slow your game down at all. Instead of choosing between blowing up your opponent’s artifact or continuing to build your own board state, you can do both since this card essentially pays for itself.

#6. Life from the Loam

Life from the Loam

Life from the Loam is a great tool for dredge decks, or other decks that utilize their graveyards as a tool. It’s so helpful that there have been entire decks built around it in certain formats like Extended’s Confinement-Assault-Loam or CAL archetype.

#5. Natural Order

Natural Order

Natural Order can allow you to trade a smaller green creature for any in your deck. This can be a great way to grab a finisher like Craterhoof Behemoth or End-Raze Forerunners.

#4. Triumph of the Hordes

Triumph of the Hordes

Triumph of the Hordes is a potential game-ending spell that I like to include in a lot of my token decks. Even if you just have a few big stompy creatures, this card can still help take players out and put you in a pretty great position.

#3. Channel


Though Channel is illegal in almost every format, I felt I had to include it thanks to its history. The Channel-Fireball combo is such an iconic part of the game’s history that one of the major MTG websites is even named after it. There’s also a reason it’s mostly banned: it’s an incredibly powerful card.

#2. Green Sun’s Zenith

Green Sun's Zenith

Green Sun's Zenith allows you to pay just one extra mana to find the best creature in your deck and put it down on the battlefield. This is an incredibly powerful ability and one that can end games depending on what you find.

#1. Finale of Devastation

Finale of Devastation

Finale of Devastation is basically a slight upgrade to Green Sun's Zenith as it can turn any card into a game-ender if you can pump enough mana into it. Green decks are great at ramping, so it isn’t too crazy to think you can cast this card for an X value over 10.

Best Green Sorcery Payoffs

Finale of Devastation

A lot of green sorcery cards revolve around mana ramp. This means that the best payoff for a lot of these cards are big splashy spells. These can be other sorceries like Finale of Devastation, or they could be big creatures with high costs. Big creatures are also great payoffs for the green sorceries that allow you to search for creatures and put them into your hand or on the battlefield.

Landfall abilities are also a great payoff for ramp spells. These abilities are often balanced with the idea that you’ll likely only be triggering them once a turn, so being able to do so multiple times a turn can be very powerful.

Wrap Up

Triumph of the Hordes - Illustration by Izzy

Triumph of the Hordes | Illustration by Izzy

Green sorceries are a great tool for a variety of decks. Any multicolor deck with green in it will likely get good use out of the ramp and mana fixing provided by green sorceries like Cultivate or Kodama's Reach. Some of the best green sorceries can even help you win the game once you’ve established a strong mana base and board state.

Which green sorcery is your favorite? Are there any on here you’re planning on including in a new deck? Are there any cards you think deserve to be on this list that are missing? Let me know in the comments or on Draftsim’s Twitter.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing you on the next article!

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