Last updated on February 20, 2024

Frontline Medic - Illustration by Willian Murai

Frontline Medic | Illustration by Willian Murai

On several of our visits to Ravnica, Wizards introduced specific keyword mechanics associated with each of the plane’s 10 guilds. Typically, on subsequent visits, these keyword abilities are replaced by new ones. In Gatecrash, the Boros Legion’s keyword mechanic is called battalion and focused on the guild’s theme of going wide with creatures.

While battalion started as a Ravnica mechanic, it has popped back up a few times since. It was in Unstable, appeared in Tales of Middle-earth Commander, and has shown up a couple of times since. Though battalion isn’t exactly evergreen, it has been given a four on the Storm Scale, meaning there’s a possibility that it will reappear in a premier set at some point.

Let’s look at exactly how battalion works and each of the cards it has been printed on. I’ll also describe some of the best ways to synergize with the mechanic and some more in-depth rules about how it works.

What Is Battalion in MTG?

Bomber Corps - Illustration by Chase Stone

Bomber Corps | Illustration by Chase Stone

Battalion is a keyword ability that’s triggered and provides a benefit when the creature that has it attacks with at least two other creatures. This ability is found specifically on red and white cards since it was designed for the Boros Legion. Even the cards that weren’t from the original print run of the mechanic stick to this color identity.

Notable Cards

Tomik, Wielder of Law

Tomik, Wielder of Law says “Bring it on!” Because it triggers when an opponent attacks with a battalion. A fitting anti-Aurelia, the Law Above card that goes well in the same deck. It reminds me of how Melira, Sylvok Outcast is a good creature in poison decks despite being “anti-poison.”

#20. Nav Squad Commandos

Nav Squad Commandos

Nav Squad Commandos isn’t the worst card, but it just isn’t really worth its casting cost. By the time you’re hitting 5-drops, there are a lot stronger cards you could be casting. When battalion takes a good amount of set up to get online, you’d hope it would have a bigger impact.

#19. Warmind Infantry

Warmind Infantry

Warmind Infantry gets a nice buff with its battalion ability. While not strong enough for most Constructed formats, this wouldn’t be a terrible choice for a Draft pick if you’re looking to run an aggressive deck with cheap creatures.

#18. Wojek Halberdiers

Wojek Halberdiers

If you want to keep battalion effects online, you’ll want to make sure you aren’t losing too many of your attackers. Wojek Halberdiers’s first strike makes it harder to block and helps keep it safe when attacking.

#17. Bomber Corps

Bomber Corps

Bomber Corps isn’t too strong, but the direct damage it deals can be a good way to take out a smaller creature. It’s also good for pinging an opponent if you need to trigger abilities based on opponents losing life.

#16. Boros Elite

Boros Elite

Boros Elite is nice and cheap, and it gets a good amount stronger once its battalion effect is online. It can be good for a weenies deck that’s looking to go wide.

#15. Boros Mastiff

Boros Mastiff

Boros Mastiff could be a decent inclusion for a lifegain deck. While it would be better to have a more consistent form of lifegain, if you’re just looking to fill out the 99 of a Commander deck and want a very budget-friendly option, this could be it.

#14. Garbage Elemental

Garbage Elemental

Garbage Elemental has good power and toughness for its mana cost, and its battalion ability can make it easier to get past blockers. Last strike is a bit of a downside for this card, but it’s strong enough for it to not matter too much. The biggest downside for this card is that it isn’t legal in any format.

#13. Firefist Striker

Firefist Striker

Firefist Striker’s ability to stop a certain creature from blocking can make it easier to deal damage to your opponent or get them to use the creature you want to block. This can be especially helpful if your opponent is playing fewer creatures.

#12. Seasoned Consultant

Seasoned Consultant

A 3/3 that blocks as a 1/3 for is pretty good in Limited and detective decks. Outside of those early turns or if you're reduced to two or fewer attackers, Seasoned Consultant is much less exciting.

#11. Daring Skyjek

Daring Skyjek

Daring Skyjek can make it easier to maintain your board state because it’s harder to block with its battalion ability. Its lack of toughness won’t make a huge difference if your opponent can’t block it, so it’s nice that this card has a higher power.

#10. Meddling Youths

Meddling Youths

Good thing the Meddling Youths are fast and less likely to get caught thanks to haste. A big factor in the usefulness of this card is whether or not you are the beat down. If you attack right away and create a clue, you are doing well, but it sure feels bad if you're behind and can't benefit from both haste and the battalion trigger.

#9. Boros Strike-Captain

Boros Strike-Captain

Boros Strike-Captain helps decks by providing potential card advantage in colors that don't have as good a card draw as other colors. There is the issue of attacking safely, and on its own, the Strike-Captain is a raw three toughness that might survive tangling with a few creatures, but not much else. It depends on the rest of the Ravnica: Clue Edition cards for how good of an attacker Boros Strike-Captain is.

#8. Ordruun Veteran

Ordruun Veteran

Double strike makes Ordruun Veteran a dangerous attacker. There are good combat tricks and equipment in Boros that can make this card even more effective.

There are good combat tricks and equipment in Boros that can make this card even more effective.

#7. Karlov Watchdog

Karlov Watchdog

The eyes and ears of Karlov Watchdog are very practical to have around. Pumping your pack is great, and making sure there are no surprise flip-ups on your turn is a method of protecting your attackers. Good dog.

#6. Firemane Avenger

Firemane Avenger

Firemane Avenger is where battalion cards go from underwhelming to actually pretty good. Dealing three damage can help take out blockers or just do some extra damage to your opponent directly. Gaining life is also a nice perk and can possibly trigger other abilities. Since this card has flying, it’s easier to activate its ability without it dying.

#5. Sontaran General

Sontaran General

Putting a big five toughness on Sontaran General and haste really goes a long way in encouraging good attacks. The general is one of the Doctor Who Commander cards, and gets to turn the best opposing blocker towards opponents and the beautiful trample makes it all complete.

If I can poke a little fun here, the general should have been legendary, so it could lead a Commander deck, but that's a soldier of a different rank.

#4. Tajic, Blade of the Legion

Tajic, Blade of the Legion

Tajic, Blade of the Legion has indestructible, which is one of the best keywords for creatures with an attack trigger. An indestructible 7/7 for 4 mana is also a great deal, so you’ll get good value out of it if you can get this card’s battalion ability online.

#3. Legion Loyalist

Legion Loyalist

Legion Loyalist is one of the better battalion creatures because it doesn’t just give itself beneficial abilities: it gives them to all your creatures. First strike can help keep your other creatures alive and therefore keep this card’s battalion ability online.

#2. Frontline Medic

Frontline Medic

Like Legion Loyalist, Frontline Medic also grants its battalion benefits to all your creatures. Because it grants indestructible, you can attack with your creatures and know they’re most likely going to stay alive. Its other activated ability can also be very useful, especially against big finishers like Torment of Hailfire.

#1. Aurelia, the Law Above

Aurelia, the Law Above

Aurelia, the Law Above is like a super battalion with an additional trigger for five or more attackers. By replacing “you” with “a player” Aurelia gets head and shoulders above the competition. Invite your opponent to race, because you are hard to outrun with the Boros leader on your team. While there's no protection for your attacking creatures, the potential benefit from other player's attacks is incredible.

Best Battalion Payoffs

Battalion abilities are all built around combat, so other cards that also buff your creatures make for good synergy. These could be anthems like Glorious Anthem or instants like Rallying Roar. A card like Unbreakable Formation can also be helpful because it keeps your creatures safe while they’re attacking. The cantrip Warlord's Fury gives your creatures a better chance to survive their attack. Incite War is interesting since you could save it for baiting your opponents into attacking into your blockers (and thus becoming tapped for your attack). Or you can just use it on attack for first strike.

Aggravated Assault Karlach, Fury of Avernus

Extra combat spells like Aggravated Assault, or commanders like Karlach, Fury of Avernus can also help you get multiple battalion triggers on the same turn. This stacks the buffs on top of themselves, which can be powerful with cards like Tajic, Blade of the Legion.

Is Battalion a Triggered Ability?

Yes, battalion is a triggered ability. It’s triggered when the creature with it attacks along with two other creatures.

Do the Creatures Have to Be Attacking the Same Target?

No. As long as you’re attacking with three creatures, your battalion abilities trigger no matter who they’re attacking. If you’re playing Commander and targeting multiple players, you’ll still get your triggers.

What if a Creature Dies After the Battalion Trigger?

When the battalion ability is triggered, it goes on the stack. Even if your opponent destroys the creature with the ability, the ability still resolves. This means the ability will take affect even if the original source is gone.

Wrap Up

Tajic, Blade of the Legion - Illustration by James Ryman

Tajic, Blade of the Legion | Illustration by James Ryman

Battalion itself isn’t a bad ability. It’s pretty straightforward and it fits nicely into the strategy for some decks. The main reason these cards probably don’t see a lot of play is that most of them are pretty bad cards. That said, I still think that the mechanic could work well in future sets, and I think a card like Frontline Medic proves that.

Which battalion cards are your favorite? When do you think the mechanic should come back? What other guild abilities do you enjoy? Let me know in the comments or on Draftsim’s Twitter/X.

Thank you for reading and see you later!

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