Last updated on May 14, 2024

Quest for Ancient Secrets - Illustration by Mike Bierek

Quest for Ancient Secrets | Illustration by Mike Bierek

Redeeming codes on MTG Arena is always nice. They might come from prereleases and promo packs, or maybe Secret Lairs and other promotional deals like Hot Pockets. And there’s always the codes they give you for those three free packs of the newest set whenever it releases. But sometimes these extra codes that come with other Magic products are a little more difficult to get.

Maybe you don’t often get your hands on a promo pack, or maybe you didn’t get to go to the last prerelease. You might even want a code for cosmetics that comes from a Secret Lair but can’t bring yourself to buy it just for that.

Whatever the case, I’ve got you covered! Today I’ll be going over a list of the best places you can go to buy standalone codes for MTG Arena to bypass the other requirements to get your hands on them. And before you ask, yes, this is something you can do. It’s a money-saver in lots of scenarios and you can get access to cosmetics and decks that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

So let’s get right into it!

Our Top Pick:

First on this list as our #1 pick in all cases: It’s a reliable site with a fantastic user experience. Codes are delivered on the platform rather than sent to you via email to prevent codes from getting lost in junk folders or automatically flagged as suspicious by whatever email service you use.

MTGACodes also has a wide range of codes for you to browse. You can find anything from card sleeves to promo pack and prerelease codes. They even have highly exclusive codes like the ones distributed to open beta members or those handed out to TwitchCon attendees, though they’re pretty pricey as a result of their exclusivity.

The Purchase Process

MTGACodes packs page

1. Navigate to the Packs page on the site.

MTGACodes packs search functions

2. Use the search features to find the promo code you want to buy and click on it.

3. Click “Add to Cart” on the product's page and then click “Confirm” in the pop-up that appears.

MTGACodes shopping cart

4. Open your cart once you've added all of the codes you want to buy.

MTGACodes cart checkout

5. Verify that everything in your cart is correct and then click “Checkout”.

MTGACodes checkout page

6. Log in to your existing account or type in your personal and payment information to complete the checkout.

MTGACodes also has a feature that allows you to click on a code that’s shown in your order summary to automatically copy it to your clipboard so that you can paste it in the MTG Arena client, making it super quick and easy to redeem these instead of having to painstakingly type everything in and double or triple check that you didn’t press any wrong keys or forget a character.

Gray Viking Games

The runner up for the best place to grab codes is Gray Viking Games. They also have a pretty solid user experience, and their customer service is phenomenal. It’s a reliable site that gets the job done. We've actually conducted a full review of them!

The only downsides to it are that their stock seems to be less versatile than MTGACodes when it comes to things like promo pack codes and some cosmetics, and the codes are delivered via email rather than on the platform. But these are only small grievances, and it doesn’t make this site any less worth using for your needs.

The Purchase Process

Gray Viking Games packs page

1. Navigate to the Packs page on the site.

Gray Viking Games packs page search functions

2. Use the search features to find the promo code you want to buy and click on it.

3. Click “Add to Cart” on the product's page and then click “Confirm” in the pop-up that appears.

Gray Viking Games shopping cart popup

4. A pop-up will appear whenever you add a product to your cart. Once you've added all of the codes you want to buy, verify that everything in your cart is correct and then click “Checkout”.

Gray Viking Games checkout page

5. Log in to your existing account or type in your personal and payment information to complete the checkout.

You’ll be sent an email that has your order confirmation and your code for redemption. From there, just highlight and copy the code from your email and paste it into your game client, and you’ll be set!


eBay is another option if you’re looking for codes, but it’s not my preference. While there’s a decent selection of codes, the site itself isn’t organized in a way that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for.

And then there’s the fact that it’s eBay. I’ve had good and bad experiences on eBay for a variety of purchases. You might have only had a good experience, others may only have had bad experiences. Most codes seem to be instantly delivered via email or message according to their descriptions, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were shipped over time.

It’s not a bad choice to shop here, but there is better.

The Purchase Process

eBay MTG Arena code search

1. Search “MTG Arena code” in the search bar from the main page.

2. Use the search features to find the promo code you want to buy and click on it.

eBay product page

3. Click “Add to Cart” on the product's page.

eBay shopping cart popup

4. A pop-up will appear whenever you add a product to your cart. Once you've added all of the codes you want to buy, verify that everything in your cart is correct and then click “Checkout”.

5. Log in to your existing account or create a new one to complete the checkout.

After all that’s done, you’ll receive your code in whatever manner the seller advertised its delivery!


I don’t recommend Amazon if you’re just looking for codes, but if you’re in the market to pick up some sealed product that comes with codes, this is where you should go. While the other sites are great for finding standalone codes that are reaped from the product within which they came, Amazon doesn’t have many sellers (if any) that sell codes separate from sealed products. But that’s not a bad thing.

Amazon MTG Arena codes search

Some people see the codes to be bonus rewards that come with the product they buy. If you’re somebody who likes to buy paper Magic products and you want something that benefits you on MTG Arena as well, take some time to type in something like “MTG Arena codes” in the Amazon search bar and plenty of products that come with a code should show themselves for you to browse!

How to Not Get Ripped Off

I get it. It’s the internet. It��s not easy to find reputable sites sometimes. You want to avoid getting ripped off, and I’ve got your back.

Reputable Retailers

Step one is to use either MTGACodes or Gray Viking Games. They’re not marketplaces for others to sell their wares. All the codes come from one place, and each site has great customer service if there are any mishaps.

These are very likely to be the best places on the internet to get codes, aside from buying the product that they come with or getting extra codes from kind friends.

Do Your Research

Step two in not getting ripped off would be to do your research on the site or seller you’re buying from. Check forums and product reviews to get a good idea of whether or not people trust the site. There are sites I didn’t recommend here because of an abundance of reviews detailing sketchy behavior and bad sales practice.

This goes especially for eBay. Not all eBay sellers are sketchy, but it’s not impossible to find a bad apple once in a while. Check seller reviews and ratings when using marketplace sites. Five minutes scrolling through text can save hours with customer service and days not getting the product you paid for.

No Double Dipping

Make sure you haven’t redeemed a specific type of code before you buy it. I once forgot a friend gave me an extra prerelease code for Midnight Hunt and bought one myself a while later, only to find out I couldn’t use it. I’m extremely lucky that customer service was kind enough to refund the order even though I was entirely okay with just losing that money to my mistake.

This may not always be the case as these sites warn buyers that the codes are account limited. If you’re not sure if you’ve redeemed a particular code, it may be best to just let it be and not buy it. Customer service may be nice and helpful when you get a truly defective code, but they aren’t obligated to refund you if you buy a product you can’t use. Use your best judgment and just play your safest option in situations of uncertainty.

Trust is Key

In a similar vein, don’t buy from as site if you don’t trust it. I fully recommend MTGACodes and Gray Viking Games if you want to buy codes, and eBay isn’t a terrible alternative.

But if you come across a source that looks sketchy or doesn’t feel genuine, don’t use it.

Time to Checkout

Tidy Conclusion - Illustration by Bastien L. Deharme

Tidy Conclusion | Illustration by Bastien L. Deharme

And so we come to a close. There are some really fun benefits to spending a couple bucks on a code rather than $30 on a prerelease kit. It’s an especially great way to get codes that come with products that might be sold out or unavailable like Secret Lairs. Hop over to one of these recommended sites and start shopping if you’re ever craving some codes!

Do you have any codes you’re looking to pick up soon? Maybe another site recommendation that I didn’t go over that you find to be reliable? Do you prefer the economy in Magic Online vs. Magic Arena? Or maybe you want to share some of your experiences to help guide other shoppers to the right place? Whatever the case, feel free to head down to the comments below. And don't forget to download Arena Tutor for your MTGA Games.

That’s all from me today. Stay safe everyone, and I’ll see you all next time!

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