Last updated on May 22, 2024

Tiamat | Illustration by Chris Rahn

I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I was a kid. Baldur’s Gate and Diablo were some of the first video games I ever played, and I’ve got a Neverwinter Nights tattoo on my wrist. I’ve DM’ed some pre-made campaigns and built plenty of worlds, settings, and stories from the ground up for my players. I own all of (and have read some of) R.A. Salvatore’s Forgotten Realms novels.

All of that to say that I absolutely love Dungeons & Dragons. You might even say I’m a bit obsessed, and honestly you’d be right.

Magic came to me much more recently in the last few years. You can imagine how over-the-moon excited I was when I heard that the two were collaborating on MTG’s end for the first time. Sure, Magic has crossed into D&D’s lore a few times in the past, but we’ve never had D&D join the Multiverse before.

D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is finally here. So grab your best dice, fill out your character sheets, and let’s roll initiative!

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Basic Information

Set Details

WhatKey Info
Official NameDungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Set Symbol
Set CodeAFR
Number of Cards281
Rarities101 commons, 80 uncommons, 60 rares, 20 mythic rares, 20 basic lands
Cards Per Pack15 (1 rare/mythic, 3 uncommons, 10 commons, 1 land) + a token

Important Dates

Previews StartJune 29, 2021
Draftsim's official card previewJuly 1, 2021
Release on Draftsim's Draft SimulatorJuly 6, 2021
Availability on Arena TutorJuly 8, 2021
Release on MTG Arena/Magic OnlineJuly 8, 2021
Tabletop PrereleaseJuly 16 to 22, 2021
Official Release DateJuly 23, 2021

About the Set

Shessra, Death's Whisper - Illustration by Marie Magny

Shessra, Death's Whisper | Illustration by Marie Magny

This set is an interesting one, and not just because of the lore and flavor. If you’re familiar with Magic’s typical releases, you’ll know that the summer set is usually the year’s core set. This year, however, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms has replaced a normal core set.

This means that it’s going to be Standard-legal, of course, but it’s also got some interesting implications. Core sets are usually aimed towards new players, featuring cards and mechanics that can easily be added into various MTG products like welcome decks, planeswalker decks, and deck builder’s toolkits. Cards in core sets also sometimes have reminder text for mechanics and abilities on the card itself.

Core sets also don’t contribute to Magic’s overall storyline and don’t usually have a unified story across their cards. They simply print cards with mechanics and themes to bolster upcoming blocks or give answers for overpowered cards from recent sets. So what does this mean for Forgotten Realms?

Well, we already know that this set isn’t going to be part of Magic’s Multiverse lore-wise. Which is… interesting. And honestly comes off as a little bit lazy in terms of creative storytelling, but it is what it is.

We’ll get to that in a bit more detail later, though.

The Story

Some Backstory: D&D's World

Hired Hexblade - Illustration by Irina Nordsol

Hired Hexblade | Illustration by Irina Nordsol

Let me just crack my knuckles and lore vomit all over you before we get into the set itself. Sorry for that visual.

The main location for a lot of Forgotten Realms stories is Faerûn, a major continent on the planet of Toril. A lot of lore focuses on the Sword Coast and heroes of the area including the Spine of the World to the North and Baldur’s Gate further South. Some other notable places in Faerûn are the Anauroch desert, Amn, and Thay.

Just like Magic, the Forgotten Realms has more than one realm as the name implies (usually called “planes”), which is also called the multiverse. Faerûn is in the Prime Material Plane. There’s also the Feywild or the plane of Faerie, which exists as an echo of the Prime Material Plane. It’s where the fey are from and is a plane of really potent magic. My favorite is the Far Realm, a plane of Lovecraftian horrors (called aberrations in D&D) that lies “outside” of the rest of the multiverse.

Forgotten Realms has focused on Faerûn and the Prime as they’re the biggest part of D&D and probably the most well-known and commonly referenced, though there are some splashes from other planes as well.

Merging Magic and D&D

Fly - Illustration by Lie Setiawan

Fly | Illustration by Lie Setiawan

I know I already mentioned that Wizards nixed Forgotten Realms’ inclusion as part of Magic’s canon lore, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still marvel at how R&D has sprinkled the magic of D&D in this set. I’ll get to how they incorporated some of D&D’s mechanics in a bit, but for now it’s all about the flavor. And I, for one, think they did a great job.

There’s plenty of iconic items, characters, and scenarios from D&D sprinkled throughout Forgotten Realms’ cards. I was excited to see references to Neverwinter Nights (I got irrationally giddy when I saw that one of the Swamps mentioned the Mere of Dead Men) and Baldur’s Gate (another Swamp card) along with the classic tabletop stuff. Obviously we have the beautifully-illustrated Potion of Healing, the tricky Mimic, and the somewhat charming, over-the-top, swaggering likes of Volo, Guide to Monsters, among many others.

One thing I particularly enjoy is the various D&D spells peppered throughout the set with some pretty cool and well-executed effects. From the simplistic Fly to the “this is going to cause problems” Wish, I’m definitely going to be making more than one deck themed around my favorite spellcasting characters. Oh, and some creatures (like Baleful Beholder) even have a “choose one” effect where you get to basically cast a famous D&D spell.

The next thing I want to call out is the “choose one” instants. Black is the only color that isn’t graced with this fun Dungeon Master-esque addition, which I am incredibly disappointed by, but I’m excited enough about Forgotten Realms in its entirety to let it slide just this once. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to create a whole D&D-meets-Magic format for me and my friends. You Meet in a Tavern is particular fun to me, flavor-wise at least.

I could probably do an entire piece just going over the “story” of this set and how they’ve incorporated some awesome D&D flavor within Magic’s existing mechanics and rules. All the little flavor text additions, cool spells, references, characters and items, etc. A lot of it mixes with the mechanics of the set, though, so I’ll stop myself for now and move on to that. Onward!

Set Mechanics


Well, you can't have a D&D set and not deliver on the dungeons part! Dungeons are a brand new card type being introduced into Magic.

Here's everything you need to know:

  • Dungeons are a new card type that start outside of the game.
  • When you “venture into the dungeon” (a new keyword action) for the first time, you choose one of the three dungeons (which are all probably familiar to you if you've been around D&D for a bit). The dungeon goes in the command zone with a “venture” marker on the first room, and its first ability triggers.
  • Each subsequent time you venture into the dungeon, you get to move one step forward within the dungeon.
  • When you complete the last room, the last ability resolves and the card is removed from the game.
  • You can only be in one dungeon at a time.
  • After completing a dungeon, you're free to start another dungeon or make your way through the one you just completed.


This is a no-brainer. We got plenty of dragon creatures in this set, and I am loving them. We even got a few different flavors as pets in MTG Arena, which you can snag from the Mastery Pass if you're so inclined.

Enchantment – Class

Bard Class - Illustration by Andrew Mar

Bard Class | Illustration by Andrew Mar

I love this addition to Magic. I doubt we’ll be seeing this in many other sets considering how unique it is to D&D, but it’s still general enough that R&D could adapt it to other stories and sets.

Each of the 12 base classes from D&D has been represented by its own enchantment card, with a new subtype: class. These cards sit on the battlefield and provide you with some very flavorful effects. You start out at level 1, which will be the “weakest” of the card’s three effects. From there you can pay a “level up” cost (as a sorcery) to advance to level 2, and then finally to level 3.

The effects stack, so if you pay to level up to the enchantment’s level 2 state, you receive both that and the previous level 1 effect. Level 3 gives you all three of the card’s effects. Keep in mind that while some of the effects can trigger multiple times based on their criteria, some only trigger once when you actually level up.

These also do a fairly good job of giving you an idea what each color and color combo is aiming to do. White has Cleric Class and Paladin Class, which revolve around rewarding you for lifegain and bolstering your creatures respectively. Blue has Wizard Class which is a very “bulk up your hand” card while black’s got the damage-focused Warlock Class.

Red has Barbarian Class (better dice rolls and combat) while Druid Class (land, land, land) and Ranger Class (creatures) are in green. The remaining five (Bard Class, Fighter Class, Monk Class, Rogue Class, Sorcerer Class) cover five of the ten color combos with a mix of allied and enemy pairs.

Roll a D20

Herald of Hadar - Illustration by Valera Lutfullina

Herald of Hadar | Illustration by Valera Lutfullina

It wouldn’t be a D&D set if there was no dice rolling! Plenty of cards have a new “roll a d20” effect. Some are triggered abilities, while some have an activate cost associated with them. Most also have some kind of flavor thrown in, like Lightfoot Rogue’s d20 ability being called “Sneak Attack” and giving it deathtouch at the very least or deathtouch, first strike, and +3/0 at the most with the infamous nat20.

This mechanic is pretty simple, as you saw. Either when it’s triggered or you pay its cost, you’ll roll a d20 and one of three things will happen. Rolling a 1-9 will give a (usually) moderately favorable effect, 10-19 is pretty good, while a nat20 will send you over the moon.

I’m a bit disappointed that we don’t have a nat1 “you’ve just screwed yourself” effect. The whole idea of rolling is that a nat20 is going to be great, while a nat1 means you’ve failed miserably and have to face the consequences. It adds a bit of risk to everything, and it’s a shame R&D didn’t carry that through into this mechanic.

Flavor Abound

Shambling Ghast - Illustration by Dave Kendall

Shambling Ghast | Illustration by Dave Kendall

I’ve already raved about the flavor in this set. I know this. But I’d be remiss to not mention it here since it does add a lot of fun to the mechanics in the set.

Lots of cards have (I think) successfully merged flavor and mechanics within Forgotten Realms. Take one of my favorite cards in the set as an example: Shessra, Death's Whisper. (Side note: I’d like to formally thank Marie Magny for her absolutely bewitching art.)

Both of Shessra’s abilities, “Bewitching Whispers” and “Whispers of the Grave,” are named after invocations from D&D. This is a common theme. Most of these flavor-named abilities are also named after spells or invocations from D&D, but there are also some other iconic abilities that feature like the previously mentioned “Sneak Attack” from Lightfoot Rogue.

D&D: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Card Gallery


+2 Mace

+2 Mace
Arborea Pegasus

Arborea Pegasus
Blink Dog

Blink Dog
Celestial Unicorn

Celestial Unicorn
Cleric Class

Cleric Class
Cloister Gargoyle

Cloister Gargoyle
Dancing Sword

Dancing Sword
Dawnbringer Cleric

Dawnbringer Cleric
Delver's Torch

Delver's Torch
Devoted Paladin

Devoted Paladin
Divine Smite

Divine Smite
Dragon's Disciple

Dragon's Disciple
Dwarfhold Champion

Dwarfhold Champion

Gloom Stalker

Gloom Stalker
Grand Master of Flowers

Grand Master of Flowers
Guardian of Faith

Guardian of Faith
Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant

Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant
Ingenious Smith

Ingenious Smith
Keen-Eared Sentry

Keen-Eared Sentry
Loyal Warhound

Loyal Warhound
Minimus Containment

Minimus Containment
Monk of the Open Hand

Monk of the Open Hand
Moon-Blessed Cleric

Moon-Blessed Cleric
Nadaar, Selfless Paladin

Nadaar, Selfless Paladin
Oswald Fiddlebender

Oswald Fiddlebender
Paladin Class

Paladin Class
Paladin's Shield

Paladin's Shield
Planar Ally

Planar Ally
Plate Armor

Plate Armor
Portable Hole

Portable Hole
Potion of Healing

Potion of Healing
Priest of Ancient Lore

Priest of Ancient Lore
Rally Maneuver

Rally Maneuver
Ranger's Hawk

Ranger's Hawk
Steadfast Paladin

Steadfast Paladin
Teleportation Circle

Teleportation Circle
The Book of Exalted Deeds

The Book of Exalted Deeds
Veteran Dungeoneer

Veteran Dungeoneer
White Dragon

White Dragon
You Hear Something on Watch

You Hear Something on Watch
You're Ambushed on the Road

You're Ambushed on the Road


Aberrant Mind Sorcerer

Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Air-Cult Elemental

Air-Cult Elemental
Arcane Investigator

Arcane Investigator
Bar the Gate

Bar the Gate
Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon
Charmed Sleep

Charmed Sleep
Clever Conjurer

Clever Conjurer
Contact Other Plane

Contact Other Plane

Displacer Beast

Displacer Beast
Djinni Windseer

Djinni Windseer
Dragon Turtle

Dragon Turtle
Eccentric Apprentice

Eccentric Apprentice
Feywild Trickster

Feywild Trickster

Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar

Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
Guild Thief

Guild Thief
Iymrith, Desert Doom

Iymrith, Desert Doom
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mordenkainen's Polymorph

Mordenkainen's Polymorph
Pixie Guide

Pixie Guide
Power of Persuasion

Power of Persuasion
Ray of Frost

Ray of Frost
Rimeshield Frost Giant

Rimeshield Frost Giant
Scion of Stygia

Scion of Stygia
Secret Door

Secret Door
Shocking Grasp

Shocking Grasp
Shortcut Seeker

Shortcut Seeker
Silver Raven

Silver Raven
Soulknife Spy

Soulknife Spy
Split the Party

Split the Party
Sudden Insight

Sudden Insight
Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Tasha's Hideous Laughter
The Blackstaff of Waterdeep

The Blackstaff of Waterdeep
Trickster's Talisman

Trickster's Talisman
True Polymorph

True Polymorph
Wizard Class

Wizard Class
Wizard's Spellbook

Wizard's Spellbook
You Come to a River

You Come to a River
You Find the Villains' Lair

You Find the Villains' Lair
You See a Guard Approach

You See a Guard Approach
Yuan-Ti Malison

Yuan-Ti Malison


Acererak the Archlich

Acererak the Archlich
Asmodeus the Archfien

Asmodeus the Archfiend
Baleful Beholder

Baleful Beholder
Black Dragon

Black Dragon
Check for Traps

Check for Traps
Clattering Skeletons

Clattering Skeletons
Deadly Dispute

Deadly Dispute
Death-Priest of Myrkul

Death-Priest of Myrkul
Demogorgon's Clutches

Demogorgon's Clutches
Devour Intellect

Devour Intellect

Dungeon Crawler

Dungeon Crawler
Ebondeath, Dracolich

Ebondeath, Dracolich
Eyes of the Beholder

Eyes of the Beholder
Fates' Reversal

Fates' Reversal
Feign Death

Feign Death
Forsworn Paladin

Forsworn Paladin
Gelatinous Cube

Gelatinous Cube
Grim Bounty

Grim Bounty
Grim Wanderer

Grim Wanderer
Herald of Hadar

Herald of Hadar
Hired Hexblade

Hired Hexblade
Hoard Robber

Hoard Robber
Lightfoot Rogue

Lightfoot Rogue
Lolth, Spider Queen

Lolth, Spider Queen

Power Word Kill

Power Word Kill
Precipitous Drop

Precipitous Drop
Ray of Enfeeblement

Ray of Enfeeblement
Reaper's Talisman

Reaper's Talisman
Sepulcher Ghoul

Sepulcher Ghoul
Shambling Ghast

Shambling Ghast
Skullport Merchant

Skullport Merchant
Sphere of Annihilation

Sphere of Annihilation
The Book of Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness
Thieves' Tools

Thieves' Tools
Vampire Spawn

Vampire Spawn
Vorpal Sword

Vorpal Sword
Warlock Class

Warlock Class
Westgate Regent

Westgate Regent

Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade

Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade
Zombie Ogre

Zombie Ogre


Armory Veteran

Armory Veteran
Barbarian Class

Barbarian Class
Battle Cry Goblin

Battle Cry Goblin
Boots of Speed

Boots of Speed
Brazen Dwarf

Brazen Dwarf
Burning Hands

Burning Hands
Chaos Channeler

Chaos Channeler
Critical Hit

Critical Hit
Delina, Wild Mage

Delina, Wild Mage
Dragon's Fire

Dragon's Fire
Dueling Rapier

Dueling Rapier
Earth-Cult Elemental

Earth-Cult Elemental
Farideh's Fireball

Farideh's Fireball

Goblin Javelineer

Goblin Javelineer
Goblin Morningstar

Goblin Morningstar
Hoarding Ogre

Hoarding Ogre
Hobgoblin Bandit Lord

Hobgoblin Bandit Lord
Hobgoblin Captain

Hobgoblin Captain
Hulking Bugbear

Hulking Bugbear
Improvised Weaponry

Improvised Weaponry
Inferno of the Star Mounts

Inferno of the Star Mounts
Jaded Sell-Sword

Jaded Sell-Sword
Kick in the Door

Kick in the Door
Magic Missile

Magic Missile
Meteor Swarm

Meteor Swarm
Minion of the Mighty

Minion of the Mighty
Orb of Dragonkind

Orb of Dragonkind
Plundering Barbarian

Plundering Barbarian
Price of Loyalty

Price of Loyalty
Red Dragon

Red Dragon
Rust Monster

Rust Monster
Swarming Goblins

Swarming Goblins
Tiger-Tribe Hunter

Tiger-Tribe Hunter
Unexpected Windfall

Unexpected Windfall
Valor Singer

Valor Singer


You Come to the Gnoll Camp

You Come to the Gnoll Camp
You Find Some Prisoners

You Find Some Prisoners
You See a Pair of Goblins

You See a Pair of Goblins
Zalto, Fire Giant Duke

Zalto, Fire Giant Duke
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus

Zariel, Archduke of Avernus



Bull's Strength

Bull's Strength
Choose Your Weapon

Choose Your Weapon
Circle of Dreams Druid

Circle of Dreams Druid
Circle of the Moon Druid

Circle of the Moon Druid
Compelled Duel

Compelled Duel
Dire Wolf Prowler

Dire Wolf Prowler
Druid Class

Druid Class
Ellywick Tumblestrum

Ellywick Tumblestrum
Elturgard Ranger

Elturgard Ranger
Find the Path

Find the Path

Gnoll Hunter

Gnoll Hunter
Green Dragon

Green Dragon
Hill Giant Herdgorger

Hill Giant Herdgorger
Hunter's Mark

Hunter's Mark
Inspiring Bard

Inspiring Bard
Instrument of the Bards

Instrument of the Bards
Intrepid Outlander

Intrepid Outlander
Loathsome Troll

Loathsome Troll
Long Rest

Long Rest
Lurking Roper

Lurking Roper
Neverwinter Dryad

Neverwinter Dryad
Ochre Jelly

Ochre Jelly
Old Gnawbone

Old Gnawbone


Prosperous Innkeeper

Prosperous Innkeeper
Purple Worm

Purple Worm
Ranger Class

Ranger Class
Ranger's Longbow

Ranger's Longbow
Scaled Herbalist

Scaled Herbalist
Spoils of the Hunt

Spoils of the Hunt
Sylvan Shepherd

Sylvan Shepherd
The Tarrasque

The Tarrasque
Underdark Basilisk

Underdark Basilisk
Varis, Silverymoon Ranger

Varis, Silverymoon Ranger
Wandering Troubadour

Wandering Troubadour
Werewolf Pack Leader

Werewolf Pack Leader
Wild Shape

Wild Shape
You Find a Cursed Idol

You Find a Cursed Idol
You Happen On a Glade

You Happen On a Glade
You Meet in a Tavern

You Meet in a Tavern


Adult Gold Dragon

Adult Gold Dragon
Bard Class

Bard Class
Barrowin of Clan Undurr

Barrowin of Clan Undurr
Bruenor Battlehammer

Bruenor Battlehammer
Drizzt Do'Urden

Drizzt Do'Urden
Farideh, Devil's Chosen

Farideh, Devil's Chosen
Fighter Class

Fighter Class
Gretchen Titchwillow

Gretchen Titchwillow
Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker

Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker
Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Krydle of Baldur's Gate

Krydle of Baldur's Gate
Minsc, Beloved Ranger

Minsc, Beloved Ranger
Monk Class

Monk Class
Orcus, Prince of Undeath

Orcus, Prince of Undeath
Rogue Class

Rogue Class
Shessra, Death's Whisper

Shessra, Death's Whisper
Skeletal Swarming

Skeletal Swarming
Sorcerer Class

Sorcerer Class
Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll

Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
Triumphant Adventurer

Triumphant Adventurer
Volo, Guide to Monsters

Volo, Guide to Monsters
Xanathar, Guild Kingpin

Xanathar, Guild Kingpin



Bag of Holding

Bag of Holding
Dungeon Map

Dungeon Map
Eye of Vecna

Eye of Vecna
Fifty Feet of Rope

Fifty Feet of Rope

Hand of Vecna

Hand of Vecna
Iron Golem

Iron Golem
Leather Armor

Leather Armor

Spare Dagger

Spare Dagger
Spiked Pit Trap

Spiked Pit Trap
The Deck of Many Things

The Deck of Many Things
Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest






















Cave of the Frost Dragon

Cave of the Frost Dragon
Den of the Bugbear

Den of the Bugbear
Dungeon Descent

Dungeon Descent
Evolving Wilds

Evolving Wilds
Hall of Storm Giants

Hall of Storm Giants
Hive of the Eye Tyrant

Hive of the Eye Tyrant
Lair of the Hydra

Lair of the Hydra
Temple of the Dragon Queen

Temple of the Dragon Queen
Treasure Vault

Treasure Vault

Fun Facts

Basic Lands

The basic lands from this set feature flavor text on the card, which is new for lands. They’re also written from the perspective of a DM talking to their player. Definitely very cool.

Creature Types

We got a few new creature types including halflings and citizens. We also got rangers reintroduced to the mix. Another fun fact for citizen creatures: they got black borders, which were previously only used on tokens and test cards.


This one bummed me out a little bit. As we saw with our beloved queen Lolth, some famous D&D characters were given planeswalker status. That being said, Wizards made it clear that this doesn’t mean that any of these characters have the planeswalker spark (?):

Look, I mentioned already that Wizards has made some disappointing choices for this set in not merging D&D’s lore with Magic’s. Making a deity from D&D a planeswalker and then having to explain that they don’t actually follow Magic’s established lore for this type of card is… odd. Legendary creature? God subtype? Never heard of her.

I’m honestly really confused by this decision. ATHL337 put it perfectly:

Available Products

We’ve got the typical spread for products with Forgotten Realms, so there’s nothing new or ground-breaking here. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Prerelease Pack

AFR prerelease pack

Here’s what you can expect to get in these packs of goodness:

  • 6 AFR draft boosters
  • 1 foil rare/mythic rare with a foil year stamp
  • 3 foil dungeon cards
  • 1 d20 with the AFR expansion symbol
  • 1 reusable deck box with divider
  • 1 code card for free packs on MTG Arena

Set Boosters

AFR set booster box

There are three variations of the set boosters: the mind flayer from True Polymorph, Grand Master of Flowers, and a Blue Dragon. These little packs are much more likely to contain multiple rares than the draft boosters, so these are what you want if that's your aim.

The Forgotten Realms set boosters contain:

  • At least 1 rare or mythic rare
  • 1 foil card, any rarity
  • 1 art card or foil-stamped art card
  • 7-10 commons and uncommons
  • 1 basic land or foil basic land
  • 1 ad/token/dungeon card or 1 card from The List
  • 1 Rulebook, module, or borderless common or uncommon (details)

You can get set boosters either individually or in displays of 30 packs. Wizards is also offering an exclusive promo with the Alessandra Pisano art version of Vorpal Sword: you may be eligible for a special foil Buy-a-Box promo if you purchase a display. Make sure to ask your LGS if they're offering this special first, though, if you're only aiming for the exclusive Sword art.

Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Booster Box | 30 Packs (360 Magic Cards), Black
  • 30 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Set Boosters
  • Best MTG booster for opening packs just for fun
  • 12 Magic: The Gathering cards per pack
  • 1–4 Rares or Mythic Rares in every pack
  • Traditional foil card in every pack

Draft Boosters

AFR draft booster box

The draft boosters feature artwork of Drizzt Do'Urden and are perfect if draft or sealed is your thing. They've got all the same stuff as the set boosters but are optimized for Limited play.

Here's what you get in these:

  • 1 rare or mythic rare
  • 3 uncommons
  • 10 commons (33% of packs will have a traditional foil of any rarity instead)
  • 1 basic land
  • 1 ad/token/dungeon card

Similarly to the set boosters, you can get draft boosters individually or in display boxes of 36 packs and could be eligible for the Vorpal Sword Buy-a-Box promo.

Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Booster Box | 36 Packs (540 Magic Cards)
  • 36 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Magic: The Gathering Draft Boosters
  • 15 MTG cards per Draft Booster
  • Rare or Mythic Rare in every pack
  • Just add lands and draft with up to 12 players
  • Beloved Dungeons & Dragons heroes and monsters have ventured into Magic for the ultimate crossover

Collector Boosters

AFR Collector Booster Box

The collector boosters features art of a Beholder. Very cool. These are great to collect all the best cards of the set as they've got multiple rares/mythic rares, some fun variants, foils, and extended-art versions of Forgotten Realms cards in each pack.

Collector boosters can also be purchased individually or in displays of 12 packs. The same Buy-a-Box promo applies with these.

These special collector packs contain:

  • 1 foil extended-art, showcase, or borderless rare/mythic rare
  • 1 foil showcase or borderless common/uncommon
  • 1 showcase or borderless rare/mythic rare
  • 2 showcase or borderless commons/uncommons
  • 1 extended-art rare/mythic rare commander
  • 1 extended-art rare/mythic rare
  • 1 foil rare/mythic rare
  • 2 foil uncommons
  • 4 foil commons
  • 1 foil basic land
  • 1 foil double-sided token
Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Collector Booster Box | 12 Packs (180 Magic Cards)
  • 12 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Magic: The Gathering Collector Boosters
  • Shortcut to the coolest cards in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
  • Loaded with rares, foils, special treatments, and more
  • 5 Rare or Mythic Rare cards per pack
  • 15 Magic cards plus 1 foil token in every pack
Magic: The Gathering Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Collector Booster | 15 Magic Cards
  • 15 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Magic: The Gathering cards + 1 foil token
  • Shortcut to the coolest MTG cards in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
  • 4–5 Showcase or Borderless cards
  • 2–3 Extended-Art cards
  • Total of 10 traditional foil cards

Commander Decks

AFR Commander Decks

As we’ve come to expect with the major sets in Magic, we got four preconstructed Commander decks with Forgotten Realms. There’s Aura of Courage, Dungeons of Death, Draconic Rage, and Planar Portal.

We’ll be getting 17 new cards in each deck, which also contain:

  • 1 foil-etched display commander
  • 100 cards including 2 foil legendary creatures
  • 10 double-sided tokens
  • 1 life wheel die
  • 1 deck box
Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Deck Bundle – Includes 1 Draconic Rage + 1 Planar Portal + 1 Dungeons of Death + 1 Aura of Courage
  • Bundle of 4 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Commander Decks
  • All 4 ready-to-play MTG decks contain 100 Magic cards (2 traditional foil + 98 nonfoil)
  • Each deck comes with 1 Display Commander, 10 double-sided tokens, 1 life tracker + 1 deck box
  • Beloved Dungeons & Dragons heroes and monsters have ventured into Magic for the ultimate crossover!
  • English (Publication Language)

Theme Boosters

AFR Theme Booster Box

There are five mono-colored theme boosters plus a sixth focusing on the new dungeon mechanic. These are great if you're looking to collect new cards for a deck you've already built. Grab a theme booster for your preferred color or the dungeon booster if you want to venture a little further into that new mechanic.

Each booster contains:

  • 1-2 rares/mythic rares
  • 33-34 commons and uncommons
MTG Magic Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Theme Booster Display Box - 12 (35-Card) Booster Packs
  • Helps new and casual players expand their collection.
  • All cards themed around a single colour.
  • One rare or mythic rare in each deck.
  • English (Publication Language)

Forgotten Realms Bundle

AFR regular bundle

This set bundle is a nice package of stuff that makes a pretty good gift. These are great if you want a little something extra, and they've got oversized versions of the three Forgotten Realms dungeon cards. Pretty cool collector items if you want something like that.

Here's what you get in here:

  • 10 AFR draft boosters
  • 3 oversized dungeon cards
  • 10 foil basic lands
  • 20 non-foil basic lands
  • 1 exclusive alternate-art card
  • 1 exclusive oversized d20
  • 1 card storage box
Magic: The Gathering Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Bundle | 10 Draft Boosters (150 Magic Cards) + Accessories
  • Includes 10 Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Boosters.
  • Each Draft Booster Pack contains 15 Magic cards (150 cards total).
  • Contains an exclusive foil alt-art promo card (Treasure Chest), 40 basic land cards (20 foil & 20 non-foil), 3 oversized Dungeon cards, 1 oversized d20 and a Magic: The Gathering card storage box.
  • Beloved Dungeons & Dragons heroes and monsters have ventured into Magic for the ultimate crossover!
  • English (Publication Language)

Gift Bundle

AFR Gift Bundle

If you've got someone in your life that's really into Magic, or maybe someone that loves D&D and you want an excuse to gently guide them into MTG, this is the perfect bundle for you. This is basically the regular bundle meets the collector booster, along with its own exclusive d20.

Magic: The Gathering Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Gift Bundle | 10 Draft Boosters | 1 Collector Booster | Accessories
  • 10 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Magic: The Gathering Draft Boosters
  • 1 AFR Collector Booster full of foils, rares, and special treatments
  • 1 foil alt-art promo card—Treasure Chest
  • 3 oversized dungeon cards + 40 basic lands (20 foil, 20 nonfoil)
  • 1 special Gift Bundle d20 and foil card storage box

Dungeon Delving

Potion of Healing - Illustration by Pauline Voss

Potion of Healing | Illustration by Pauline Voss

That’s all I’ve got for you for the time being. As unsure as I was about the set when I first started diving into it, I'm actually pretty pleased with the final result. R&D has done a great job merging the flavor of D&D into Magic and its existing mechanics, and I think the new additions will fit right in.

What about you? If you’re a long-time D&D player or DM, what were you happy to see included in the set? Was there anything you hoped to see that was left out? Are you unhappy with anything that was included? And on the flip side, if you’re completely unfamiliar with D&D, what are your thoughts on this whole thing?

I’m already binging MTGA to collect every single card I can, including drafts and any event I can manage. If you’re going to do the same, may I recommend Arena Tutor? I know, that was such a smooth segue. Save your applause for later, thank you. In all seriousness, though, it’s a great tracker with our signature Draftsim AI built right in, so it’s worth a try if you draft a lot.

Finally, Draftsim now has a comprehensive draft guide on this set right here. If you're planning to ever draft this set, it's a must read.

I’m all promo’ed out, though. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Have a good one, and stay safe!

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