Don’t Pick Colors, Adopt Hues

Gravatar Changes From The Last Two Weeks

The big news is all of the custom design options that are now available to users’ free profile pages.

Learn all about that here.

Here’s what else we have for you.

Profile Editor

  • 🖼 Choosing between a full background image or a chic pattern is now in your hands.
  • 📝 Hovercards on our blog? Fixed ’em! Go ahead, hover away without a care.
  • 🛠 Ethereum enthusiasts, your icon is back and looking sharper than ever.
  • 🚫 Cut down on those extra avatar requests. Because efficiency is our middle name.
  • 🔗 Adding links should be as easy as pie. And now, it is.
  • 🌐 Got a WP site that’s no longer a WP site? We’ve got you covered.
  • 🔒 Keeping it in the family – only URLs for your profile background.
  • 🐞 Disconnecting GitHub should be a smooth operation. And now, it is.
  • 🌈 Redesigning the Design section for that extra splash of color.
  • 🔍 Prioritizing verified services by usage, because popularity matters.
  • 📦 Said goodbye to some old upload code. Out with the old, in with the new!
  • 📸 Refined the avatar upload process. Because who has time for unnecessary steps?
  • 🛠 Kept our core files up to date with the latest from WordPress.
  • 📸 Syncing issues with WP Profile? Consider them history.
  • 🚀 Embracing change and updates because we’re not just about avatars, we’re about progress.

Android SDK

  • 📚 Library Split: We broke up the party, separating gravatar:core and gravatar:ui. Now, when you party with version 4.3.2 on one, you gotta bring 4.3.2 as a plus-one.
  • 🔧 Refactor Fiesta: Shook hands and aligned with our iOS counterparts for a common architecture dance-off.
  • 🛠 OpenApi Integration: Rolled out the red carpet for OpenApi in our SDK. Because who doesn’t love a grand entrance?


  • 🆔 Identifiers Galore: Rolled out the red carpet for ProfileIdentifier and AvatarIdentifier. Because everyone deserves their moment in the spotlight.
  • 🌍 URL Naming Convention: Agreed on a harmonious naming convention.
  • 🚀 Fastlane: Fastlane is here for a smoother ride on testing and builds.
  • 🛠 CI for Demo: Set up CI to give our Demo project the love and attention it deserves.
  • 🗑 Method Cleanup: Cleaned house on ProfileService and image-related services.
  • 🖥 UI Module: Created a new home for our UI Components. Because everyone needs a place to belong.
  • 🛠 Service Improvements: Gave ProfileService and AvatarService a spa day. They’re feeling refreshed and better than ever.
  • 📸 GravatarURL Division: Split GravatarURL into AvatarURL and ProfileURL.
  • 🔒 Security Markdown: We’re all about safety first, which is why we’ve got a shiny new
  • 🎨 Enhancements Galore: Renamed and refined for that extra bit of polish. Because we’re all about the details.

Another week of tweaks, improvements, and straight-up good vibes. Keep those avatars shiny, your profiles snazzy, and remember, in the world of Gravatar, the only constant is change (and maybe a few bug squashes along the way).

Catch you on the flip side! 🎉