We’re Goin’ Mobile

Gravatar Changes From The Last Two Weeks

The big news this cycle is that we’ve released version 0.1.0 of our new mobile SDKs. Mobile developers, star these repos and follow along as we make it easier to integrate Gravatar profiles in your apps.

Android | iOS

Here’s a rundown of what else we’ve been up to:

🖋 Add professional fields in the Profile Introduced new fields (Job Title and Company/Organization) in the About section for a more comprehensive user profile. You good developers will be able to pull in this information to your apps via our APIs.

Verified Services: Fix TikTok We’ve restored TikTok verification to its former glory after receiving approval for the required scope.

📚 Fix documentation anchor text size Anchor text size issues in the documentation have been fixed to ensure readability and consistency across the platform.

🧹 General Housekeeping Removed unused functions and deployed new profile fields as part of our continuous effort to keep our codebase clean and efficient.

📦 Vendor Dependencies Added a bunch of vendor dependencies (e.g., vendor/sop, vendor/paragonie, vendor/psr) to ensure our backend is running on the latest and greatest.

Keep your avatars fresh and your code cleaner!