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General Arthur W. Wilson is the commander of the United States Special Operations Command, one of the US subfactions featured in O:FS. His attack forces consist of elite infantry and light vehicles supported by advanced artillery and helicopters. Even though his strength lies in speed and infiltration, Wilson's armor divisions should not be underestimated.

General Points:

Tree 1 Special Operations:

Rank1: Advanced Infantry Training

Rank2: Black Operation 1 (Drops 4 Commandos)

Rank3: Commando (unit unlock; also unlocks stealth upgrade for chinooks)

Rank4: Black Operation 2 (8 Commandos; stealthed helicopters)

Rank5: Extended Equipment (various weapon upgrades for all infantry units)

Tree 2 Fire Support:

Rank1: Supplies Drop (Heals units, clears toxins; further upgradeable)

Rank2: Coastal Bombardement 1 (Battleship gun and cruise missile barrage)

Rank3: M270 MRLS (unit unlock)

Rank4: Coastal Bombardement 2

Rank5: Aurora (unit unlock)

Additional Points:

Rank1: Spy drone (unlock, buildable unit)

Rank2-4: (3 levels) A10 Strike

Rank2-4: (3 levels) Reinforcements (Paratroopers, drops infantry and light vehicles)

Rank2: Recon Training (Promotion for Humvees, Violator and Littlebird)

Rank3: KE-Shells (Upgrade for Tanks, increases dmg vs. Vehicles)

Rank4: Titan Tank (unit unlock, super-heavy tank; build limit of 8; good vs. tanks)


Fuel Air Bomb (costs 2 points)

Airdeploy Marker (places a signal, where units can be built and deployed via parachute for 1 min.)

Spectre Gunship (costs 2 points)

New Units:

War Factory:

Wolverine Tank; Light tank, fires canister shells (= huge shotgun).

SOCOM Humvee; increased armor

Desert Patrol Vehicle; works like a combat bike.

Titan Tank; Superheavy Tank; (Requires General-point, Rank4)

Hunter Artillery, howitzer, new basic artillery for all USA

M270 MRLS (Requires General-point, rank3), T3 artillery

Repair-APC (all USA replacement for medic)


Vanguard AA Tank, T3 Anti Air unit


Harrier – basic anti-ground jet; VTOL but has to reload at the Airfield.

Stealth Fighter – fires bombs (no PDL or ECM works against it), increased damage

Raptor – Interceptor, AA only

Aurora – Rank5 General-point, build limit of 4

Littlebird; light recon helicopter; can be upgraded with rocket pods

Apache: basic helicopter, armed with guns, missiles and rocket-pods (ability).

Pave Low; Heavy (infantry) Transport; Minigun; Bunker (8 slots)


SOCOM Ranger; increased HP and damage

Javelin; Anti-Tank Trooper; more range and damage, but lower rate of fire; Expensive

Pathfinder; no Unlock required; needs T2 (Tech Center)

Commando; (Rank 3 unlock); Stealthed; Amphibious; strong vs infantry, can plant C4

Heavy Gunner; advanced infantry; armed with MG and Grenade Launcher;

<Commander Burton; currently classified>

New Buildings:

Tech Center; T2 Tech building

VTOL-Pad; Smaller and Cheaper Airfield; Can construct Harriers and Helicopters


Cluster Missile Silo; Releases a storm of rockets.

New Upgrades:

Kevlar Vests (T3): Increased HP for infantry

Advanced Missiles (T3): faster and stronger missiles for Patriot, MLRS and Avenger

Laser guided missiles is now available at T2 (Tech Center).

Composite Armor is now available at T3.

Radar Systems (T2): Adds stealth detection modules to Wolverine and Littlebird

Stealth Systems (Rank3; Object Upgrade) Chinooks can become stealthed.

KE-Shells (Rank3) Tanks can use advanced Ammunition; More damage, especially vs. Tanks

Extended Equipment (Rank5) Infantry gain various damage boosts:

        Ranger: HE Grenade Launcher (weapon switch)

        Javelin: 20% increased damage

        Pathfinder: HE Rounds (weapon switch)

        Commando: Mine-Clearing grenades

        Burton: Increased C4 damage

        Heavy Gunner: Increased grenade damage;