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Managing environments for deployment

You can create environments and secure those environments with deployment protection rules. A job that references an environment must follow any protection rules for the environment before running or accessing the environment's secrets.

Qui peut utiliser cette fonctionnalité ?

Repository owners

Les environnements, les secrets d’environnement et les règles de protection de déploiement sont disponibles dans les référentiels publics pour tous les plans GitHub actuels. Ils ne sont pas disponibles sur des plans hérités, tels que Bronze, Argent ou Or. Pour accéder aux environnements, secrets d’environnement et branches de déploiement dans des dépôts privés ou internes, vous devez utiliser GitHub Pro, GitHub Team ou GitHub Enterprise. Si vous utilisez un plan GitHub Free, GitHub Pro ou GitHub Team, d’autres règles de protection du déploiement, telles qu’un minuteur d’attente ou des réviseurs requis, ne sont disponibles que pour les référentiels publics.

About environments

Environments are used to describe a general deployment target like production, staging, or development. When a GitHub Actions workflow deploys to an environment, the environment is displayed on the main page of the repository. For more information about viewing deployments to environments, see "Consultation de l’historique de déploiement."

You can configure environments with protection rules and secrets. When a workflow job references an environment, the job won't start until all of the environment's protection rules pass. A job also cannot access secrets that are defined in an environment until all the deployment protection rules pass.

Optionally, you can bypass an environment's protection rules and force all pending jobs referencing the environment to proceed. For more information, see "Révision des déploiements."

Note: Users with GitHub Free plans can only configure environments for public repositories. If you convert a repository from public to private, any configured protection rules or environment secrets will be ignored, and you will not be able to configure any environments. If you convert your repository back to public, you will have access to any previously configured protection rules and environment secrets.

Organizations with GitHub Team and users with GitHub Pro can configure environments for private repositories. For more information, see "Plans de GitHub."

Deployment protection rules

Deployment protection rules require specific conditions to pass before a job referencing the environment can proceed. You can use deployment protection rules to require a manual approval, delay a job, or restrict the environment to certain branches. You can also create and implement custom protection rules powered by GitHub Apps to use third-party systems to control deployments referencing environments configured on

Third-party systems can be observability systems, change management systems, code quality systems, or other manual configurations that you use to assess readiness before deployments are safely rolled out to environments.

Remarque : Vous pouvez configurer n’importe quel nombre de règles de protection de déploiement basé sur GitHub Apps peuvent sur un dépôt. Toutefois, un maximum de 6 règles de protection de déploiement peuvent être activées un environnement donné à la fois.

Required reviewers

Use required reviewers to require a specific person or team to approve workflow jobs that reference the environment. You can list up to six users or teams as reviewers. The reviewers must have at least read access to the repository. Only one of the required reviewers needs to approve the job for it to proceed.

You also have the option to prevent self-reviews for deployments to protected environments. If you enable this setting, users who initiate a deployment cannot approve the deployment job, even if they are a required reviewer. This ensures that deployments to protected environments are always reviewed by more than one person.

For more information on reviewing jobs that reference an environment with required reviewers, see "Révision des déploiements."

Note: If you are on a GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, or GitHub Team plan, required reviewers are only available for public repositories.

Wait timer

Use a wait timer to delay a job for a specific amount of time after the job is initially triggered. The time (in minutes) must be an integer between 1 and 43,200 (30 days).

Note: If you are on a GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, or GitHub Team plan, wait timers are only available for public repositories.

Deployment branches and tags

Use deployment branches and tags to restrict which branches and tags can deploy to the environment. Below are the options for deployment branches and tags for an environment:

  • No restriction: No restriction on which branch or tag can deploy to the environment.

  • Protected branches only: Only branches with branch protection rules enabled can deploy to the environment. If no branch protection rules are defined for any branch in the repository, then all branches can deploy. For more information about branch protection rules, see "À propos des branches protégées."

    Note: Deployment workflow runs triggered by tags with the same name as a protected branch and forks with branches that match the protected branch name cannot deploy to the environment.

  • Selected branches and tags: Only branches and tags that match your specified name patterns can deploy to the environment.

    If you specify releases/* as a deployment branch or tag rule, only a branch or tag whose name begins with releases/ can deploy to the environment. (Wildcard characters will not match /. To match branches or tags that begin with release/ and contain an additional single slash, use release/*/*.) If you add main as a branch rule, a branch named main can also deploy to the environment. For more information about syntax options for deployment branches, see the Ruby File.fnmatch documentation.

    Remarque : les modèles de nom doivent être configurés individuellement pour les branches ou les balises.

Note: Deployment branches and tags are available for all public repositories. For users on GitHub Pro or GitHub Team plans, deployment branches and tags are also available for private repositories.

Allow administrators to bypass configured protection rules

By default, administrators can bypass the protection rules and force deployments to specific environments. For more information, see "Révision des déploiements."

Alternatively, you can configure environments to disallow bypassing the protection rules for all deployments to the environment.

Note: Allowing administrators to bypass protection rules is only available for public repositories for users on GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, and GitHub Team plans.

Custom deployment protection rules

Remarque : Les règles de protection de déploiement personnalisées sont actuellement en version bêta publique et sont susceptibles d’être modifiées.

Vous pouvez activer vos propres règles de protection personnalisées pour contrôler les déploiements avec des services tiers. Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser des services comme Datadog, Honeycomb et ServiceNow pour fournir des approbations automatisées pour les déploiements sur For more information, see "Création de règles de protection de déploiement personnalisées".

Once custom deployment protection rules have been created and installed on a repository, you can enable the custom deployment protection rule for any environment in the repository. For more information about configuring and enabling custom deployment protection rules, see "Configuration de règles de protection de déploiement personnalisées."

Note: Custom deployment protection rules are only available for public repositories for users on GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, and GitHub Team plans.

Environment secrets

Secrets stored in an environment are only available to workflow jobs that reference the environment. If the environment requires approval, a job cannot access environment secrets until one of the required reviewers approves it. For more information about secrets, see "Utilisation de secrets dans GitHub Actions."


  • Workflows that run on self-hosted runners are not run in an isolated container, even if they use environments. Environment secrets should be treated with the same level of security as repository and organization secrets. For more information, see "Durcissement de la sécurité pour GitHub Actions."
  • Environment secrets are only available in public repositories if you are using GitHub Free. For access to environment secrets in private or internal repositories, you must use GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, or GitHub Enterprise. For more information on switching your plan, see "Mise à niveau du plan de votre compte."

Environment variables

Variables stored in an environment are only available to workflow jobs that reference the environment. These variables are only accessible using the vars context. For more information, see "Variables."

Note: Environment variables are available for all public repositories. For users on GitHub Pro or GitHub Team plans, environment variables are also available for private repositories.

Creating an environment

Pour configurer un environnement dans un référentiel de comptes personnels, vous devez être le propriétaire du référentiel. Pour configurer un environnement dans un référentiel d’organisation, vous devez disposer d’un accès admin.


  • Creation of an environment in a private repository is available to organizations with GitHub Team and users with GitHub Pro.
  • Some features for environments have no or limited availability for private repositories. If you are unable to access a feature described in the instructions below, please see the documentation linked in the related step for availability information.
  1. Dans, accédez à la page principale du dépôt.

  2. Sous le nom de votre dépôt, cliquez sur Paramètres. Si vous ne voyez pas l’onglet « Paramètres », sélectionnez le menu déroulant , puis cliquez sur Paramètres.

    Capture d’écran d’un en-tête de dépôt montrant les onglets. L’onglet « Paramètres » est mis en évidence avec un encadré orange foncé.

  3. Dans la barre latérale gauche, cliquez sur Environnements.

  4. Cliquez sur Nouvel environnement.

  5. Entrez un nom pour l’environnement, puis cliquez sur Configurer l’environnement. Les noms d’environnements ne respectent pas la casse. Un nom d’environnement ne peut pas dépasser 255 caractères et doit être unique dans le dépôt.

  6. Optionally, specify people or teams that must approve workflow jobs that use this environment. For more information, see "Required reviewers."

    1. Select Required reviewers.
    2. Enter up to 6 people or teams. Only one of the required reviewers needs to approve the job for it to proceed.
    3. Optionally, to prevent users from approving workflows runs that they triggered, select Prevent self-review.
    4. Click Save protection rules.
  7. Optionally, specify the amount of time to wait before allowing workflow jobs that use this environment to proceed. For more information, see "Wait timer."

    1. Select Wait timer.
    2. Enter the number of minutes to wait.
    3. Click Save protection rules.
  8. Optionally, disallow bypassing configured protection rules. For more information, see "Allow administrators to bypass configured protection rules."

    1. Deselect Allow administrators to bypass configured protection rules.
    2. Click Save protection rules.
  9. Optionally, enable any custom deployment protection rules that have been created with GitHub Apps. For more information, see "Custom deployment protection rules."

    1. Select the custom protection rule you want to enable.
    2. Click Save protection rules.
  10. Optionally, specify what branches and tags can deploy to this environment. For more information, see "Deployment branches and tags."

    1. Select the desired option in the Deployment branches dropdown.

    2. If you chose Selected branches and tags, to add a new rule, click Add deployment branch or tag rule

    3. In the "Ref type" dropdown menu, depending on what rule you want to apply, click Branch or Tag.

    4. Enter the name pattern for the branch or tag that you want to allow.

      Remarque : les modèles de nom doivent être configurés individuellement pour les branches ou les balises.

    5. Click Add rule.

  11. Optionally, add environment secrets. These secrets are only available to workflow jobs that use the environment. Additionally, workflow jobs that use this environment can only access these secrets after any configured rules (for example, required reviewers) pass. For more information, see "Environment secrets."

    1. Under Environment secrets, click Add Secret.
    2. Enter the secret name.
    3. Enter the secret value.
    4. Click Add secret.
  12. Optionally, add environment variables. These variables are only available to workflow jobs that use the environment, and are only accessible using the vars context. For more information, see "Environment variables."

    1. Under Environment variables, click Add Variable.
    2. Enter the variable name.
    3. Enter the variable value.
    4. Click Add variable.

You can also create and configure environments through the REST API. For more information, see "Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les environnements de déploiement," "Points de terminaison REST pour l’API secrets GitHub Actions," "Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les variables GitHub Actions," and "Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les stratégies de branche de déploiement."

Running a workflow that references an environment that does not exist will create an environment with the referenced name. The newly created environment will not have any protection rules or secrets configured. Anyone that can edit workflows in the repository can create environments via a workflow file, but only repository admins can configure the environment.

Deleting an environment

Pour configurer un environnement dans un référentiel de comptes personnels, vous devez être le propriétaire du référentiel. Pour configurer un environnement dans un référentiel d’organisation, vous devez disposer d’un accès admin.

Deleting an environment will delete all secrets and protection rules associated with the environment. Any jobs currently waiting because of protection rules from the deleted environment will automatically fail.

  1. Dans, accédez à la page principale du dépôt.

  2. Sous le nom de votre dépôt, cliquez sur Paramètres. Si vous ne voyez pas l’onglet « Paramètres », sélectionnez le menu déroulant , puis cliquez sur Paramètres.

    Capture d’écran d’un en-tête de dépôt montrant les onglets. L’onglet « Paramètres » est mis en évidence avec un encadré orange foncé.

  3. Dans la barre latérale gauche, cliquez sur Environnements.

  4. Next to the environment that you want to delete, click .

  5. Click I understand, delete this environment.

You can also delete environments through the REST API. For more information, see "Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les référentiels."

How environments relate to deployments

Quand un travail de workflow qui référence un environnement s’exécute, il crée un objet de déploiement avec la propriété environment définie sur le nom de votre environnement. Au fur et à mesure que le workflow progresse, il crée aussi des objets d’état de déploiement avec la propriété environment définie sur le nom de votre environnement, la propriété environment_url définie sur l’URL de l’environnement (si elle est spécifiée dans le workflow) et la propriété state définie sur l’état du travail.

You can access these objects through the REST API or GraphQL API. You can also subscribe to these webhook events. For more information, see "Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les référentiels," "Objets" (GraphQL API), or "Événements et charges utiles du webhook."

Next steps

GitHub Actions provides several features for managing your deployments. For more information, see "Déploiement avec GitHub Actions."