Blood Parrot by Gu Long

Translated by Jeremy Bai a.k.a. Deathblade

Ghosts don’t have blood. But demons do. A hundred thousand drops of demon blood were once combined to create a Blood Parrot. The parrot descends into the human world once every seven years, whereupon it grants three wishes. Seven years have passed since it last appeared.

Blood Parrot is a wuxia horror novel by Gu Long. It tells the story of Wang Feng, a dying hero who gets sucked into a web of intrigue and death in Peaceful Township. Seven years ago, a massive treasure heist became the talk of South China. To this day, the case is unsolved. Wrapped up in the mystery is the legend of the Blood Parrot, a creature from the netherworld that is said to grant three wishes. What is the Blood Parrot? What are the Blood Servants? Who is the mastermind behind the heist?

Mysteries build upon mysteries, and bodies continue to pile up. Wang Feng might not give a damn about living, but that doesn't mean he wants to throw his life away for nothing. Will he survive this incident and learn the truth about the heist and the Blood Parrot?


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This novel is intended for adult audiences, and contains content some readers may find disturbing or offensive. That includes, but isn't limited to:

  • Depictions of the abuse of alcoholic beverages
  • Descriptions of blood, gore, and the mutilation of body parts
  • Mild to moderate use of profanity
  • Adult humor including sexual references
  • Depictions of sexual activity
  • Depictions of sexual assault


Kindle readers: Due to Amazon's changes to formatting support for Kindle, importing ebook files to Kindle currently causes issues. The text should be fine, but some elements such as the ornamental section breaks, fonts, etc. might look unusual. Hopefully Amazon fixes this issue soon.