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Crips for eSims for Gaza

Illustration with a light blue background featuring pieces of watermelon cut into triangular shapes and watermelon seeds.In the center against a white square background text reads, Crips for eSims for Gaza.
Illustration with a light blue background featuring pieces of watermelon cut into triangular shapes and watermelon seeds.In the center against a white square background text reads, Crips for eSims for Gaza.


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As disabled people around the world and as disabled diasporic Asian queers, we have been grieving heavily and finding as many ways we can to be in solidarity with Palestinians during the last 80 days of the genocide against Palestinian people. 

We want to get money and resources directly to Palestinians in Gaza, however, as many people know, the blockade has made it almost impossible to get cash and resources into Gaza. One way that is possible is getting people eSims. 

The Israeli Occupation Forces have attacked wifi and cellular service over and over again, which stops people from being able to get information, be in touch with their families to let them know they’re alive, and for people to get the word out about bombings and conditions in Gaza. The several times that Israel/the IOF cut off all wireless and cellular service have been chilling and also provided sites where harsh damage, murder and atrocities could occur without media coverage, period, and by the heroic young citizen journalists whose social media accounts are some of the only ways that accurate, up-to-date news has been getting out of Gaza. 

On October 29th, 2023, Egyptian writer and activist Mirna El Helbawi founded #ConnectingGaza to get eSims directly to people in Gaza, with updated information about which carrier is most needed. A few weeks later,  poet and organizer Jane Shi decided to sell her remaining “Immunocompromised people are worth protecting” stickers to raise funds for eSims as well as for Palestinian Youth Movement Toronto’s Community Defense Fund after her friend Divya Kaur (@soft.kaur) suggested fundraising for eSims with art and after her friend Vivian Ly and co-organizer at Masks4EastVan linked Mirna’s instructions in a group chat. Doing so was quick and easy, as her stickers were already listed on her Big Cartel page from when they were previously sold to fundraise for fires and floods impacting predominantly Indigenous families in so-called British Columbia. 

Like many others across her social media feed, Jane was floored when she saw that one of the eSims she purchased, which lasts 20 days and has unlimited data, was activated, meaning that it is currently being used to connect Palestinians in Gaza to the Internet. She excitedly sent the screenshot of the activated eSim to a bunch of her friends and community members, hoping to offer some respite against the high stress of protests, social media posts, and ongoing organizing. 

Amidst the onslaught of violence, criminalization of protest, egregious censorship, and grief, including for the assassination of English professor and poet Refaat Alareer, the small blue “Active” offered a glimmer of hope, however small, however inadequate. 

Poet Rasha Abdulhadi, a disabled, queer Palestinian Southerner, invites us to do everything in our power to refuse the genocide against Palestinian people and in so doing, encourages us to make connections between our struggles and theirs.  In their bio in The Offing and elsewhere, they share, “Wherever you are, whatever sand you can throw on the gears of genocide, do it now. If it’s a handful, throw it. If it’s a fingernail full, scrape it out and throw. Get in the way however you can. The elimination of the Palestinian people is not inevitable. We can refuse with our every breath and action. We must.” As disabled people we owe our disabled kin in Gaza to get in the way. 

In the spirit of many disability justice crowdfunds, like Stacey Park Milbern’s collective fundraiser to buy the Disability Justice Culture Club in 2019, we are organizing this disabled (and ally) crowdfund to buy a shit ton of eSims.  

Anything you can contribute helps. There is power in numbers. We know that as disabled/ sick/ ND/Deaf people we are often poor or broke, but we can pool our money to collectively make a big difference. We also know that there is a rich tradition of poor and working class people donating more than middle class and rich people in general, and of poor and working class disabled people sharing what we have as a form of collective access and solidarity. We also call on people with access to money and/or wealth to contribute as you can.

We are also looking for disabled orgs and collectives to connect with and move money and resources to as askedwe have listed some below. We also recognize that everyone in Gaza is now disabled due to the massive number of deaths, new disabilities, life-threatening illnesses and destruction of medical facilities going on. Such destruction also debilitates the land, water, and air, which will impact Palestinians and all surrounding life for generations to come. We owe our kin in Palestine to throw sand on the gears of genocide with our every breath.  

And, as Stefanie Kaufman-Mthimkulu of Project LETS writes

Witnessing Palestinians refuse to leave each other behind — the sick, the Disabled, the elders, the babies — is the greatest love, the fiercest, most devoted act of Disability Justice. Witnessing Palestinians choose to move slower and more intentionally — guiding wheelchair users under a never ending rain of white phosphorus bombs, under the threat of inconceivable (but real) bombs with flying blades that explode your muscles into tiny pieces — is nothing short of a miracle. It is a display of breathtaking interdependence…. The valiant Palestinians have shown us how to practice Disability Justice with no tools, left with nothing but your bones and heart and soul.

Decolonization and liberation from imperialist war and genocide has, was and always will be disability justice issues.


In the spirit of total liberation and resistance, for a disability justice present and future,

Jane Shi

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Alice Wong 


Send funds for eSims for Gaza

Donate here:

E-transfer (for people in Canada)

Password: YearoftheRabbit2023

We will document purchases and status of eSims in this Google Doc: 

Any amount helps. If you have zero money, spreading the word helps. 

Share this QR code to spread the news. 

A QR code directing people to this blog post


Bolder Together – Palestine Legal 

DARA Collective for Healing and Liberation

Law for Palestine

Middle East Children’s Alliance

Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund

Tamam’s Palestinian Fine Cuisine’s Fundraiser (e-transfer) 

The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in IsraePalestinian Youth Movement – Toronto’s Community Defense Fund



Refusing Genocide w/  Rasha Abdulhadi – Death Panel (Transcript) 

Why Palestinian Liberation is Disability Justice – Nelly Bassily

In war zones, disabled people must fend for themselvesRohan Zhou-Lee

Why Palestinian Liberation is Disability Justice – Alice Wong

Disability Justice for Palestine – Sins Invalid

DJ is a politic of peace – Sins Invalid

CRIP CALL TO ACTION: Why disabled people living in the US need to be calling for a long lasting ceasefire in Israel-Palestine – Allie Cannington

CURCUM’s Trees: A Decolonial Healing Guide for Palestinian Community Health Workers – Mayfly Books

Gaza Blockade Puts People with Diabetes at Risk – Human Rights Watch

Israeli Attacks, Blockade Devastating for People with Disabilities – Human Rights Watch – Human Rights Watch



Arab Resource and Organizing Center

Center for Jewish Nonviolence


Institute for Middle East Understanding

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

Muslims for Just Futures

Palestinian Youth Movement

The Freedom Theatre

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights


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