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A Faster Cast Rate bonus.

Faster Cast Rate (FCR) causes spell based characters to attack faster. The only exception is the Assassin, as her traps benefits from Increased Attack Speed.

Cast Rate items will reduce the time it takes to cast spells. Cast Rate items stack so the more you put on, the faster you can cast spells. While you may not want to sacrifice to wear an item with Faster Cast Rate, it certainly helps to have it on any items you wear.

Faster Cast Items will not help skills with Casting Delays. A Casting Delay (or cooldown) is a period of time after a player has cast a spell during which the player cannot re-cast that spell. For example, after casting Blizzard you must wait a few seconds before you're able to cast another one. As such, the Faster Cast Rate determines how rapidly a character can make use of non-delayed spells.


Each character has a base casting value, this is not a base cast rate, rather is used to calculate the cast rate. The casting base of the characters are as follows:

Amazon 20
Assassin 17
Barbarian 14
Necromancer 16
Druid 15
Paladin 16
Sorceress 14
Lightning/Chain Lightning 19
Iron Wolf 18

The standard animation speed is 256 except in the case of the human-form Druid (208), Werewolf-form Druid (229), and Werebear-form Druid (228).

The calculation to find Effective Faster Cast Rate (EFCR) is:

EFCR = [FCR x 120 / (FCR + 120)] (rounded down)

Effective Faster Cast Rate is capped at 75, so there is no point in exceeding 200% Faster Cast Rate.

The calculation to find the cast rate frames is:

Cast Rate Frames = {256 x Casting Base / [Animation Speed x (100 + EFCR) / 100 (rounded down)]} (rounded up) - 1

A Sorceress using Lightning or Chain Lightning has a unique exception to the above calculations. These two skills will use a slightly modified formula as follows:

{256 x Casting Base / [256 x (100 + EFCR) / 100]}

Faster Cast Rate breakpoints[]

There are 25 frames per second, so as the Faster Cast Rate increases, the frames decrease.

Since frames of animation cannot be further divided into fractions, this creates "breakpoints". You will not see any change in Faster Cast Rate until you pass the next breakpoint. This means that an Amazon with 21 FCR is effectively equal to one with only 14.

As one frame is a mere .04 seconds, it may not even seem worthwhile, however in practice, even single frames can make a noticeable difference.

Frames: 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Amazon 0 7 14 22 32 48 68 99 152
Assassin 0 8 16 27 42 65 102 174
Barbarian 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Druid 0 4 10 19 30 46 68 99 163
Werewolf 0 6 14 26 40 60 95 157
Werebear 0 7 15 26 40 63 99 163
Necromancer 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Necro Vampire 0 6 11 18 24 35 48 65 86 120 180
Paladin 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Sorceress 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Sorc: L/CL * 0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194
Iron Wolf 0 8 15 26 39 58 86 138

* Lighting and Chain Lighting are calculated differently than other skills.


Slot FCR Item Expansion?
Amulet 10% Magic or rare amulet of the Apprentice
Amulet 10% Tal Rasha's Adjudication set amulet (4 set items) LoD
Amulet 5–10% Crafted caster amulet* LoD
Body 30% Skin of the Vipermagi unique armor LoD
Body 25% Fortitude rune word armor LoD
Body 25% Stealth rune word armor LoD
Body 20% Ormus' Robes unique armor LoD
Body 20% Que-Hegan's Wisdom unique armor LoD
Body 10% Tal Rasha's Guardianship set armor (2 set items) LoD
Hands 20% Magefist unique gloves
Hands 20% Trang-Oul's Claws set gloves LoD
Head 25% Griffon's Eye unique circlet LoD
Head 20% Magic or rare circlet of the Magus LoD
Head 10% Magic or rare circlet of the Apprentice LoD
Off-hand 25–35% Spirit rune word off-hand armor LoD
Off-hand 30% Darkforce Spawn unique shrunken head LoD
Off-hand 20% Lidless Wall unique shield LoD
Off-hand 20% Wall of the Eyeless unique shield
Off-hand 10% Splendor rune word off-hand armor LoD
Ring 10% Magic or rare ring of the Apprentice
Set bonus 20% Arcanna's Tricks complete set bonus
Set bonus 10% Cathan's Traps complete set bonus
Waist 20% Arachnid Mesh unique belt LoD
Waist 10% Tal Rasha's Fine Spun Cloth set belt (3 set items) LoD
Waist 5–10% Crafted caster belt LoD
Weapon 50% Spectral Shard unique dagger
Weapon 50% Wizardspike unique dagger LoD
Weapon 50% Suicide Branch unique wand LoD
Weapon 45% Ondal's Wisdom unique staff LoD
Weapon 40% Eschuta's Temper unique orb LoD
Weapon 40% Heart of the Oak rune word staff/mace LoD
Weapon 35% Insight rune word polearm/staff LoD
Weapon 25–35% Spirit rune word sword LoD
Weapon 33% Memory rune word staff LoD
Weapon 30% Blackhand Key unique wand LoD
Weapon 30% Maelstrom unique wand
Weapon 30% Mang Song's Lesson unique staff LoD
Weapon 30% Naj's Puzzler set staff LoD
Weapon 30% The Oculus unique orb LoD
Weapon 30% Razorswitch unique staff LoD
Weapon 25% Boneshade unique wand LoD
Weapon 25% Fortitude rune word weapon LoD
Weapon 20% Chromatic Ire unique staff LoD
Weapon 20% Death's Fathom unique orb LoD
Weapon 20% The Iron Jang Bong unique staff
Weapon 20% Magic or rare orb of the Magus LoD
Weapon 20% Magic or rare rod (but not scepter) of the Magus
Weapon 20% Sander's Superstition set wand LoD
Weapon 20% Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye set orb LoD
Weapon 20% Ume's Lament unique wand
Weapon 20% White rune word wand LoD
Weapon 10% Arm of King Leoric unique wand LoD
Weapon 10% Carin Shard unique wand LoD
Weapon 10% Earth Shifter unique hammer LoD
Weapon 10% Magic or rare orb of the Apprentice LoD
Weapon 10% Magic or rare rod of the Apprentice
Weapon 10% Spellsteel unique axe LoD

*Caster Amulet can also randomly receive the Apprentice suffix for a combined total of up to +20%.

See also[]
