Azure DevOps Server 2022.2 RTW now available

Gloridel Morales

7/19 Update: The issue affecting Boards Team Configuration was successfully resolved with the Azure DevOps Server 2022.2 RTW release. We are still investigating the issue with loading Teams names and will continue to share updates in this blog.

7/16 Update: We are currently investigating issues with loading Boards Team Configuration and loading Teams names. You can use Security settings as a workaround to manage Team members.

We will share updates in this blog as we make progress investigating these issues.

Today, we released Azure DevOps Server 2022.2 RTW. This is our final release of Azure DevOps Server 2022.2 and will be the new supported version for the Azure DevOps Server 2022 server listing.

You can directly install Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2 or upgrade from any version of Azure DevOps or TFS, including Team Foundation Server 2015 and newer. You can find the full details in our release notes.

Here are some key links:

We’d love for you to install this release and provide any feedback at Developer Community.


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  • Thomas Bolon 2

    The 2022.2 update seems to have changed the SQL Server version requirement: SQL Server 2017 is not supported anymore.

    The documentation is not up to date. Please either update your blog and the doc asap to clearly state that this requirement has changed.

    I am quite surprised that a minor update changed such a requirement. It has caused us to upgrade our SQL Server in a hurry, which is not cool.

    • Gloridel MoralesMicrosoft employee 1

      Hi Thomas, documentation has been updated and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand that this may have cause you incovence and we sincerely apologize for this. Please know that after careful consideration we decided to stop supporting SQL Server 2017 in our latest version of Azure DevOps Server since the mainstream support for SQL Server 2017 ended in October 2022.

      • Markowitz, Steven 0

        Hi Gloridel, I did a upgrade from 2022.2 RC to 2022.2 RTW and the issue still persists. I am seeing the same behavior as Cristian captured in his gif. Which is I can’t edit the members on any teams. Initially I thought it may be because I updated from the RC but since Cristian confirmed the issues occured in a empty instance I guess that is not the case.


      • Cristian Filipe 0


        Thank you very much!

      • Cristian Filipe 0

        Hi Gloridel,

        Do you have any update on the fix?

        Thank you!

  • Vasant Horapeti 0

    Hi Gloridel. Can you elaborate more on the following statement?

    This is our final release of Azure DevOps Server 2022.2

    I am hoping that there are new versions like Azure DevOps Server 2023 or Azure DevOps Server 2024 coming up in the future, it’s just only that this last release under 2022 listing?

  • Carsten Krüger 3

    2022.2 is broken.
    It’s not possible to manage teams.

    If you click on: Project Settings – Teams – Team Name
    nothing happens and an exception occurs in the browser console.

    It happens only for teams which have a team admin set, teams without team admin could be opened.

     ContributionData unavailable for 'ms.vss-admin-web.admin-team-home-data-provider', ExceptionType: 'ArgumentNullException', Reason: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: obj, StackTrace: null
    _applyData  @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    _serviceStart   @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    _loadService    @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    getService  @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    _initializeTheme    @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    _serviceRestart @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    (anonym)    @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    (anonym)    @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    Promise.then (asynchron)        
    (anonym)    @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    Promise.then (asynchron)        
    c   @   ms.vss-web.platform-…es6.49KyWJ.min.js:1
    handleHubNavigation @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:191
    t.navigateToNewHub  @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:185
    (anonym)    @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:185
    u   @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:127
    n.performAction @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:127
    (anonym)    @   Content?bundle=vss-b…TggcRIOJZT4cFM=:135
    dispatch    @   Content?bundle=vss-b…IP_6xJwgWGnd-xvw=:3
    v.handle    @   Content?bundle=vss-b…IP_6xJwgWGnd-xvw=:3
    • Jonathan Gillette 1

      We’re seeing the same thing in our test instance under the URI /Collection/Project/_settings/teams?teamId=d83c1564-591a-4700-af29-faa7c20917fc&__rt=fps&__ver=2.

      Noticed the following errors showing up in the Event Logs:

      • Error: Message GetInstalledExtensions:: Processing extension: ms.vss-endpoint Version: null Flags: BuiltIn, MultiVersion, VersionCheckError, Trusted, Error. Not adding to results
      • Error: Message GetInstalledExtensions:: Processing extension: ms.vss-services-docker Version: null Flags: BuiltIn, MultiVersion, VersionCheckError, Trusted, Error. Not adding to results
      • Error: Message GetInstalledExtensions:: Processing extension: ms.vss-services-jenkins Version: null Flags: BuiltIn, MultiVersion, VersionCheckError, Trusted, Error. Not adding to results
      • Warning: Message Could not load drawer ConfigurationSecrets in to register a notification on it
      • Error: Message System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: obj at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.ArgumentUtility.ThrowArgumentNullException(String paramName) at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.WebAccess.IdentityViewModelBase.Equals(Object obj) at System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer1.Equals(T x, T y) at System.Collections.Generic.List1.Contains(T item) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.CheckForCircularReference(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonProperty property, JsonContract contract, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.CalculatePropertyValues(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonContainerContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonProperty property, JsonContract& memberContract, Object& memberValue) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.SerializeObject(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.SerializeList(JsonWriter writer, IEnumerable values, JsonArrayContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.SerializeObject(JsonWriter writer, Object value, JsonObjectContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalWriter.Serialize(JsonWriter jsonWriter, Object value, Type objectType) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeInternal(JsonWriter jsonWriter, Object value, Type objectType) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObjectInternal(Object value, Type type, JsonSerializer jsonSerializer) at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.WebAccess.Admin.PlugIns.ProjectAdminViewDataProvider.GetData(IVssRequestContext requestContext, DataProviderContext providerContext, Contribution contribution) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.ExtensionManagement.Sdk.Server.ExtensionDataProviderService.GetDataProviderData(IVssRequestContext requestContext, DataProviderContext providerContext, IEnumerable`1 dataProviderContributions, IDataProviderScope scope, Boolean executeClientProviders, Boolean executeRemoteProviders, Boolean userFriendlySerialization)
    • Gloridel MoralesMicrosoft employee 0

      Thank you Carsten for reporting this issue. We are currently investigating this issue and will share updates in this blog. In the meantime, you can use Security settings as a workaround to manage Team members.

      • Martin Pamdeth 1

        That workaround works for administering Team Members, but to my knowledge unfortunately not for administering Team Administrators.

  • autumn thoth 0
      name: MyPool
      - myCustomCapability   # exists check for myCustomCapability
      - Agent.Version -equals 2.144.0 # equals check for Agent.Version 2.144.0
    • Carsten Krüger 1

      We are seeing the same problem.
      GitOdbStorageIntervalCleanupJob & GitAdvSecCommitScanningJob are piling up (nearly 4000 jobs queued and 8000 dormant)

      Result: Blocked

      Result Message: Re-queued job because there are too many concurrent jobs running.

      • Tore Østergaard Jensen (TORE) 0

        Didn’t even notice GitOdbStorageIntervalCleanupJob between all the GitAdvSecCommitScanningJob but we have that one too and also a single GitPushCIHandlerJob.

        I wonder if these jobs will eventuelle chew their way through their work and stop triggering that much – we are only 4 days away from the upgrade.

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