Clemens Schleupner

Digital Identity | Bitkom e.V. | Sciences Po Paris

Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Kontaktinformationen
1144 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte

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  • Bitkom


    1 Jahr 7 Monate

    • Bitkom Grafik

      Bereichsleiter Vertrauensdienste & Digitale Identitäten


      –Heute 1 Monat

      Berlin, Deutschland

    • Bitkom Grafik

      Referent Digitale Identitäten


      1 Jahr 7 Monate


      As a Policy Officer for Digital Identities and Trust Services, I have been actively involved in driving initiatives and shaping policies related to the field. My role primarily revolves around organizing and coordinating working groups, moderating internal and external events, and engaging in effective lobbying efforts within political institutions.

      A key aspect of my responsibilities has been organizing working groups focused on digital identities and trust services. By bringing…

      As a Policy Officer for Digital Identities and Trust Services, I have been actively involved in driving initiatives and shaping policies related to the field. My role primarily revolves around organizing and coordinating working groups, moderating internal and external events, and engaging in effective lobbying efforts within political institutions.

      A key aspect of my responsibilities has been organizing working groups focused on digital identities and trust services. By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds, I have facilitated collaborative discussions and fostered the exchange of ideas, ultimately contributing to the development of comprehensive policies and frameworks in this rapidly evolving domain.

      In addition to organizing working groups, I have been responsible for moderating both internal and external events. This includes facilitating panel discussions, workshops, and conferences that promote knowledge-sharing, innovation, and best practices. By creating a platform for experts and stakeholders to connect and collaborate, I have played a vital role in driving the adoption and implementation of digital identity and trust services initiatives.

      Furthermore, I have been actively engaged in lobbying activities within political institutions. By leveraging my expertise and advocating for the importance of robust digital identity and trust frameworks, I have worked towards influencing policies that promote secure and inclusive digital ecosystems. Through strategic engagement with policymakers, I have sought to highlight the benefits and address the challenges associated with digital identities and trust services, ultimately shaping legislative and regulatory measures.

  • Technische Universität Dresden Grafik

    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter UNESCO-Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen

    Technische Universität Dresden

    1 Jahr 4 Monate

    As the Coordinator of the Chair, I have been responsible for overseeing various tasks and initiatives aimed at promoting interdisciplinary approaches and fostering international collaborations. My role primarily involves establishing and managing an extensive network of UNESCO Chairs, facilitating knowledge exchange, and fostering cooperation among academic institutions worldwide.

    One of my key responsibilities has been organizing and conducting the course "Interdisciplinary Approaches."…

    As the Coordinator of the Chair, I have been responsible for overseeing various tasks and initiatives aimed at promoting interdisciplinary approaches and fostering international collaborations. My role primarily involves establishing and managing an extensive network of UNESCO Chairs, facilitating knowledge exchange, and fostering cooperation among academic institutions worldwide.

    One of my key responsibilities has been organizing and conducting the course "Interdisciplinary Approaches." Through this course, I have been able to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various disciplines and their interconnectedness, encouraging them to explore innovative and holistic approaches to problem-solving.

    In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I have actively supported the research activities of the Chair, particularly in the fields of international law, cultural heritage, and international relations. This involves providing guidance and assistance to researchers, facilitating partnerships with other institutions, and promoting collaborative research projects.

    Furthermore, I have played a crucial role in building and maintaining an international cooperation network of UNESCO Chairs. By connecting with Chairs from different countries and academic backgrounds, I have facilitated the exchange of ideas, best practices, and resources, thus contributing to the advancement of education, research, and sustainable development on a global scale.

  • Kienbaum Grafik

    Associate Consultant Public Sector


    1 Jahr 7 Monate

    As an Associate Consultant in the Public Sector, my role has centered around evaluating laws, legislative proposals, and funding programs at various levels. I have provided valuable insights and analysis to support evidence-based decision-making within the public sector.

    One of my responsibilities has been evaluating laws and legislative proposals at both the state and federal levels. This involves conducting comprehensive assessments of existing laws and proposed legislation…

    As an Associate Consultant in the Public Sector, my role has centered around evaluating laws, legislative proposals, and funding programs at various levels. I have provided valuable insights and analysis to support evidence-based decision-making within the public sector.

    One of my responsibilities has been evaluating laws and legislative proposals at both the state and federal levels. This involves conducting comprehensive assessments of existing laws and proposed legislation, identifying potential gaps, and providing recommendations for improvements. Through rigorous analysis and research, I have contributed to shaping effective and impactful policies that align with the needs of the public sector.

    Additionally, I have been part of a team evaluating national and international funding programs. This includes assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of these programs in achieving their intended objectives. By examining the allocation of resources, evaluating program outcomes, and conducting stakeholder consultations, I have provided valuable insights to enhance the design and implementation of funding initiatives.

    Furthermore, I have been actively engaged in data collection, research, and analysis to support evidence-based policy-making. This involves conducting surveys, interviews, and literature reviews to gather relevant information and identify trends and best practices. By synthesizing complex data and presenting actionable recommendations, I have contributed to informed decision-making within the public sector.

  • Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Grafik

    Intern Humanitarian Affairs

    Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany

    5 Monaten

    Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations , New York, USA

    - Coordination of negotiation processes of two Humanitarian UN General Assembly Resolutions

    - Preparation and debriefing of UN Security Council Sessions on Syria & Yemen to the attention of top decision makers in a number of German Ministries

    - Assistance in negotiations over a UN Security Council Resolution in Syria/Idlib

  • Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Grafik

    Intern Public Diplomacy

    Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany

    4 Monaten

    Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to the US, Washington D.C.

    - Organization of the EU Open House with more than 7,000 visitors

    - Coordination of over 20 volunteers prior to and during the event

    - Weekly publishing of the Embassy's newsletter with 20,000+ subscribers

  • PwC Deutschland Grafik

    Risk Consultant Intern

    PwC Deutschland

    5 Monaten

    Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

    - Implementation of a Quality Management System for a market leading international pharmaceutical company

    - National and international Policy Analysis

  • Ville d'Arras Grafik

    Assistant de Cabinet

    Ville d'Arras

    2 Monaten


  • Sécretaire

    Concours Créativ'Est

    7 Monaten

    Nancy und Umgebung, Frankreich

    Organisation du concours multi-régional de Créativ'Est en Lorraine, Alsace et Champagne-Ardenne.

  • Ville d'Arras Grafik


    Ville d'Arras

    2 Monaten


    Stage au Cabinet du Maire d'Arras

  • Intern

    Deutscher Bundestag

    2 Monaten


  • Alstom Grafik



    2 Monaten

    Paris und Umgebung, Frankreich


  • Sciences Po Grafik

    Sciences Po

    M.A. International Public Management 3.7 / 4.0 GPA

    M.A. Program with concentrations on Europe and Diplomacy

    Main Topics included:
    - Applied Diplomacy
    - EU External and Trade Relations
    - International Finance and Economics
    - International Criminal Law

  • The George Washington University Grafik

    The George Washington University

    Exchange Year International Relations

    Main Topics included:
    - Foreign Policy Decision Making
    - Criminology
    - Criminal Law

  • Sciences Po Grafik

    Sciences Po

    B.A. German-French-European Program 3.7 / 4.0 GPA

    Activities and Societies: Président de la chorale universitaire

    Main Topics included:
    - Micro-/Macroeconomics
    - Constitutional Law
    - European and International Relations
    - History
    - Sociology

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate

  • IELTS English certificate


    Zertifikats-ID: Score: 8.0


  • Accompagnateur des pèlerinages à Lourdes

    Ordre de Malte


  • Droit français


  • Droit institutionnel de l'Union Européenne


  • Droit international (en anglais)


  • Foreign Policy Decision Making


  • General Psychology


  • Histoire (en allemand)


  • Histoire des relations internationales (en allemand)


  • Institutions politiques comparées


  • Lying in democratic politics (en anglais)


  • Macroéconomie


  • Managing the multinational enterprise


  • Microéconomie


  • Philosophie (en anglais)


  • Sociologie (en allemand)



  • Deutsch


  • Französisch


  • Englisch


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