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You're losing patrons every month.
We can help you with that.

Creator Metrics is the ultimate analytics dashboard, specifically created for Patreon creators. Monitor your community trends, learn how your supporters behave and act strategically to grow your patronage.

Get started
“We've been using Creator Metrics since it launched and it's now a core part of our Patreon management. Couldn't imagine living without the analytics tools it provides, and the email service has helped us retain hundreds of pledges!”

Ian Sowden, TimeGhost History

Learn more about your community

Data is a powerful tool to better understand your patrons’ behavior, learn what triggers them, improve how you connect with them and build better relationships.

Discover how your patrons support you

Do you know how many months your patrons support you? Or how much you could expect from each one of them?

Start getting answers to these and other questions to better estimate what you could expect from your supporters.

Compare how your tiers perform

Which one of your tiers has the largest number of patrons? Is it the same as the one bringing you more earnings?

Knowing which tier to focus on is fundamental to improve how you engage with your audience.

Automation increases your creativity

Always stay updated about what happens in your community. Focus on your creativity. Reports and alerts are up to us.

Automatically reach out to your patrons by email

Keeping track and manually sending emails to your patrons shouldn’t be such a waste of time and energy.

Automatically reach out to them when they cancel, their payment fails, or just to thank them.

Receive a weekly report every Monday

Understanding how your community is growing shouldn’t take many page loads or require some mental math.

We can keep you updated every week with the most significant data. And then you can always dig into more when you want.

Top notch support

We know the feeling of joining a new service and then being left out. We want to be your partner and support you when you need it the most.

Have questions? We are here to answer them

Do you want to know more about some metrics or how they get calculated? Not sure how to interpret what you see?

Just shoot us an email, and while we cannot answer 24/7 (yet!), we’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.

Have feedback? Interested in other data? Let us know

Our goal is to provide you value in what we are creating. Don’t be shy if you’d like to see some additional metrics or tools.

We evaluate all your requests: when they benefit everyone, and we have the data from Patreon, we try to make them real.

“The automatic email function for new or canceled Patron Memberships is a game changer for me! Super handy!”

Beneos Battlemaps