Conan Exiles Wiki
Crafting Stations

This page lists the different Crafting stations in Conan Exiles.

List of crafting stations[]

Crafting Station

A captured thrall using a Firebowl Cauldron.

Icon Name Type Required ingredients Description Notes
Icon campfire 1
Campfire Campfire A small campfire for cooking and keeping warm. 10 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 5%.
Icon A02C3 vanirtavern fireandroastingpig battlepass
Spit Roast Campfire Campfire A large campfire used to cook meals in the wilderness Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 3
20 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 10%.
Icon fireplace large
Large Campfire Campfire A large campfire for cooking and keeping warm. 30 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 10%.
Icon bonfire
Bonfire Campfire A large bonfire. 40 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 15%.
Icon A03C1 barachanshipwreck bonfire shop
Barachan Castaway Bonfire Campfire A flotsam bonfire Black Lotus Bazaar
100 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 15%.
Icon cook stove 2
Stove Stove A stone cooking surface. 20 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 20%.
Icon improved stove
Improved Stove Stove A stone cooking surface. 45 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate by 20%.
Icon furnace
Furnace Furnace A furnace for smelting metals and stone. 20 inventory slots.
+14.3% fuel efficiency.
Icon improved furnace
Improved Furnace Furnace A furnace for smelting metals and stone. 30 inventory slots.
+42.9% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 25%.
Icon CraftingStation Furnace Kiln
Charcoal Kiln Campfire
A kiln for smelting and cooking Is a campfire and furnace.
20 inventory slots.
+10% crafting speed.
Reduces decay rate by 25%.
Icon CraftingStation Furnace Kiln
Improved Furnace (Kiln) Furnace A furnace for smelting metals and stone. 60 inventory slots.
+42.9% crafting speed.
+75% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 25%.
Icon crafting furnace t3 varA
Heat-Efficient Furnace Furnace A furnace for smelting metals and stone. 30 inventory slots.
+350% crafting speed.
-77% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 25%.
Icon crafting furnace t3 varB
Fuel-Efficient Furnace Furnace A furnace for smelting metals and stone. 40 inventory slots.
+42.9% crafting speed.
+300% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 25%.
Icon armormaking bench
Armorer's Bench Armorer's Bench A bench covered in tools for crafting armor. 20 inventory slots.
Cannot craft epic armors.
Icon lmproved armorers bench
Improved Armorer's Bench Armorer's Bench A bench covered in tools for crafting armor. 60 inventory slots.
+50% crafting speed.
25% cost reduction.
Icon crafting armorerbench t3 varA
Campaign Armorer's Bench Armorer's Bench A bench covered in tools for crafting armor. 60 inventory slots.
+200% crafting speed.
Cannot craft non-epic armors.
Icon crafting armorerbench t3 varB
Garrison Armorer's Bench Armorer's Bench A bench covered in tools for crafting armor. 60 inventory slots.
50% cost reduction.
Cannot craft non-epic armors.
Icon saddle crafting bench
Saddler's Worktable A worktable for crafting saddles. 30 inventory slots.
Icon metalworking bench
Blacksmith's Bench Blacksmith's Bench A bench covered in tools for shaping metal. 20 inventory slots.
Cannot craft epic weapons.
Icon crafting blacksmithbench aesirblacksmith shop
Aesir Blacksmith's Bench Blacksmith's Bench An Aesir styled bench covered in tools for shaping metal Black Lotus Bazaar
20 inventory slots.
Cannot craft epic weapons.
Icon improved blacksmiths bench
Improved Blacksmith's Bench Blacksmith's Bench A bench covered in tools for shaping metal. 40 inventory slots.
+33% crafting speed.
25% cost reduction.
Icon crafting blacksmitchbench t3 varA
Campaign Blacksmith's Bench Blacksmith's Bench A bench covered in tools for shaping metal. 60 inventory slots.
+200% crafting speed.
Cannot craft non-epic weapons.
Icon crafting blacksmitchbench t3 varB
Garrison Blacksmith's Bench Blacksmith's Bench A bench covered in tools for shaping metal. 60 inventory slots.
50% cost reduction.
Cannot craft non-epic weapons.
Icon crafting tinkers table
Tinker's Bench A bench covered in tools for altering armors. 40 inventory slots.
Icon crafting mouldingtable
Casting Table A bench covered in tools for casting heated metal or glass into molds. 40 inventory slots.
Icon woodworking bench
Carpenter's Bench Carpenter's Bench A bench covered in tools for carpentry. 20 inventory slots.
Icon epic carpenters worktable
Improved Carpenter's Bench Carpenter's Bench A bench covered in tools for carpentry. 40 inventory slots.
Can Shave Wood.
+50% crafting speed.
25% cost reduction.
Icon crafting carpenterbench t3 varA
Trade Carpenter's Bench Carpenter's Bench A bench covered in tools for carpentry. 40 inventory slots.
Can Shave Wood.
+200% crafting speed.
Icon crafting carpenterbench t3 varB
Precision Carpenter's Bench Carpenter's Bench A bench covered in tools for carpentry. 40 inventory slots.
Can Shave Wood.
50% cost reduction.
Icon Tanner workshop
Tanner's Table A table for processing animals skins into hides. 40 inventory slots.
Icon crafting tannertable
Improved Tanner's Table A table to process and assemble hides into a finished product. 60 inventory slots.
+100% crafting speed.
Icon tannery
Tannery Tannery A tannery for processing hides into leather. 20 inventory slots.
Icon epic tannery
Improved Tannery Tannery A tannery for processing hides into leather. 40 inventory slots.
+25% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 20%.
Icon crafting tannery t3 varA
Precision Tannery Tannery A tannery for processing hides into leather. 40 inventory slots.
+360% crafting speed.
-78% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 20%.
Icon crafting tannery t3 varB
Plant-Based Tannery Tannery A tannery for processing hides into leather. 40 inventory slots.
+400% fuel efficiency.
Reduces decay rate by 20%.
Icon mixer
Firebowl Cauldron Firebowl Cauldron A cauldron for mixing concoctions. 20 inventory slots.
Icon improved firebowl cauldron
Improved Firebowl Cauldron Firebowl Cauldron A cauldron for mixing concoctions. 40 inventory slots.
+33.33% crafting speed.
25% cost reduction.
Icon crafting cauldron t3 varA
Giant's Firebowl Cauldron Firebowl Cauldron A cauldron for mixing concoctions. 40 inventory slots.
+150% crafting speed.
Icon crafting cauldron t3 varB
Precision Firebowl Cauldron Firebowl Cauldron A cauldron for mixing concoctions. 40 inventory slots.
50% cost reduction.
Icon crafting alchemy bench t1
Alchemist's Bench Alchemist's Bench A bench for crafting potions. 20 inventory slots.
Icon crafting alchemy bench t2
Improved Alchemist's Bench Alchemist's Bench A bench for crafting potions. 40 inventory slots.
+33.33% crafting speed.
25% cost reduction.
Icon crafting alchemy bench t3 varA
Trade Alchemist's Bench Alchemist's Bench A bench for crafting potions. 40 inventory slots.
+150% crafting speed.
Icon crafting alchemy bench t3 varB
Precision Alchemist's Bench Alchemist's Bench A bench for crafting potions. 40 inventory slots.
50% cost reduction.
Icon crafting dye vat
Dyer's Bench A bench for creating Dyes and Warpaints. 40 inventory slots.
Icon grinder
Grinder Heavy, stone tool. 20 inventory slots.
Icon dryer
Dryer Special rack for drying. 20 inventory slots.
Icon liquid separator press
Fluid Press A manual pressing machine. 20 inventory slots.
Icon fishing trap
Fish Trap Fish Trap A woven trap for fishing. 10 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate of fish by 90%.
Icon Fishtrap improved
Improved Fish Trap Fish Trap A woven trap for fishing. 20 inventory slots.
Reduces decay rate of fish by 90%.
Can also catch: Icon Anglerfish Anglerfish, Icon Catfish Catfish, Icon Dogfish Dogfish, Icon Groper Grouper, Icon Moray eel Moray Eel
Icon shellfish trap
Shellfish Trap Shellfish Trap A submersible cage used to catch shellfish.
Reduces decay rate of shellfish by 90%.
10 inventory slots.
Icon Crabpot improved
Improved Shellfish Trap Shellfish Trap A submersible cage used to catch shellfish.
Reduces decay rate of shellfish by 90%.
20 inventory slots
Icon beehive
Beehive Beehive Buzzing hive of honey-producing bees. 5 inventory slots.
Icon beehive improved
Improved Beehive Beehive Buzzing hive of honey-producing bees. 10 inventory slots.
+100% production speed.
Icon compost box
Compost Heap A smelly pile of rotting matter. 30 inventory slots.
Accelerates decay rate by 20 times.
Icon crude planter
Crude Planter Planter A crude planter for slowly growing plants. 10 inventory slots.
Icon planter
Planter Planter A planter for growing plants. 15 inventory slots.
Icon improved planter
Improved Planter Planter An improved planter for quickly growing plants. 30 inventory slots.
Icon fermentation barrel
Fermentation Barrel A wooden cask used in fermentation. 20 inventory slots.
Icon Artisan workstation
Artisan Table Artisan Table A table with all the tools required for miscellaneous creations. 30 inventory slots.
Icon argossean artisantable
Argossean Artisan Table Artisan Table A worktable for crafting Argossean items. Architects of Argos
30 inventory slots.
Icon aquilonian Workstation
Aquilonian Artisan Table Artisan Table A worktable for crafting Aquilonian items. Jewel of the West
30 inventory slots.
Icon khitai artisan worksation
Khitan Artisan Table Artisan Table A worktable for crafting Khitan items. The Imperial East
30 inventory slots.
Can craft any artisan recipes from any DLC.
Icon turan ArtisanBench
Turanian Artisan Table Artisan Table A worktable for crafting Turanian items. Treasures of Turan
30 inventory slots.
Icon nemedian artisan bench
Nemedian Artisan Bench Artisan Table A worktable for crafting Nemedian items. People of the Dragon
30 inventory slots.
Icon Taskmaster workshop
Torturer's Worktable A place for crafting objects of torture. 30 inventory slots.
Icon Crafting Dismantler
Dismantling Bench A workbench equipped for dismantling armors and weapons. 40 inventory slots.
Returns 40% of the repair cost of an item.
Icon crafting dismantler t2
Improved Dismantling Bench A workbench equipped for dismantling armors and weapons 60 inventory slots.
Returns 50% of the repair cost of an item.
Icon small animal pen
Small Animal Pen Animal Pen A small pen for holding an animal 10 inventory slots.
Can tame 1 pet at a time, other than Horses.
Reduces decay rate by 50%.
Icon pet pen tier1
Animal Pen Animal Pen A rough pen for holding animals. 30 inventory slots.
Can tame 5 pets at a time, other than Horses.
Reduces decay rate by 50%.
Icon pet pen tier2
Reinforced Animal Pen Animal Pen A sturdy pen for holding animals. 40 inventory slots.
Can tame 5 pets at a time, other than Horses.
+50% crafting speed.
Reduces decay rate by 75%.
Icon pet pen tier3
Armored Animal Pen Animal Pen A robust pen for holding dangerous animals. 50 inventory slots.
Can tame 5 pets at a time, other than Horses.
+88% crafting speed.
Reduces decay rate by 95%.
Icon Stables
Stables A pen for holding horses. 30 inventory slots.
Can tame 1 Horse at a time.
Reduces decay rate by 50%.
Icon craftingstation delvingbench
Delving Bench A bench for experimentation with materials and items. 25 inventory slots.
Icon crafting charcustomizationbench
Orb of Nergal Appearance An artefact of unyielding malignancy promising physical transformation.
Icon sorcery sacrificialaltar
Sacrificial Stone Sorcery A stone slab meant to hold a bound victim for sacrifice. 20 inventory slots.
Icon crafting sorcery bench
Thaumaturgy Bench Sorcery The sorcerer's primary venue for crafting sorcery-related objects. 30 inventory slots.
Icon sorcery shallowgrave
Shallow Grave Sorcery The placement of a shallow grave allows quick reanimation. 20 inventory slots.
Icon sorcery chalkcircle
Circle of Power Sorcery A circle of space formed as a conduit to the abyssal realms. 20 inventory slots.
Icon sorcery chalkcircle reskinV1 shop
Circle of Power - Chalk Circle Sorcery A circle of space formed as a conduit to the abyssal realms. Black Lotus Bazaar
20 inventory slots.
Icon sorcery chalkcircle reskinV1 battlepass
Magian Chalk Circle Sorcery A circle of space formed as a conduit to the abyssal realms. Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 2
20 inventory slots.
Icon sorcery teleporter
Transportory Stone Sorcery A stone slab used for magical transportation. 5 inventory slots.
Icon golem assembly station
Guardian Assembly Station (Variant A) Golem Shaping A workbench for assembling golems.
Icon golem assembly station v1 battlepass
Guardian Assembly Station (Variant B) Golem Shaping A workbench for assembling golems. Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 3
Icon golem crafting station
Golem Workbench (Variant A) Golem Shaping A bench for crafting Golem components. 20 inventory slots.
Icon crafting golemancy utility bench v1 shop
Golem Workbench (Variant B) Golem Shaping A bench for crafting Golem components. Black Lotus Bazaar
20 inventory slots.

See also[]
