Conan Exiles Wiki


Aesir Veteran is a named, Tier 4 Fighter NPC.


Notable Loot[]

  • Icon legendary mace 03 Aja's Bane
  • Icon legendary daggers 03 Akbitanan Blades
  • Icon legendary shield 02 Akbitanan Shield
  • Icon legendary waraxe 02 Axe of the Lion
  • Icon legendary hammer 04 Baal-pteor's Lodestone
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 01 Baal-pteor's Razor
  • Icon legendary waraxe 04 Battle-axe of the Berserkers
  • Icon legendary hammer 03 Bec-de-Corbin
  • Icon legendary bow 02 Bessie's Bow
  • Icon legendary shield 01 Black Bruargh's Fury
  • Icon legendary pike 03 Black Dragon Pike
  • Icon black ice 1h cimmerian broadsword Black Ice Broadsword
  • Icon black ice javelin Black Ice Javelin
  • Icon black ice 1h sword Black Ice Longsword
  • Icon black ice throwing axe Black Ice Throwing Axe
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 02 Blade of the Adventurer
  • Icon legendary daggers 04 Daggers of Nameless Days
  • Icon legendary sword 04 Dueling Blade of the Hawk
  • Icon legendary sword 02 El's Drinker
  • Icon ice shard Everice of Ymir
  • Icon legendary bow 01 Eye of the Khan
  • Icon legendary hammer 02 Forgelight
  • Icon legendary bow 03 Frostshot
  • Icon legendary pike 02 Gavain's Rusty Pike
  • Icon legendary waraxe 03 Glimmermoon
  • Icon legendary hammer 01 Hanuman's Gada
  • Icon legendary daggers 02 Heartsblood
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 04 Jedias Greatsaber
  • Icon golem head lightningrod Lightning Rod Guardian Head
  • Icon golem torso incense Lotus Burner Guardian Torso
  • Icon legendary mace 02 Lovetap
  • Icon legendary shield 04 Mistmourn
  • Icon legendary mace 01 Momentum
  • Icon Japan 2hSword Katana variant 3 Musashi's Black Blade
  • Icon male ymir boots Pride of Aesir Boots
  • Icon male ymir chest Pride of Aesir Chestpiece
  • Icon male ymir bracers Pride of Aesir Gauntlets
  • Icon male ymir helmet Pride of Aesir Helmet
  • Icon male ymir legs Pride of Aesir Leggings
  • Icon golem head radiumgem Radium Guardian Head
  • Icon legendary waraxe 01 Reaver's Axe
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Frost Smithing)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Brewing II)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking III)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking IV)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking IX)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking V)
  • Icon legendary shield 03 Shield of Kutamun
  • Icon legendary hammer 05 Sledge of Tsotha-lanti
  • Icon legendary shield 05 Solspeil
  • Icon legendary bow 04 Splinter
  • Icon legendary waraxe 05 Strangely Familiar Axe
  • Icon legendary sword 05 The Bane of Khosatral Khel
  • Icon legendary mace 05 The Brittle Bastard
  • Icon legendary daggers 01 The Grim
  • Icon legendary bow 05 The Huntress
  • Icon legendary pike 04 The Impaler
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 03 The Papyrus Blade
  • Icon legendary mace 04 The Unintelligible
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 05 The Watchblade
  • Icon legendary sword 03 The Wightblade
  • Icon stone club-1 The Wyrd
  • Icon legendary sword 01 Tulwar of Amir Khurum
  • Icon legendary pike 05 Vaulting Pole
  • Icon legendary pike 01 Warspear of the Black Circle
  • Icon legendary daggers 05 Zhaibar Knives
  • Harvestable Loot

    Limited Harvestable Loot

    Full Loot List

  • Icon repair kit leather Advanced Armor Repair Kit
  • Icon whetstone steel bar Advanced Weapon Repair Kit
  • Icon legendary mace 03 Aja's Bane
  • Icon legendary daggers 03 Akbitanan Blades
  • Icon legendary shield 02 Akbitanan Shield
  • Icon legendary waraxe 02 Axe of the Lion
  • Icon legendary hammer 04 Baal-pteor's Lodestone
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 01 Baal-pteor's Razor
  • Icon legendary waraxe 04 Battle-axe of the Berserkers
  • Icon legendary hammer 03 Bec-de-Corbin
  • Icon legendary bow 02 Bessie's Bow
  • Icon legendary shield 01 Black Bruargh's Fury
  • Icon legendary pike 03 Black Dragon Pike
  • Icon black ice 1h cimmerian broadsword Black Ice Broadsword
  • Icon black ice javelin Black Ice Javelin
  • Icon black ice 1h sword Black Ice Longsword
  • Icon black ice throwing axe Black Ice Throwing Axe
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 02 Blade of the Adventurer
  • Icon cimmerian meal Cimmerian Feast
  • Icon cooked perfect cut of meat Cooked Exquisite Meat
  • Icon fatty meat feast Cooked Pork Feast
  • Icon legendary daggers 04 Daggers of Nameless Days
  • Icon demon blood-sausage Demon Blood-Sausage
  • Icon legendary sword 04 Dueling Blade of the Hawk
  • Icon legendary sword 02 El's Drinker
  • Icon ice shard Everice of Ymir
  • Icon golem head explosivejar Explosive Guardian Head
  • Icon legendary bow 01 Eye of the Khan
  • Icon bread Fiery-Hot Bread
  • Icon spiced grub Fiery-Hot Grubs
  • Icon spiced beetroot soup Fiery-Hot Meat Soup
  • Icon spiced sea-fish feast Fiery-Hot Sea-Fish Feast
  • Icon legendary hammer 02 Forgelight
  • Icon legendary bow 03 Frostshot
  • Icon fur Fur
  • Icon legendary pike 02 Gavain's Rusty Pike
  • Icon legendary waraxe 03 Glimmermoon
  • Icon gold coin Gold Coin
  • Icon legendary hammer 01 Hanuman's Gada
  • Icon legendary daggers 02 Heartsblood
  • Icon hearty meal Hearty Feast
  • Icon heavy coin purse Heavy Coin Purse
  • Icon snake egg Honeyed Eggs
  • Icon spiced feral meat Honeyglazed Roast
  • Icon golem arm iron Iron Guardian Axe Arm
  • Icon golem arm iron Iron Guardian Empty Arm
  • Icon golem head iron Iron Guardian Head
  • Icon golem leg iron Iron Guardian Leg
  • Icon golem arm iron Iron Guardian Maul Arm
  • Icon golem arm iron Iron Guardian Scythe Arm
  • Icon golem arm iron Iron Guardian Sword Arm
  • Icon golem torso iron Iron Guardian Torso
  • Icon ivory Ivory
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 04 Jedias Greatsaber
  • Icon lasting meal Lasting Feast
  • Icon golem head lightningrod Lightning Rod Guardian Head
  • Icon golem torso incense Lotus Burner Guardian Torso
  • Icon legendary mace 02 Lovetap
  • Icon lumpy soup Lumpy Soup
  • Icon legendary shield 04 Mistmourn
  • Icon legendary mace 01 Momentum
  • Icon Japan 2hSword Katana variant 3 Musashi's Black Blade
  • Icon bone broth Mystery Meat Soup
  • Icon male ymir boots Pride of Aesir Boots
  • Icon male ymir chest Pride of Aesir Chestpiece
  • Icon male ymir bracers Pride of Aesir Gauntlets
  • Icon male ymir helmet Pride of Aesir Helmet
  • Icon male ymir legs Pride of Aesir Leggings
  • Icon healing potion exceptional Pure Aloe Extract
  • Icon golem head radiumgem Radium Guardian Head
  • Icon legendary waraxe 01 Reaver's Axe
  • Icon salted perfect cut of meat Salted Exquisite Meat
  • Icon salted fatty meat Salted Pork
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Frost Smithing)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Brewing II)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking III)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking IV)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking IX)
  • Icon scrawled note Scroll (Specialist Cooking V)
  • Icon legendary shield 03 Shield of Kutamun
  • Icon silver coin Silver Coin
  • Icon legendary hammer 05 Sledge of Tsotha-lanti
  • Icon legendary shield 05 Solspeil
  • Icon spiced perfect cut of meat Spiced Exquisite Meat
  • Icon spiced fowl Spiced Fowl
  • Icon spiced fatty meat Spiced Pork
  • Icon legendary bow 04 Splinter
  • Icon steak and eggs Steak and Eggs
  • Icon legendary waraxe 05 Strangely Familiar Axe
  • Icon healing wraps exceptional Stutter Wraps
  • Icon legendary sword 05 The Bane of Khosatral Khel
  • Icon legendary mace 05 The Brittle Bastard
  • Icon legendary daggers 01 The Grim
  • Icon legendary bow 05 The Huntress
  • Icon legendary pike 04 The Impaler
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 03 The Papyrus Blade
  • Icon legendary mace 04 The Unintelligible
  • Icon legendary 2hSword 05 The Watchblade
  • Icon legendary sword 03 The Wightblade
  • Icon stone club-1 The Wyrd
  • Icon legendary sword 01 Tulwar of Amir Khurum
  • Icon legendary pike 05 Vaulting Pole
  • Icon legendary pike 01 Warspear of the Black Circle
  • Icon Hide Wolf Wolf Pelt
  • Icon legendary daggers 05 Zhaibar Knives

  • Equipment[]

    The standard equipment of the NPC can also drop as loot:


