Conan Exiles Wiki
Ware the Traps

'Ware the Traps! is a journal written by Sheva of Koth, it is found in the entrance hallway of the Warmaker's Sanctuary dungeon.


I am Sheva of Koth, now give ear and learn wisdom!
Know that in these walls are traps to crush, burn and flay a man's soul. Stalk carefully through these halls lest you trigger the mechanical wrath of the makers.
It was intimated to me by an acquaintance among the Relic Hunters that this brooding keep holds a great treasure and a curse. Men whisper of the Warmaker and his Guardians, but I am the greatest thief these lands have ever seen.
So I tell you, whoever you are, if you find my bones moldering in these halls, beware! For if such as I have been slain, than such as you will quickly wish yourself back in the hearth of your home.


It is located on the base of a statue in an alcove on the right side of the hallway before the door into the map-room area of the dungeon.

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