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Osprey last won the day on October 28 2023

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  1. Version 1.2


    Music Wrapper v1.2 for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and Mysteries of the Sith This package bundles the best wrappers and known fixes to help get music working in both games. For reference, both games used CD Audio for their music tracks. The modern, CD-less solution, used by resellers like GOG and Steam, is to rip the tracks to .ogg files and then supply a wrapper (a special .dll file) to translate the game's calls to play the CD tracks into calls to play the .ogg files from the hard drive, instead. Unfortunately, with newer builds of Windows that haven't been tested with the games' installed compatibility settings, that wrapper can stop working and the result is a loss of music. This is primarily for the GOG and Steam releases of these games, since its their compatibility settings that interfere with the wrapper. You can, however, also use these instructions to get music working from the hard drive in the retail release. Install ======= Copy the five .dll files to your game folder, overwriting any that are already there. If you still don't have music, perform the following steps, preferably checking music after each one: * Verify that you have a subfolder named Music with track files named Track12[-32].ogg (JK) or Track02[-14].ogg (MotS). If you don't (or you'd like higher quality versions): * For JK, follow the directions at https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_–_Dark_Forces_II#Higher_quality_music * For MotS, follow the directions at https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_–_Mysteries_of_the_Sith#Higher_quality_music * Rename JK.exe (JK) or JKM.exe (MotS) to something else (ex. JediKnight.exe). This will disassociate the executable from installed compatibility settings that can interfere with music playback. * Double-click on the provided .reg file. This will remove the compatibility settings from the registry. * Delete/rename winmm.dll and rename winmm_alternate.dll to winmm.dll. See below for the differences between the two version. Wrappers ======== * Winmm.dll is Tarvis' fixed wrapper for Windows 10, dated Oct 25, 2015. Credit belongs to Tarvis. His changelog: -Game not starting on Windows 10 -Each level plays a track further than it should have -Music playlist would not restart unless player stands still a few seconds/ enters then leaves esc menu -Music volume would not change -Music took about half a second to stop when going back to main menu/starting a cutscene Source: https://www.gog.com/forum/star_wars_dark_forces_series/jk_updated_cd_music_player_dll_fix_volume_looping_etc/page1 * Winmm_alternate.dll is GOG's wrapper, dated July 15, 2015. Credit belongs to GOG. Unlike Tarvis' version, this one works with the German language pack (and, maybe, other non-English versions of the game or mods). It's possible that it's generally more compatible than Tarvis' version, but doesn't have most of the fixes. One reported issue is that the music stops playing once it's gone through all of the tracks (i.e. it won't loop back to the first track played). For that reason, it's not the default wrapper in this pack, but you may have to live with issues like that if you get no music at all with Tarvis' version. Changelog ========= 1.2: Added .reg file and re-wrote the instructions 1.1: Added Tarvis' version, made it the default and re-wrote the instructions 1.0: Initial release
  2. Osprey

    SkyNET Mouse Helper

    You shouldn't have to enter any DOS commands with the "create shortcut" option if you supply the path to skynet.exe/shock.exe. The shortcut will launch the helper, which will launch DOSBox, which will launch the game. It's supposed to launch the game without any interaction from the user, just like a frontend like AmpShell. Yeah, admittedly, getting it to work with a frontend like AmpShell might be tricky, if not impossible. If you can't figure something out and aren't willing to use a regular desktop shortcut to launch the game, then it's probably not for you. Sorry.
  3. Osprey

    SkyNET Mouse Helper

    I'm not familiar with AmpShell (beyond seeing that it's a DOSBox frontend), but I did make it so that you can run the helper automatically with the game. When you run the helper, there's a "Create shortcut" button that helps you do that. That creates a desktop shortcut that basically looks like "SkyNETMouseHelper.exe DOSBox.exe Skynet.exe", which launches the helper, which then launches DOSBox, which then launches the game. If AmpShell is really flexible, maybe you can make the game's icon in that launch the helper with those parameters. If not, then you may just have to live with using a desktop shortcut (made by the helper) to launch the game, instead of using AmpShell. As for switching weapons with the mouse wheel, a little delay is unavoidable. If it's less than second, then it's probably normal. If it's longer than a second, that's probably not normal and maybe you can fix it by changing the DOSBox overlay mode. Also, if you haven't yet applied it, it could help to apply the SkyNET Unofficial Patch 2017, which I also made and uploaded here. I wish that I could be more help. I haven't worked on the helper or even run the game in a couple of years.
  4. It's a false positive, yeah. I just ran Malwarebytes on it to be sure, though. Still, to give you and others peace of mind and, especially, to help prevent it from being quarantined, I've just uploaded a new version (1.2) that doesn't get flagged as suspicious by Windows Defender (and some other AV engines).
  5. The download link has been fixed by the administrator. Thanks for pointing it out, aclx2, or else I might not have known to contact him.
  6. Edit: There was originally an issue above that I couldn't fix and had to mention, but I've since been able to fix it.
  7. Version 1.2


    Tomb Raider Mouse Helper v1.2 for Tomb Raider 1-5 (1996-2000) by Core Design This Windows utility for the first five Tomb Raider games (I, II, III, The Last Revelation and Chronicles) runs in the background and provides mouse control in those games by converting mouse movements into key presses. This allows you to move the mouse to turn left and right and, while holding the right mouse button, look all around. It also enables firing with the left button, drawing weapons with the middle button and easily setting up WASD or ESDF control schemes. Features: Move the mouse to turn left and right (also can be used to rotate menus). Press and hold the right mouse button to look around (without moving). Press the left mouse button to fire and grab ledges (also can be used to select from menus). Press the middle mouse button to draw (and re-holster) weapons. Use the WASD (or any) keys to run, go backward and sidestep left and right. Scroll the mouse wheel or press left/right on it to rotate menus. Instructions: Simply run TombRaiderMouseHelper.exe and then run the game. (Optional) Create a shortcut that will run the helper and game together: Click on the "Create shortcut" button on the helper's main window. Drag and drop either the game's shortcut or its .exe file onto the next window. (This will create a new shortcut that runs the helper, then the game, then exits the helper when the game exits) Configuration: There are a few options that you can configure on first run, via the tray icon or via in-game hotkeys: Whether to minimize the GUI to the tray on launch. Default: Off. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle on to launch the helper silently to the tray. Whether to exit when the game exits. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to leave the helper running. The sensitivity of the mouse. Default: the middle mark. It's recommended that you don't adjust this unless you find that you really need to. Whether to invert the mouse's Y axis. Default: On (because the game defaults to that) Toggle off to make panning up look up and down look down. Apples only to Look mode (holding the right button). Whether to map keys to movement controls and other actions. Default: On. Toggle off or edit if any of the mappings are unwanted. Notes: If the game is run as administrator, the helper must also be run as administrator in order to work. If you created a desktop shortcut from the helper's menu, then try running the shortcut as an administrator. All features will work as expected only if the game is configured to use the default keys. That's because this helper maps buttons and keys to those specific keys. For example, the left mouse button is mapped to the Ctrl key, which is the default key for Fire. If you change Fire to be a different key, then the left mouse button will stop working until you assign the Ctrl key to something else. If you want to disable these mappings, you can do so in the helper's menu. For example, if you've already configured the game to use WASD (or you prefer ESDF), you'll want to disable the WASD mappings. This helper works with the original DOS version of the first game (Tomb Raider I), but works better with the Windows version, which you can convert the DOS version to with the following instructions: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Tomb_Raider_(1996)#Run_the_game_without_DOSBox Modification: This utility is simply a compiled AutoHotkey script. If you're not satisfied with the given mappings or functionality and would like to tweak them, the source script (TombRaiderMouseHelper.ahk) is in the "src" folder. You will need to download AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com to compile it. In the folder where you installed/extracted AutoHotkey will be a "Compiler" folder. In there is Ahk2Exe.exe, which you can use to compile your modified TombRaiderMouseHelper.ahk into a new TombRaiderMouseHelper.exe. An icon for you to use is in the folder with TombRaiderMouseHelper.ahk. You don't need to compile or worry about TombRaiderMouseHelperGUI.ahk (which mostly has code related to the GUI, not the game). It'll be included automatically when TombRaiderMouseHelper.ahk is compiled. For help with using AutoHotkey, see the help file (AutoHotkey.chm) that comes with it. Other: If you like this utility, you may be interested in these related uploads... SkyNET Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/982-skynet-mouse-helper/ Outlaws Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/970-outlaws-mouse-helper/ Dune II Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/955-dune-ii-mouse-helper/ Warcraft Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/954-warcraft-mouse-helper/ All (and any newer) uploads: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/profile/3342-osprey/content/?type=downloads_file
  8. 725 downloads

    Syndicate Plus patch for FreeSynd This replacement file allows FreeSynd to work with Syndicate Plus. FreeSynd is a cross-platform, re-implementation of the game that allows for playing it natively in Windows/Linux (i.e. without DOSBox) as long as you have the game's original data files. Note that FreeSynd doesn't currently support playing the expansion pack ("Plus") missions. Even with this patch, you will be able to play only the game's original missions. Also, FreeSynd might eventually be updated to support Syndicate Plus, in which case this patch will probably no longer be necessary. The current v0.7.5 does not. FreeSynd setup instructions (if you already have it set up, skip to Step 5): 1. Go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/freesynd/files/ 2. Do NOT click on the green button to download the "latest" version, since that button will download an old version. Instead, navigate the folder structure below and download the actual latest version (currently, v0.7.5). 3. Extract it anywhere. 4. Copy all files in the "SYNDICAT\DATA" folder of your Syndicate Plus installation to FreeSynd's "bin\data" folder. If you don't have a "SYNDICAT\DATA" folder, the files may be in "SYND\DATA" or just "DATA". The folder should have 439 files. If you have a DATADISK\DATA" folder, that's NOT what you want, as those are the expansion pack data files (again, FreeSynd currently supports only the original game's missions, not the expansion pack's missions). 5. Copy SOUND-0.DAT from this archive to FreeSynd's "bin\data" folder, overwriting the one that you just copied there. 6. Open bin\freesynd.ini and change "fullscreen" to "true". If you don't, the game will be in an unresizable 640x400 window that'll probably be far too small for most users. 7. Run bin\freesynd.exe. Note: It's also possible to point FreeSynd to your existing Syndicate Plus installation instead of copying its data files in Step 4. You can do that by opening freesynd.ini, removing the '#' from the "data_dir" line and setting the path to the data files ("." and ".." accepted). You will then still have to copy SOUND-0.DAT over your original Syndicate Plus files, which may or may not affect the game when run in DOSBox instead of FreeSynd.
  9. 16,725 downloads

    Pre-patched Unofficial Patches for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II & Mysteries of the Sith (1997-98) by LucasArts This is a bundle and re-upload of the "Unofficial Patch" executables for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and its expansion, Mysteries of the Sith. The unofficial patches improve compatibility with modern Windows, add team chat in multiplayer and are required for some mods (particularly Jedi Knight Enhanced and Jedi Knight Retexture Pack). Most users choosing to play these games on modern Windows will want to use these. These are the pre-patched versions, meaning that the original executables have already been patched. The CD checks have also been removed. This makes them compatible with digital releases like those from Steam and GOG, which have already been patched to remove CD checks (and, therefore, would cause the the original unofficial patches to either fail or introduce CD checks). Installation Simply copy the contents of the appropriate included folder to your game folder, overwriting any files. In other words, copy JK.EXE, JK-Extension.dll and the Resource folder from the "Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II" folder and/or JKM.exe from the "Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith" folder to your game folder(s). Important note The unofficial patches help these games to launch on modern Windows, but there are a host of other issues that you may encounter once the games are running, especially related to 3D acceleration and music. For most users, those issues can be overcome with further file supplementation and tweaking. The following pages aggregate the best solutions for each game: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_%E2%80%93_Dark_Forces_II#Issues_fixed https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_%E2%80%93_Mysteries_of_the_Sith#Issues_fixed Most common issues and their usual solutions * Black screen in either game: Use a DirectDraw wrapper like dgVoodoo 2 according to the following instructions... https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_-_Dark_Forces_II#3D_acceleration_issues * No music in either game: Rename JK.EXE or JKM.EXE to something else (like JediKnight.exe). * Still no music in either game: Replace the music wrapper according to the following instructions... JK: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_-_Dark_Forces_II#Music_issues MotS: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight_-_Mysteries_of_the_Sith#Music_issues
  10. Version 1.2


    SkyNET Mouse Helper v1.2 for The Terminator: SkyNET (1996) and The Terminator: Future Shock (1995) by Bethesda Softworks This Windows utility allows for cycling weapons with the mouse wheel in SkyNET and Future Shock when played in DOSBox under Windows. It runs in the background while you're playing and maps the mouse wheel to its own next and previous weapon functions (because neither game has them). It's been tailored specifically for these two games and, despite the name, works with Future Shock even when it's played outside of SkyNET. Features: * Scroll the mouse wheel up/down to cycle weapon types (numbers 1-7 on the keyboard) or all 13 available weapons. * Press the middle mouse button or scroll left/right to cycle weapons of the same type (i.e. weapons that share the same # key). * Press ~ to cycle up to the next weapon and Shift + ~ to cycle down to the previous weapon (for mice without wheels). * Press Shift + F10 to show and hide this list. * Press Shift + F11 to switch between weapon cycle modes (cycling through only the 7 weapon types or all 13 available weapons). * Press Shift + F12 to toggle automatic weapon skipping. * Press Pause/Break to pause and un-pause the helper (disabling and re-enabling all above features). Instructions: Simply run SkyNETMouseHelper.exe and then run the game. (Optional) Create a shortcut that will run the helper and game together: 1. Click on the "Create shortcut" button on the helper's main window. 2. Drag and drop your existing shortcut onto the area at the top of the next window ..or.. Build a shortcut from scratch by selecting your DOSBox executable and, optionally, your DOSBox .conf file and game executable. (Both options will create a new shortcut that runs the helper, then DOSBox (+ the game), then exit the helper when DOSBox exits) Configuration: There are a few options that you can configure on first run, via the tray icon or via in-game hotkeys: * Whether to show the GUI window. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to launch the helper silently to the tray. * Whether to exit when DOSBox exits. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to leave the helper running. * Whether scrolling with the mouse wheel should be inverted from what most games assign by default. Default: Off. Toggle on to assign scrolling up to Next Weapon and scrolling down to Previous Weapon (off is the reverse). * Whether scrolling with the mouse wheel cycles weapon types or all weapons. Default: Weapon types. Hotkey: Shift+F11. Toggle to "all weapons" if you still want to access your older, less powerful weapons in the mouse wheel rotation. * Whether scrolling with the mouse wheel should skip unavailable weapons. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F12. Toggle off if it doesn't work as expected or weapons cycle uncontrollably. Notes: * Each time that you load a savegame, change weapons once (with the number keys or the mouse wheel) to "calibrate" the utility. That's necessary because the utility can't know which weapon is selected when a savegame is loaded and needs you to change weapons once to know. If you use the mouse wheel, you may end up with a weapon that you weren't expecting, but it'll work as expected from then on. * The option to automatically skip unavailable weapons (on by default) works by reading the screen and could, theoretically, fail with some users' graphics configurations. If cycling weapons makes weapon switching go haywire or skip weapons that you do have, you can disable the option by pressing Shift+F12 in the game or toggling it in the tray icon's GUI. * If anything doesn't work in fullscreen that works in windowed mode, try changing the "output" mode in your DOSBox .conf file. (ex. to "overlay"). Modification: This utility is simply a compiled AutoHotkey script. If you're not satisfied with the given mappings or functionality and would like to tweak them, the source script (SkyNETMouseHelper.ahk) is provided in the "src" folder. You will need to download AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com to compile it. In the folder where you installed/extracted AutoHotkey will be a "Compiler" folder. In there is Ahk2Exe.exe, which you can use to compile your modified SkyNETMouseHelper.ahk into a new SkyNETMouseHelper.exe. An icon for you to use is in the folder with SkyNETMouseHelper.ahk. You don't need to compile or worry about SkyNETMouseHelperFunctions.ahk (which mostly has code related to the GUI, not the game). It'll be included automatically when SkyNETMouseHelper.ahk is compiled. For help with using AutoHotkey, see the help file (AutoHotkey.chm) that comes with it. Other: If you like this utility, you may be interested in these related uploads... SkyNET Unofficial Patch 2017: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/931-skynet-unofficial-patch-2017/ Outlaws Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/970-outlaws-mouse-helper/ Dune II Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/955-dune-ii-mouse-helper/ Warcraft Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/954-warcraft-mouse-helper/ Tomb Raider Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1237-tomb-raider-mouse-helper-for-tr1-5/ All (and any newer) uploads: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=3342
  11. Version 1.2


    Outlaws Mouse Helper v1.2 for Outlaws (1997) by LucasArts This utility for Outlaws allows for cycling weapons with the mouse wheel and using the mouse for a few other functions. It runs in the background while you're playing and maps the game's built-in keyboard commands to the mouse wheel and right and middle mouse buttons, helping you to make greater use of the mouse and less use of keyboard commands. Features: * Scroll the mouse wheel up/down to change weapons. * Middle click to toggle the rifle scope (once acquired). * Hold Q while scrolling up/down or scroll right/left by itself to change inventory items. * Press Q to use the selected inventory item. * Right click to light dynamite and stab with the knife (while also keeping it as reload for guns). * Hold Tab while scrolling up/down to change automap levels. * Hold Tab while middle clicking to toggle all automap levels. * Press ~ to cycle up to the next weapon and Shift + ~ to cycle down to the previous weapon (for mice without wheels). * Press Shift + F10 to show and hide this list. * Press Shift + F11 to toggle automatic skipping of unavailable weapons while scrolling. * Press Pause/Break to pause and un-pause the helper (disabling and re-enabling all above features). Instructions: Simply run OutlawsMouseHelper.exe and then run the game. (Optional) Create a shortcut that will run the helper and game together: 1. Click on the "Create shortcut" button on the helper's main window. 2. Drag and drop your existing shortcut or Olwin.exe onto the next window. (This will create a new shortcut that runs the helper, then the game, then exits the helper when the game exits) Configuration: There are a few options that you can configure on first run, via the tray icon or via in-game hotkeys: * Whether to show the GUI window. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to launch the helper silently to the tray. * Whether to exit when Outlaws exits. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to leave the helper running. * Whether scrolling with the mouse wheel should be inverted from what most games assign by default. Default: Off. Toggle on to assign scrolling up to Next Weapon and scrolling down to Previous Weapon (off is the reverse). * Whether scrolling with the mouse wheel should skip unavailable weapons. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F11. Toggle off if it doesn't work as expected or your weapons cycle uncontrollably. Notes: * If the game is run as administrator, the helper must also be run as administrator in order to work. * This utility works best if you have Reload (default) or Fire 2 set for the right mouse button and you don't already use the middle mouse button much, since those buttons get taken over when you equip the dynamite/knife and rifle, respectively. * Each time that you load a savegame, change weapons once (with the number keys or the mouse wheel) to "calibrate" the utility. That's necessary because the utility can't know which weapon is selected when a savegame is loaded and needs you to change weapons once to know. If you use the mouse wheel, you may end up with a weapon that you weren't expecting, but it'll work as expected from then on. * The option to automatically skip unavailable weapons (on by default) works only if you're standing still, unfortunately. That's because it reads the screen and too many things are changing when you're moving. If you're moving while trying to scroll to a weapon that you don't have, it'll simply behave as though the feature is disabled and not change your weapon. In those cases, keep scrolling to get to the weapon that you want. * Because the auto-skip option works by reading the screen, it could, theoretically, fail with some users' graphics configurations. If cycling weapons makes weapon switching go haywire or skip even weapons that you have, you can disable the feature by pressing Shift+F11 in the game or toggling it in the tray icon's GUI. * Because the helper uses the Q key for inventory use and scrolling, do not assign it to anything in the game's key bindings or else it might interfere. If you really want to change or disable the key so that you can re-assign it, you can modify the script via the section below. Modification: This utility is simply a compiled AutoHotkey script. If you're not satisfied with the given mappings or functionality and would like to tweak them, the source script (OutlawsMouseHelper.ahk) is in the "src" folder. You will need to download AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com to compile it. In the folder where you installed/extracted AutoHotkey will be a "Compiler" folder. In there is Ahk2Exe.exe, which you can use to compile your modified OutlawsMouseHelper.ahk into a new OutlawsMouseHelper.exe. An icon for you to use is in the folder with OutlawsMouseHelper.ahk. You don't need to compile or worry about OutlawsMouseHelperFunctions.ahk (which mostly has code related to the GUI, not the game). It'll be included automatically when OutlawsMouseHelper.ahk is compiled. For help with using AutoHotkey, see the help file (AutoHotkey.chm) that comes with it. Other: If you like this utility, you may be interested in these related uploads... SkyNET Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/982-skynet-mouse-helper/ Dune II Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/955-dune-ii-mouse-helper/ Warcraft Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/954-warcraft-mouse-helper/ Tomb Raider Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1237-tomb-raider-mouse-helper-for-tr1-5/ All (and any newer) uploads: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=3342
  12. Version 1.2


    Dune II Mouse Helper v1.2 for Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (1992) by Westwood Studios This Windows utility allows for better mouse control in Dune II when played in DOSBox under Windows. It runs in the background while you're playing and maps the game's built-in keyboard commands to the right and middle mouse buttons and the mouse wheel. This allows you to give context sensitive orders with the mouse buttons (like in more modern RTSes) instead of using keyboard commands or mousing over to the command bar. It also allows for scrolling the map with both the mouse wheel and the WASD keys, as well as other minor convenience features. There are modern Dune II recreations that offer these features and more, but this utility is designed for gamers who prefer to play the original DOS game in DOSBox, yet find it frustrating to use the original control scheme. This utility tries to add a little more user friendliness without reducing the nostalgia. Features: * Right click to order units to move, attack or harvest (see Notes below). * Right click to build or place structures, as well as pause or resume construction. * Right click and hold to repair or upgrade structures. * Middle click to explicitly order units to attack or harvest (for times when right click isn't ideal; see Notes below). * Middle click to open or close a structure's production screen. * Left click and hold to auto-select units and structures as you mouse over them (for quickly checking health). * Move the mouse wheel up/down/left/right to scroll around the map. (A horizontal scrolling mouse wheel and Windows Vista or later are required for left/right scrolling) * Hold down Shift while scrolling down/up or click the 4th/5th mouse buttons to scroll left/right. (For mice without horizontal scrolling mouse wheels or pre-Vista machines) * Use the mouse wheel to scroll units and structures on the production screens (then right click to build them). * Press WASD to scroll around the map (can be disabled). * Press Esc to open the game's Options menu (which, normally, requires pressing F2). * Press F1-F3 a second time to toggle their screens off (rather than having to press Esc to). * Press Shift + F10 to show and hide this list. * Press Shift + F11 to toggle scrolling with WASD. * Press Shift + F12 to toggle auto-selecting units and structures while holding left click. * Press Pause/Break to pause and un-pause the helper (disabling and re-enabling all above features). * Supports Dune II v1.07 and v1.00, Super Dune II and Super Dune II Classic. Instructions: Simply run Dune2MouseHelper.exe and then run the game. (Optional) Create a shortcut that will run the helper and game together: 1. Click on the "Create shortcut" button on the helper's main window. 2. Drag and drop your existing shortcut onto the area at the top of the next window ..or.. Build a shortcut from scratch by selecting your DOSBox executable and, optionally, your DOSBox .conf file and game executable. (Both options will create a new shortcut that runs the helper, then DOSBox (+ the game), then exit the helper when DOSBox exits) Configuration: There are a few options that you can configure on first run, via the tray icon or via in-game hotkeys: * Whether to show the GUI window. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to launch the helper silently to the tray. * Whether to exit when DOSBox exits. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to leave the helper running. * Whether to enable scrolling the map with the WASD keys. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F11. Toggle off to have the WASD keys perform their normal command functions. * Whether to enable auto-selecting of units and structures while holding left click. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F12. Toggle off if you accidentally trigger it while performing regular left clicks or it slows down minimap panning. Notes: * Right clicking to harvest works only in v1.07 of Dune II. In v1.0, Super Dune II and Super Dune II Classic, use middle click to harvest. If you're not sure which you have, send a harvester to a spice patch with right click and, if it doesn't harvest when it gets there, you know to use middle click. * Right click doesn't actually send an attack command because that would cause units to attack the ground when you meant only to move them. Instead, right click sends a move command, since units will automatically enter guard mode and engage enemy units when they get to the destination. This works for attacking in most cases, but you'll need to do a middle click to explicitly order units to attack worms or from a distance. * When right clicking to build, place, hold or resume production, try to keep the mouse pointer away from other structures or units to avoid inadvertently selecting them. That's because right click is also used for giving unit orders and, therefore, must send a left click to complete those. * If anything doesn't work in fullscreen that works in windowed mode, try changing the "output" mode in your DOSBox .conf file. (ex. to "overlay"). Modification: This utility is simply a compiled AutoHotkey script. If you're not satisfied with the given mappings or functionality and would like to tweak them, the source script (Dune2MouseHelper.ahk) is provided in the "src" folder. You will need to download AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com to compile it. In the folder where you installed/extracted AutoHotkey will be a "Compiler" folder. In there is Ahk2Exe.exe, which you can use to compile your modified Dune2MouseHelper.ahk into a new Dune2MouseHelper.exe. An icon for you to use is in the folder with Dune2MouseHelper.ahk. You don't need to compile or worry about Dune2MouseHelperFunctions.ahk (which mostly has code related to the GUI, not the game). It'll be included automatically when Dune2MouseHelper.ahk is compiled. For help with using AutoHotkey, see the help file (AutoHotkey.chm) that comes with it. Other: If you like this utility, you may be interested in these related uploads... Warcraft Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/954-warcraft-mouse-helper/ Outlaws Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/970-outlaws-mouse-helper/ SkyNET Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/982-skynet-mouse-helper/ Tomb Raider Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1237-tomb-raider-mouse-helper-for-tr1-5/ All (and any newer) uploads: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=3342
  13. Version 1.2


    Warcraft Mouse Helper v1.2 for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994) by Blizzard Entertainment This Windows utility allows for better mouse control in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans when played in DOSBox under Windows. It runs in the background while you're playing and maps the game's built-in keyboard commands to the right and middle mouse buttons and the mouse wheel. This allows you to give context sensitive orders with the mouse buttons (like in more modern RTSes) instead of using keyboard commands or mousing over to the command bar. It also allows for clicking and dragging to select multiple units without having to hold down the Ctrl key. Finally, it allows for scrolling the map with both the mouse wheel and the WASD keys, as well as other minor convenience features. Features: * Left click and drag to draw selection boxes around multiple units without having to hold down the Ctrl key. * Right click to order units to attack or harvest/transport goods (or move, in most cases). (Can also be used when the town center is selected to build walls and cancel structure placement) * Middle click to order units to repair or explicitly move (without attacking or harvesting). (Can also be used when the town center is selected to build roads) * Middle click and hold to auto-select units and structures as you mouse over them (for quickly checking health). * Move the mouse wheel up/down/left/right to scroll around the map. (A horizontal scrolling mouse wheel and Windows Vista or later are required for scrolling left/right) * Hold Shift while scrolling down/up or use the 4th/5th mouse buttons to scroll left/right. (For mice without horizontal scrolling mouse wheels or pre-Vista machines) * Press WASD to scroll around the map (can be disabled). * Press Esc to open the game's Options menu (which, normally, requires pressing F10). * Press F6-F8 and F10-F12 a second time to toggle their functions off (rather than having to press a different key to). * Press Shift + F10 to show and hide this list. * Press Shift + F11 to toggle scrolling with WASD. * Press Shift + F12 to toggle auto-selecting units and structures while holding middle click. * Press and hold Backspace to delete characters until released (rather than needing to press it repeatedly). * Press Pause/Break to pause and un-pause the helper (disabling and re-enabling all above features). Instructions: Simply run WarcraftMouseHelper.exe and then run the game. (Optional) Create a shortcut that will run the helper and game together: 1. Click on the "Create shortcut" button on the helper's main window. 2. Drag and drop your existing shortcut onto the area at the top of the next window ..or.. Build a shortcut from scratch by selecting your DOSBox executable and, optionally, your DOSBox .conf file and game executable. (Both options will create a new shortcut that runs the helper, then DOSBox (+ the game), then exit the helper when DOSBox exits) Configuration: There are a few options that you can configure on first run, via the tray icon or via in-game hotkeys: * Whether to show the GUI window. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to launch the helper silently to the tray. * Whether to exit when DOSBox exits. Default: On. Applies only to running the helper by itself, not via shortcut. Toggle off to leave the helper running. * Whether to enable scrolling the map with the WASD keys. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F11. Toggle off to have the WASD keys perform their normal command functions. * Whether to enable auto-selecting of units and structures while holding middle click. Default: On. Hotkey: Shift+F12. Toggle off if you accidentally trigger it while performing regular middle clicks. Notes: * Since right click is used for both move and harvest, peasants and peons that you try to move will automatically harvest nearby resources once they get to where you tried to move them. To avoid that, you may give an explicit move command with a middle click. * Since right click is used for both move and attack, moving a warrior to one of your own buildings or units will order him to attack it, so be careful about doing that (especially if giving orders on the minimap). To avoid that, you may give an explicit move command with a middle click. * If map scrolling is too fast or too slow, adjust "Key Scroll" in the game's Options. That applies to mouse wheel scrolling, too, since this helper simply maps the arrow keys to the mouse wheel. If it's still too fast or slow, adjust the "cycles" value in your DOSBox .conf file (ex. to 30000). * If anything doesn't work in fullscreen that works in windowed mode, try changing the "output" mode in your DOSBox .conf file. (ex. to "overlay"). Modification: This utility is simply a compiled AutoHotkey script. If you're not satisfied with the given mappings or functionality and would like to tweak them, the source script (WarcraftMouseHelper.ahk) is provided in the "src" folder. You will need to download AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com to compile it. In the folder where you installed/extracted AutoHotkey will be a "Compiler" folder. In there is Ahk2Exe.exe, which you can use to compile your modified WarcraftMouseHelper.ahk into a new WarcraftMouseHelper.exe. An icon for you to use is in the folder with WarcraftMouseHelper.ahk. You don't need to compile or worry about WarcraftMouseHelperFunctions.ahk (which mostly has code related to the GUI, not the game). It'll be included automatically when WarcraftMouseHelper.ahk is compiled. For help with using AutoHotkey, see the help file (AutoHotkey.chm) that comes with it. Other: If you like this utility, you may be interested in these related uploads: Dune II Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/955-dune-ii-mouse-helper/ Outlaws Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/970-outlaws-mouse-helper/ SkyNET Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/982-skynet-mouse-helper/ Tomb Raider Mouse Helper: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1237-tomb-raider-mouse-helper-for-tr1-5/ All (and any newer) uploads: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=3342
  14. 2,654 downloads

    SkyNET Unofficial Patch 2017 SkyNET (aka The Terminator: SkyNET) is Bethesda's 1996 sequel to The Terminator: Future Shock, a Quake-like game set in the Terminator universe. This is an all-in-one patch which includes every known fix and improvement for the game. This patch: Updates the game to v1.01. Allows for playing entirely from the hard drive. Starts the game with 640x480 (SVGA) mode enabled. Fixes crashes at the start of gameplay (aka the "SVGA fix"). Fixes crashes when entering buildings (aka the "door fix"). Credit to ripsaw8080. Extends the visual range (so that structures and objects are visible from farther away). Credit to WERTA & Corak. Corrects the night sky color from blue to black (as it was in Future Shock). Credit to WERTA & Corak. Includes an INSTALL.DAT to aid users in setting up the game and adding Future Shock. The following screenshots demonstrate the two visual improvements: extended visual range and sky color correction. (What the left image can't show is that buildings and other objects suddenly appear in the distance as you approach. In overlay mode, they gradually fade in from black. It may see too dark here, but it should look better in the game.) To apply/install: 1. Copy these files and folders to your SkyNET game folder, overwriting the ones there. 2. If using DOSBox: * Set output=overlay in your .conf file. This gives the best appearance with the extended visual range because it's slightly darker than other modes, greatly helping distant objects to gradually appear out of the shadows. * Make sure that DOSBox is v0.74 or a recent SVN build. Pre-0.74 versions and older SVN builds may have very poor performance or crash in 640x480 mode. Future Shock: To play Future Shock (SkyNET's 1995 predecessor) in SkyNET's 640x480 mode and with the extended visual range, copy or install it to SkyNET's new SHOCK folder, then run SkyNET, choose New Game and select Future Shock. If you prefer to keep it elsewhere, edit the "fspath" line in INSTALL.DAT accordingly. SkyNET install tip: To do a full installation of SkyNET to the hard drive, copy the SKYNET folder from the CD, copy this patch over it and run SETUP.EXE to configure your sound drivers. That eliminates having to mount the CD in DOSBox and go through the installation program, after which you still would've had to copy the SKYNET folder, since even the largest installation option leaves most of it on the CD. 320x200 mode: To start SkyNET in 320x200 mode, run GAME.EXE instead of SKYNET.EXE. GAME.EXE is the actual patched game executable (formerly SKYNET.EXE) which starts in 320x200 mode by default and SKYNET.EXE is a new launcher which tells it to run in 640x480, instead, so that you don't have to change the resolution to 640x480 every time that you start the game. Blue sky: If you prefer to keep the original blue sky, don't copy GAMEDATA\MDMDIMGS.BSA. Be aware, though, that Future Shock's sky color was black, so Future Shock won't look as it originally did if you play it through SkyNET. Menu mouse bug: After dismissing the intro, if the main menu options are unresponsive to clicks, simply RIGHT click anywhere to fix it. This isn't a bug in this patch, but with this game and DOSBox's overlay mode. You may experience it only now because overlay mode is recommended for this patch (because of how much more nicely objects fade in from the shadows in it). Rather than change modes to avoid the bug, it's recommended that you work around it by right-clicking... or simply rename GAMEDATA\OPENING.VID to disable the intro, so that you don't have to dismiss it and encounter the bug. Credits: ripsaw8080 @ vogons.org (door fix) WERTA & Corak @ old-games.** (extended visual range and sky color fix) Bethesda Softworks® LLC © 1996 (game) SkyNET and The Terminator: Future Shock are the property of Bethesda Softworks® LLC. This patch is not made, offered or supported by Bethesda Softworks.
  15. Version 1.1


    Repeating Music Patch v1.1 for The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (1992, DOS) Background: The game ordinarily plays most pieces of music only once per location. After each one finishes, no more music plays until you leave the location. Because most of the pieces are about only a minute long, the gamer is liable to end up playing much of the game in silence. When Mythos Software ported the game to the 3DO a few years later, they made the music repeat, but never patched the DOS version. Description: This patch makes the music repeat after it finishes, like in the 3DO version. Four variations are provided: * Repeat - Play the music again immediately after it finishes. This is like the 3DO version. * Repeat after 20s - Play the music again after 20 seconds. * Repeat after 40s - Play the music again after 40 seconds. * Repeat after 60s - Play the music again after 60 seconds. While the first option is probably what most users want, the last three are provided just in case some people get a little tired of hearing the same music again so soon. They'll give your ears a little break, if you find that preferable. Instructions: Copy MUSIC.LIB from one of the folders to your game folder, overwriting the one there. You'll probably want to try the one in the "Repeat" folder first. If you find the repetition a little tiring, try one of the other variations. If you want to turn repetition off, the unpatched MUSIC.LIB is in the "Original (no repeating)" folder. Notes: * 15 of the 49 music pieces have not been touched because they either belong to cutscenes or were designed to repeat immediately. * The map music and a few others have been made to always repeat immediately. In the case of the map music, that's because the music loops seemlessly and gamers aren't liable to stay long enough on the map screen to get tired of it. * This patch has not been tested through the entire game. It works very early in the game, so it's likely to work throughout, but there could be spots where music repeats when it shouldn't or other little issues like that. If you find any such spots and they're not tolerable, you can always revert to the unpatched MUSIC.LIB, at least temporarily.
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