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Official patches

438 files

  1. Crimson Skies patch

    Original file: http://www.fileplanet.com/52484/50000/fileinfo/Crimson-Skies-v1.02-Patch
    With this update, you get a save game fix and some issues addressed with multiplayer, stability and performance problems.




  2. Halo 2 patch

    Original file: http://www.gamefront.com/files/11402912/Halo_2_v1_01_Revised_Patch
    This is the Halo 2 Vista Patch #2. It is the latest patch available for the game.


    1 comment


  3. Moonbase Commander patch

    Original file: http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/moonbasecommander/patch/168.html
    The following items are addressed by this update:
    Players no longer duplicated in game roster of internet games.
    Improved synchronization of game setup for internet games.
    More lenient time-out for players in first round of internet games (less disconnects).
    Improved custom map transmission for internet games.
    No more "network_receive_array_script not defined" errors.
    In team games, destroyed players get FoW lifted only when they have no surviving human teammate(s).
    No longer possible to click enemy units that are under the FoW.
    No longer possible to click cords/units that are behind game interface.
    AI players no longer launch illegal items from Offensive Units.
    "Skip" button problems resolved.
    Clicking "Clear" in map editor correctly updates map size indicator.
    Issue with Spike weapon occasionally affecting wrong unit resolved.
    Reclaimer weapon uses correct altitude to determine affected unit (won't reclaim balloons by hitting ground).
    Destroying a crazy amount of units at once should no longer cause a crash.
    Music skipping may be improved by adjusting the music buffer pivot point. This will cause the computer to choose the next measure of music earlier, so it has more time to load.
    Add "MusicBufferPercent=#" to the [system] section of Moonbase.ini (# is a value between 10 and 90). This is the percentage of the current measure that plays before selecting and loading the next. A smaller value gives the hard drive more time to load. If your music skips, try a value of 30 to start. Reduce to 20, then 10 if necessary.
    Fixed missing underscores for some fonts.
    Incoming tracking will now properly track projectiles that pass thru fog areas back into visible areas.
    Fixed issue with guided missiles sometimes flying into ground.




  4. 3-D Ultra Radio (Remote) Control Racers patch

    Original file: http://sierrahelp.com/Patches-Updates/Patches-Updates-Games/3-DUltraSeriesUpdates.html




  5. Submarine Titans patch

    Original file: http://www.fileplanet.com/48959/40000/fileinfo/Submarine-Titans-v1.1-Patch
    This patch will upgrade the North American version of Submarine Titans to version 1.1
    A lot of reported bugs have been fixed and network play has been optimized. Here is the full list of fixes:
    Bug Fixes:
    Fixed bug in Power Protector where if 2 protectors were built next to each other , it would close and recharge.
    Fixed bug in teleport recharge.
    Fixed bug in restart game for campiagn mission.
    Fixed bug in Development technology for Silicon Campiagn missions
    Fixed bug in drawing technology tree (yellow boxes).
    Fixed Mouse dragging problem in Windows 2000
    Fixed Campaign Missions 5 and 6 for Black Octopi (Capture technology problem)
    Fixed Campaign Missions 7,8,9,and 10 for White Sharks (Various bugs)
    Fixed Internal Error problems

    Fixed several Asynch bugs.
    Fixed Internal Errors

    Optimization of Network code for smoother game play.
    Optimized movement of sea life.
    Improved AI Pathfinding for Subs
    Optimized Guard zone for subs
    Increased hit points for the DC Bomber
    Some more balance for the BO, WS and SI Civilizations
    Updated FSGS DLL and Patch system.




  6. Deus Ex: Invisible War patch (retail)

    Original file: http://www.fileplanet.com/files/130000/137653.shtml




  7. Star Trek - DS9 - The Fallen - US/EU Retail Patch

    Hardware issues:
    Unreliable AMD specific chipset extensions removed
    Sound system optimizations for lower spec machines
    "Popping" sound system issues resolved when pausing or quicksaving

    Menu/Interface issues:
    Fixed Mouse Sensitivity Slider not having proper 10 slot spacing.
    Quicksaving system revised to be less intrusive

    Gameplay issues:
    Training maps expanded to include Hazard course
    Promenade and Ops "Close Up" camera system improved
    M01_Worfl1 / Grigari play balancing
    "Hand to Ledge" alignment issues resolved
    Game speed adjusted to normal at game start
    Fixed bug where cardassian wall turrets shut down and don't fire at you unless player is looking at them.
    Fixes phaser auto modulating in training map
    Reduced SubSpaceMine explosion momentum
    All drums that cause damage can be auto targeted.
    It's now possible for the player to exit the left-hand area behind utility door in M03_KiraL1b
    Kira can no longer get the level one science card without turning off the cameras or setting the alarm off.
    You now have to complete all objectives to be able to complete M07_KiraL2
    Fixed Cardassians that run away as soon as they beam into CM04/Lab
    It's no longer possible to complete M06_SiskoL1b without obtaining the Orb
    Plasma Thrower fixed so it can be fired if it's got 20 units of ammo left in it
    Fixed JemHadar that beams in after the gear navigation puzzle & triggers alarm, player can no longer get stuck behind force field.
    M10_AnyCharacter there are no Weapon / ammo pickups available in M10_*
    Combadge no longer chirps when a PlaySpeech is triggered due to conditions not being satisfied
    Fixed M07_WorfL1 where the big lift in the floor can be activated by stepping on it, then Worf is free to jump off it as it descends & player gets stuck.
    Turrets now trigger alarms when PawnAI's ask for help.

    Cosmetic issues:
    Lighting, textures and audio improved in Training maps
    Dying and falling off ledge no longer leaves player in mid-air
    Player no longer continues talking if mid-hail and dead
    Fixed the bug where you can run out of the communication blocked zone and get the messages messed up.
    Fixed Batleth showing ammo in Training Mission
    Fixed bad corpse alignment in some levels.
    Modified the way some elements are drawn for the framed text that appears - like pause - to fix some alignment errors.
    Fixed M10_WorfL1a Bridge wall that was not solid
    M03_KiraL1B, can no longer get stuck between wall and building
    Can no longer get stuck on top of turbolift in M01_SiskoL1B
    Sisko can't get stuck behinf box in M11_SiskoL1B anymore
    Sisko can't get trapped in pit in M11_SiskoL1B anymore
    Player can no longer get stuck in M03_KiraL1B in the courtyard just before the drill machine
    M04_WorfL1b, the player is no longer instantly killed if he / she jumps while the elevator at the spawn point is descending
    Fixed BSP hole during final cinematic in M11_WorfL1
    M10_KiraL1b, Kira can no longer get stuck on the rooftops
    Fixed barrel in front of one of the consoles near the start, and the player is standing on that console, screen going black
    Fixed invisible collision obstacle at the end of M05_WorfL1
    Fixed BSP hole at the beginning of M05_SiskoL2
    O'Brien no longer abruptly stands up (even though he's supposed to be injured) in M05_KiraL1
    Player can no longer get stuck in turbolift in M01_SiskoL1a.
    Animation for Grigari Sentry Drone getting hit by phaser improved.
    Can no longer see Zone Portal texture through window on bridge in M01_SiskoL1a/b
    Fixed Denorios Belt skybox looking faceted in M01 cinematic
    Fixed Grigari Shock Trooper eye halo effect getting detached from head.
    Can no longer see square boxes around fires on Obanak's hands
    Fixed M07_WorfL3 BSP hole that makes Worf's mesh disappear in the cell block
    Fixed some JemHadar scaning in Tricorder as "UNDEFINED"
    Fixed camera glitch in cinematic where Grigari Vessel attacks Defiant.
    Can no longer get stuck at bottom of exhaust port in M10_WorfL1b




  8. Star Trek - DS9 - The Fallen - Mini Code Patch

    The patch is available in the following languages:
    English (EN)
    German (DE)

    It is recommended to install this patch after updating the game to version 112100 / retail patch.
    It fixes the following problems:
    Application will not start. It exits as soon as it is run with no errors or warnings.
    Application will not detect or display the Direct3D video driver as a valid video option at startup.
    Joystick buttons cannot be bounded.
    In addition to the main retail patch we have also issued a smaller code-only patch that deals with some specific issues.




  9. Deus Ex patch (retail)

    This is the latest retail patch for Deus Ex.
    Digital distribution versions already include this patch as do some retail re-releases.




  10. Darkstar One Retail Patch (English)

    This is the latest English retail patch for Darkstar One.
    This patch is for retail versions only; digital distribution versions already include this patch.




  11. Giants: Citizen Kabuto Patch 1.497 BETA

    Community patch for Giants: Ciziten Kabuto.
    Changelog taken from GiantsWD forums.




  12. Mercenaries 2 patch v1.1 (various countries) - Mercenaries 2 v1.1.zip

    Sourced from the Pandemic Studios website via the Wayback Machine.
    Mercenaries 2 PCGamingWiki article.
    Download and installation:
    Select and download the relevant zip file for your country.
    Extract the executable to your computer.
    Run the executable.

    Patch notes are also available in PDF format.




  13. The Sims 2 - The Sims 2 patches.zip - expansion pack patches

    Note: File size is large (345 MB)
    Originally sourced by PCGW user Pendragon.
    The Sims 2 PCGamingWiki article
    Includes the following:
    Patch for University
    Patch for Nightlife and Deluxe Edition
    Patch for Open For Business
    Patch for Pets (Retail only, not digital)
    Patch for Seasons (Retail only, not digital)
    Patch for Bon Voyage
    Patch for Free Time
    Patch for Apartment Life
    Patch for Family Fun Stuff




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