
Request by an organisation

Please indicate your contact information below. The CNPD will use it to reply to your question or, if necessary, to ask for additional information.

If you wish, you can also give us your telephone number. This allows us to contact you more quickly in case of any additional questions.

Your message

We invite you to formulate your question as precisely as possible and to briefly explain the context.

If your question more general, we invite you to first browse through the information on our website (section "individuals", "professionals" or our thematic dossiers).

We will of course remain at your disposal if you have any further questions. 

* Mandatory field

Information on processing operations carried out by the CNPD

The information collected from this form will only be used to process your request for information and provide you with a reply.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to process your request for information. The other fields may allow us to provide you with a more precise answer.

Last update