课程: 在工作中为非英语母语员工提供帮助


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- Okay, your org knows the drill, but probably dreads it. It's performance appraisal or performance review time. Team members don't like writing about themselves because they don't know what to write to focus on their impact. People managers prefer to skip spending time crafting their careful feedback and everyone involved trudges through the exercise. You survive it another year, but you don't necessarily celebrate the most important work and illuminate critical central challenges and opportunities facing your teams. Moreover, employees who are non-native speakers often show more hesitancy in describing their impact and the appraisal process can unintentionally perpetuate divided outcomes for employee retention and advancement. Here's some things to consider. Cultural norms greatly impact the way we talk about ourselves. So let me address the cultural norms of collectivism versus individualism. As I describe the differences, which one do you think represents the U.S. business culture…
