Sara Gnoni

Advisor to Businesses, Boards, and Policymakers on Essential and Radical Transformations | Founder of The Positive Project | Sustainability Trainer | Public Speaker | Activist | B Corp Champion | Board Member of FSE

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🌍 Sara Gnoni
Driving Change from City Council to the Streets: Activist Politician Leading the Charge for Environmental Justice

As an elected member of the City Council in Lausanne for six years with the Green Party, I've been at the forefront of advocating for environmental sustainability, social justice, and political accountability. My activism extends beyond the council chambers; I've worked with Extinction Rebellion on numerous actions, and my commitment has led to arrests and an ongoing trial, underscoring the urgency of our cause.

With over a decade of experience as a financial auditor at KPMG and PwC, I bring a unique blend of corporate insight and activist zeal to my work. I founded The Positive Project, a proud B Corp, where I help companies develop sustainability strategies, achieve B Corp certification, and provide training on sustainable practices. As a board member of the Fédération Suisse des Entreprises, I amplify the voices of progressive businesses committed to a sustainable future.

Having lived in Switzerland, Spain, Guatemala, Singapore, and the US, and fluent in five languages, I bring a global perspective to my work. My passion for environmental justice and social equity drives me to challenge the status quo and push for transformative change. As a mother of three (plus two stepchildren), I am deeply committed to creating a livable and desirable future for the next generation.

Key Services:

Sustainability Training

Sustainable Corporate Strategy Development

B Corp Certification Guidance

Public Speaking & Activism

Coaching & Mentoring

Board Membership Expertise

Explore topics of environmental justice, corporate sustainability, and social activism with me. Together, let's pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable world. Join in taking action for a brighter future! 🌍✨

Artikel von Sara Gnoni



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  • The Positive Project - Proud B Corp Grafik

    Founder of The Positive Project, challenging boards, companies and politicians for a livable future

    The Positive Project - Proud B Corp

    –Heute 6 Jahre 7 Monate

  • Fédération suisse des entreprises - FSE Grafik

    Member Board of Trustees

    Fédération suisse des entreprises - FSE

    –Heute 5 Monaten

    Engagement associatif et bénévole pour contribuer à l'économie progressiste, durable, et circulaire.
    Trésorière et membre du bureau national.

  • Réseau des Expert.e.s Engagé.e.s Grafik


    Réseau des Expert.e.s Engagé.e.s

    –Heute 2 Jahre 7 Monate

  • PuraWorka Grafik

    Board Member


    –Heute 4 Jahre

  • Fondation de l Hôpital de l Enfance de Lausanne Grafik

    Board Member

    Fondation de l Hôpital de l Enfance de Lausanne

    –Heute 5 Jahre 7 Monate

    Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

  • EXPERTsuisse Grafik



    –Heute 6 Jahre 7 Monate

  • Cercle suisse des administratrices Grafik


    Cercle suisse des administratrices

    –Heute 9 Jahre 7 Monate

    Lausanne Area, Switzerland

    Member - part of the network of women on board of directors

  • Chairman Of The Board Of Trustees

    ToxicFree Suisse

    –Heute 7 Jahre 7 Monate

  • Board Member

    Stop OGM

    –Heute 10 Jahre 7 Monate

  • Board Member

    IFWE - Internation Foundation for the World Environment

    5 Jahre 3 Monate

    Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

  • TEDxGeneva Grafik

    Public Speaker


    1 Monat

    Des mots mêmes de l’ONU, le dérèglement climatique représente un risque existentiel pour l’humanité. Depuis 2018, des mouvements de désobéissance civile non violente prolifèrent dans le monde, de même qu’en Suisse. Des étudiants, des retraités, des scientifiques de renom, mais aussi des personnalités publiques ont recours à ces actions, dans l’espoir d’alerter l’opinion publique et inciter les gouvernements à agir. Sara Gnoni est l’une d’entre elles. Quand l’Etat faillit à sa responsabilité de…

    Des mots mêmes de l’ONU, le dérèglement climatique représente un risque existentiel pour l’humanité. Depuis 2018, des mouvements de désobéissance civile non violente prolifèrent dans le monde, de même qu’en Suisse. Des étudiants, des retraités, des scientifiques de renom, mais aussi des personnalités publiques ont recours à ces actions, dans l’espoir d’alerter l’opinion publique et inciter les gouvernements à agir. Sara Gnoni est l’une d’entre elles. Quand l’Etat faillit à sa responsabilité de protégér ses citoyennes et citoyens, le contrat social est brisé n’est-il pas légitime de désobéir?

    Sara Gnoni est économiste, experte-comptable, conseillère en environnement et conseillère communale Verte à Lausanne.
    Des grands cabinets d’audit à la création de son entreprise de conseil, The Positive Project, Sara est passée par des ONG et associations diverses, elle est également membre de comités et conseils d’administration et fondation. Elle donne également des formations en durabilité aux dirigeants d’entreprises.
    Sans relâche, elle porte sa voix d’activiste pour alerter sur l’urgence environnementale, dans tous les rôles qu’elle endosse et au travers d’articles et interventions. Elle est co-autrice du livre « tumultes Post-Corona » publié fin 2020.
    Elle est depuis 2019, active dans le mouvement Extinction Rebellion, elle a participé à de nombreuses actions à travers la Suisse et a écrit plusieurs articles au sujet de la désobéissance civile. Elle intervient également dans différents cours de l’Unil, autour des mouvements sociaux.

  • Board Member

    Association Eyes Up

    3 Jahre 9 Monate

    Lausanne Area, Switzerland

  • Conseillère Communale (législatif)

    Commune de Lausanne

    7 Jahre 6 Monate

    Lausanne Area, Switzerland

    Membre des Verts

  • ixialis Grafik

    Experte-comptable diplômée


    1 Jahr

    Lausanne Area, Switzerland

  • Program Director

    Pan Swiss

    1 Jahr 8 Monate

    Campaign development, fundraising

  • PwC Grafik

    Senior Manager Assurance


    4 Jahre 3 Monate

    Back from a two year secondment in Singapore, I am in charge of two major clients in the Romandie regions.
    The first is a Group listed on the SWX and among the top three luxury groups in the world.
    For the second I handle the Swiss subsidiaries of the biggest tobacco Company worldwide.

  • PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore Grafik


    PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore

    1 Jahr 11 Monate

    Experience in auditing mainly international groups, applying IFRS and USGAAPS as well as referral audits.
    Teaching of internal methodology courses as well as IFRS courses

  • PwC Grafik

    Manager Assurance Lausanne office


    1 Jahr 3 Monate

    Audit manager for retailers and consumer goods companies, mainly luxury goods
    Instructing several methodology and IFRS courses internally as well as RPC course externally
    Also instructed at the Swiss Chartered Accountant School (Expertise-Comptable)

  • KPMG


    4 Jahre

    • KPMG Grafik

      Expert-comptable diplomee 2006


      3 Jahre 10 Monate

      Senior position working on industry services
      Youngest 2006 experte comptable, best marks in Suisse Romande (out of 90 candidates) and 4th in Switzerland (out of 300 candidates)
      Major clients: Gucci, Nespresso, General Millls, Skechers
      Give training courses to assistants

    • KPMG Grafik

      Senior auditor


      4 Jahre

      Team in charge for consumer goods audits, pension funds, insurances and luxury group.
      Instructing methodology courses internally.


  • BLeaders

    B Leader

    Activities and Societies: B Leaders is a training programme run by B Lab (Switzerland) which trains individuals who wish to certify their own company as a B Corp or work with other companies who wish to become certified B Corps

    Have completed the B Leaders programme:
    Impact measurements of business models by sector of activity.
    B Impact Assessment.
    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    Practices and their impact on sustainable development issues in the following areas: workers,
    community, environment, governance, business model.

  • Centre de Formation WWF

    Master's Degree Environmental Science Diplôme de conseillère en environnement

    Validated the following modules: Sustainable management of natural resources, Sustainability, Politics, economics and environmental law, social and environmental management, Communication and awareness raising in environment, Environmental advise and negotiations, Responsible Marketing and public relations, Realization of a project in environment.
    Obtained the diploma of environmental advisor on June 30, 2014

  • ACCA

    ACCA diploma in International financial reporting International Financial Reporting

    took and passed the ACCA diploma in International Financial Reporting

  • Swiss Accountancy Academy

    Experte-comptable Accounting/auditing

    Best results in Romandie, out of 87 candidates, 4th best result in Switzerland (out of 312 candidates) and the youngest candidate to have been taken part to the exam

  • Mays Business School - Texas A&M University Grafik

    Texas A&M University - Mays Business School

    Master of Science (MS) Business

    Activities and Societies: AGI-Aggie Global Interaction

    Exchange student in Mays business school at Texas A&M
    Majors in marketing, accounting and controlling

  • HEC Lausanne - The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne Grafik

    HEC Lausanne - School of Business

    Master in sciences Economics-Management

    Activities and Societies: -exchange year in Texas A&M university, US 2002-2003 -Assistant of Prof. Van Ackere at HEC and EHL for bachelor HEC and master in hostelry management EHL -Part of AIESEC and AGI in the US - participated to the Loreal Marketing award in 2001-2002

    Student in business administration - major in accounting and marketing.
    Assistant to Professor Ann Van Ackere for Decision making courses at HEC and Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne

  • Gymnase cantonal de la Cité

    Modern languages maturity Baccalauréat en langues modernes



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  • French

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

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    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Spanish

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • german

    Gute Kenntnisse

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