Learn with CIPT

The games industry is constantly changing and advancing, allowing developers to push their games to exciting new levels and create better, more immersive, inclusive, and accessible games. Learning and improving is the one constant in games. For games and the companies that work with them to be successful, every element of your company needs to embrace the idea of constant learning.

Until recently Can I Play That offered two workshops to help you push your company and staff to create the best possible products for the vibrant gaming community. The workshops are still available, although no longer under the Can I Play That name.

Accessible Community Management

In this workshop, now under the minimap name, you will learn from Stacey Jenkins how to ensure your content, social media, and forums are accessible to and inclusive of all members of your community. This workshop is designed for anyone working with a community of gamers or fans, from community managers at game studios, to streamers, to solo devs who wear many hats. From accessible memes to inclusive PR and marketing, you will come away with everything you need to ensure no one is alienated by your great content.

Inclusivity for Creatives

This workshop, originally hosted by DEIA expert Yi Shun Lai and Courtney Craven but now continued by Yi Shun, has you work through material designed to help you achieve greater inclusion and diversity both within your company and externally in your community. For more information, see Yi Shun’s website about the workshop.

Our Customers

Courtney, Yi Shun, and Stacey have delivered workshops at Ubisoft, Microsoft, Square Enix and many more!

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