Cookie Policy

In this Cookie Policy we (Can I Play That?) disclose where we use cookies and similar technologies. Whenever you use our website(s), some information can be collected or stored through the use of cookies and similar technologies. We try limit this as much as possible, and protect your personal information when we do so. For more information on how we handle your information, see our Privacy Policy.

A cookie is a small piece of data, that a website can store on your device. A website can read and write this data to save preferences or keep track of logins. Cookies are often also used to track your visits across one or multiple websites.

How do we use cookies?


We use our own cookies to remember your preferences on our website(s), such as dark mode, large text, etc. By using cookies we can save and apply these preferences during your visit and when you return. We do not track of which preferences you use.


These cookies help us gain insight in how many visitors visit our website(s), and how they move through them. They help us understand how we can best reach our audience. We use Google Analytics for these statistics and make sure this data is anonymized and is not shared with other services to further protect your privacy.

Third Party Cookies

On some pages of our website(s), content from other services is embedded. Most likely these are services like Twitter and YouTube. These service providers can set their own cookies on your device. Most of these cookies are outside of our control, so for more information about these cookies we refer you to the websites of these services.

In the case of Twitter, we instruct it to not use any information from our site for personalization.

In the case of YouTube, we load embeds from their “nocookie” domain. This should prevent cookies being set, although not all tracking is disabled. Currently we also replace YouTube embeds with a link or button, which makes it so that (aside from the video thumbnail) no data is loaded from YouTube unless you click through to view the video.

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