Can I Play That? — In The Media

Can I Play That? (CIPT) has progressed from a blog that highlighted important topics, to a well-respected media outlet that continues to grow and improve. CIPT’s focus on accessibility reporting has caught the attention of not only disabled players, but developers, publishers, industry leaders, and of course, media outlets. Below you’ll find a collection of links that either highlight some firsts for the website, but also interviews and pieces about the website.

Media Coverage

BBC: Courtney Craven and Steve Saylor were interviewed by the BBC in regards to Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Part 2. The BBC interview can be found here.

CNN: Courtney Craven and Steve Saylor were interviewed by CNN in regards to The Last of Us Part 2. The CNN interview can be found here.

USA Today: Grant Stoner’s accessibility impressions on The Last of Us Part 2 were referenced during the outlet’s piece about the game’s accessibility. The USA Today article can be found here.

The Hollywood Reporter: Courtney Craven was interviewed about accessibility where CIPT was referenced. The Hollywood Reporter article can be found here.

Eurogamer: Ben Bayliss was asked to write an article about CIPT for the site, sharing experiences, and the importance of accessibility. The Eurogamer article can be found here.

Digital Trends: Susan Banks was interviewed about CIPT and accessibility. The Digital Trends article can be found here.

Dialect: CIPT’s Halo Infinite accessibility review was referenced in detail when writing about why we need accessibility in video games. The Dialect article can be found here.

Accolades and Industry Mentions

Gears 5

Gears 5 was CIPT’s first AAA acknowledgment through which our —at the time— 6/6 review score was included in online marketing alongside other respected video game outlets. The score was also featured in an accolades trailers available through Xbox’s Facebook page.

Gears 5 art surrounded by review scores. Amongst them sits CIPT's 6 out of 6 score.

Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 achieved a lot for accessibility, and CIPT was involved in the review process alongside other media outlets. It saw our 9/10 accessibility review score highlighted on the accolades trailer.

Watch Forza Horizon 5 - Accolades Trailer on YouTube

Gamescom 2021

With accessibility being more widely discussed in the video game industry, CIPT was invited to appear digitally at Gamescom 2021 for a small promotional bit. The video featured Courtney Craven, who at the time was the Director of Operations, Ben Bayliss, Editor in Chief, and Yi Shun Lai, who was the Workshop Developer and Facilitator.

The video can be found on YouTube at the timestamp 1:12:28.

The Game Awards 2020 + 2021

CIPT was involved in The Game Awards 2020 and 2021 events as a judging panel for the Innovation in Accessibility category.


One Scotland: This Scottish government website ran a case study on CIPT and published it online. The One Scotland case study can be found here.

Microsoft: CIPT’s review on Gears 5 was referenced in an official feature from Microsoft. The Microsoft article can be found here.

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