Gamescom commits to event accessibility

Marijn / ActiveB1t2 minute read

From gamescom 2024 onward, the world’s largest gaming event strives to make itself more accessible. Exhibitors on gamescom are required to make their stands step-free to provide equal access to wheelchair users and people with other mobility issues. They further provide recommendations to make their stands, activities, and information accessible.

Step-free stands

To help exhibitors prepare their stands with accessibility in mind, an accessibility information page details what is required and recommended. This includes guidance on the maximum gradient of inclines (10%), and when edges and handrails are required for safety. It further recommends beveling steps of up to 2cm and taping off small trip hazards.

Beyond those requirements, several more recommendations are made to help the physical accessibility of stands. This includes height adjustable gaming terminals, with tilting screens. It’s also recommended to provide ample space for larger wheelchairs to navigate all areas of the stand. Stages and photo opportunities should be accessible as well. Reserved areas in front of stages and separate queues for those using mobility aids should be considered as well.

Additional accessibility recommendations

Aside from the physical accessibility of the stand itself, gamescom also provides a list of recommendations to account for more disabilities. This ranges from non-slip flooring, providing seating, to avoiding obstacles in pathways. Of course providing accessible hardware, such as adaptive controllers, is recommended as well. 

For low-vision visitors recommendations include having sufficient lighting, tactile floor elements, and providing information in braille. For deaf visitors it’s recommended to provide sign language on stages or livestreams. Bonus recommendation here from us: also provide this on the stand itself when possible. Providing sensory aids such as earplugs and glasses is also mentioned, as well as providing staff who are prepared to assist people with various access needs.

Following Xbox’s example

The requirements and recommendations from gamescom seem to follow examples set by Xbox in previous years. Those experiences from Xbox’s events led to the release of their Playbook for Accessible Gaming Events (PAGE). This playbook details much more than just the event itself, including such things as social media posts and even merch. We would recommend anyone organizing events to take a look at PAGE to see how they can improve their event’s accessibility.

Making certain accommodations mandatory is a big step towards improving accessibility at events like gamescom. No doubt this will be a learning experience for all involved, especially those who may not have consciously considered accessibility in their stands before. It will be interesting to see how this will improve the experience for disabled visitors at gamescom. And perhaps other events as well if exhibitors take this experience beyond gamescom. Gamescom 2024 is held from August 21 to 25 in Köln, Germany.

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