Wikimedia Mobile is Officially Launched

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iPhone Version in English
iPhone Version in English

After spending about 6 months in alpha-beta-development-maybe-kind-live mode, we have recently moved Wikipedia Mobile over to a new fast and sexy server. With this new server, we’ve reached the point in development where we can call this baby “launched”!
When I was brought on board at Wikimedia, I was tasked with endowing Wikimedia with a compelling mobile offering. From the beginning, we knew we were going to focus on “fully featured” smart phones. These phones are taking more and more of the market and we believe they will have an easy majority-share in a couple years. The goal is to build for the future.
At the moment, the Mobile site supports iPhone, Kindle, Android, and Palm Pre. And we fully support both English and German. There are other working languages, but they haven’t been fully translated yet. Our goal is to grow slowly and do it really well. We are starting out simple with limited support in order to test the usability and the platform’s stability. So far, things are looking good.
During the beta test period, we’ve served around 10,000,000 pages. You can view the hourly stats here (updated every hour on the hour). And with this new test server, we should be able to do more.
Based off of requests from Google and the Palm Pre folks… and with what just makes sense. We are doing default mobile redirects. That is, if you open a wikipedia link on a supported mobile device, then you get redirected automatically to the mobile gateway. If you click the “View this page on main Wikipedia” then we disable that redirect with a cookie. This way, the 99% of people using mobile devices to read Wikipedia on-the-go have a seemless experience. And, the 1% who like to edit on their mobile device can use their browser to view the main site and do all the fancy things that they like doing. We suspect an initial outcry from the editors that use their mobile devices, but hope that will calm down. We’ve had very good feedback from the 99% and so we can’t forget those folks. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this easier for the 1% who are editing while mobile, we’d love to hear from you.
If you want live updates about the Mobile site then you can follow WikimediaMobile on Twitter. Also, if you know any Ruby, you can grab the source code via git from Github and helpout! Feel free to contact me via email with any questions.
Also, special thanks to Nic Williams and Ryan Bigg from Mocra for help with the Ruby 1.9 transition and thanks to Yahuda Katz for help with the XML parsing layer and for all his work on the Merb framework.

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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[…] quite some time, Wikimedia’s Lead Mobile Developer Hampton Catlin recently announced on the Wikimedia technical blog that the site is live on a new server and ready for […]

[…] quite some time, Wikimedia’s Lead Mobile Developer Hampton Catlin recently announced on the Wikimedia technical blog that the site is live on a new server and ready for […]

[…] quite some time, Wikimedia’s Lead Mobile Developer Hampton Catlin recently announced on the Wikimedia technical blog that the site is live on a new server and ready for […]

[…] quite some time, Wikimedia’s Lead Mobile Developer Hampton Catlin recently announced on the Wikimedia technical blog that the site is live on a new server and ready for […]

Nice work HC.

[…] quite some time, Wikimedia’s Lead Mobile Developer Hampton Catlin recently announced on the Wikimedia technical blog that the site is live on a new server and ready for […]

[…] 在Wikipedia手机版网站经历了多个开发阶段之后,最近,Wikimedia的首席移动开发师汉普顿·卡特林(Hampton Catlin)终于在Wikimedia技术博客上宣布网站已经转移到新服务器上,为正式运行做好了准备。 […]

[…] 在Wikipedia手机版网站经历了多个开发阶段之后,最近,Wikimedia的首席移动开发师汉普顿·卡特林(Hampton Catlin)终于在Wikimedia技术博客上宣布网站已经转移到新服务器上,为正式运行做好了准备。 […]

[…] sechsmonatiger Entwicklungszeit hat Wikimedia ihr Mobile-Gateway Wikipedia Mobile offiziell an den Start gebracht. Das Portal unterstützt zunächst mobile Zugriffe von iPhone, Kindle, Android und Palm Pre. Voll […]

[…] up against other Wikipedia mobile tools like previously mentioned Wikipanion. Wikipedia Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

[…] up against other Wikipedia mobile tools like previously mentioned Wikipanion. Wikipedia Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

[…] [via] Read More T-Mobile Launches Motorola ZN5 CameraphoneSarah Palin’s Tech TroublesThe Japanese […]

[…] Wikimedia Foundation has officially launched a new mobile optimized version of Wikipedia. This new mobile version is designed for “fully […]

[…] Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

[…] Although we only currently only have 30 applications in the App Catalog we have a very large selection of web apps created for smartphones out there. It comes as no surprise that all of the web apps created for the iPhone work very well with the Palm Pre. Wikimedia Foundation has finally put their hand in with the official launch of the mobile optimized Wikipedia. […]

[…] Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via ReadWriteWeb] Tagged:mobile […]

how ’bout supporting Windows Mobile devices? 🙂 [HTC Touch Pro here]

[…] up against other Wikipedia mobile tools like previously mentioned Wikipanion. Wikipedia Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

Brian: Microsoft hasn’t responded to our contact attempts….

[…] rimasta in fase di beta per alcuni mesi. Hampton Catlin, capo del progetto mobile di Wikimedia, ha finalmente annunciato che la versione per cellulari è uscita dalla fase di beta ed è disponibile al pubblico nel pieno […]

Support for Blackberry?

[…] up against other Wikipedia mobile tools like previously mentioned Wikipanion. Wikipedia Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

[…] ist die unter erreichbare Mobil-Version der Deutschen Wikipedia nun online und hat die Beta-Phase verlassen. iPhone-optimiert, mit eigenem Homescreen-Icon und schnellen Ladezeiten zeigt die Mobil-Version […]

Blackberry smackberry, when they actually start using web standards then you’ll get your support…

[…] full details check out the official post from Wikimedia… And be sure to check it out on your iPhone, Android device, Kindle or Palm (NSDQ: PALM) […]

[…] [Via Wikimedia Technical Blog] […]

[…] do Android, do Google. Os idiomas disponíveis até o momento são inglês e alemão. Segundo o blog técnico da Wikimedia, a tradução para outras línguas será feira lentamente. “Nosso objetivo é crescer devagar […]

[…] blow to hard copy encyclopedias, Wikipedia has gotten its mobile version up. According to the Wikipedia Technical Blog the mobile version supports the iPhone, Kindle, Android and Palm Pre, in both English and German. […]

[…] aseguran que el sitio móvil de Wikipedia salió de su fase de desarrollo, mudaron de servidores y los que […]

[…] Vía | Androinica | Lifehacker. Sitio oficial | Wikimedia. […]

[…] aseguran que el sitio móvil de Wikipedia salió de su fase de desarrollo, mudaron de servidores y los que […]

[…] up against other Wikipedia mobile tools like previously mentioned Wikipanion. Wikipedia Mobile [Wikimedia Technical Blog via […]

[…] cualquier página de la conocida enciclopedia online. Tras 7 meses desde el lanzamiento ahora anuncian nueva versión que sale de la beta (se dieron más prisa que Google sin […]

[…] “After spending about 6 months in alpha-beta-development-maybe-kind-live mode, we have not long ago changed Wikipedia Mobile over to a brand brand new fast and voluptuous server. With this brand brand new server, we’ve reached the point in growth where we can call this baby ‘launched’!” explained Wikimedia. […]

[…] so bad before on my BlackBerry I was interested when I read this little tidbit. Wikipedia has officially launched the mobile version of their site. It looks like the mobile version was available for awhile now but now it is blessed as […]

It works on BlackBerry – and just about every other mobile I’ve tried it on. Why are you saying that it’s limited to those 4 minority devices?
How is this any different or better than the existing ? That’s also not limited to EN and DE. Try

Terence, that *is* the site we’re talking about. 🙂
Currently we don’t have full localization or home page data extraction set up for most languages, and while it _should_ work on any decent mobile browser, it hasn’t been fully tested on all, and we’re only doing automatic redirections for a few devices so far.
We’ll expand it as we work out the kinks.

I’ve been using this Wikipedia Launcher on my BlackBerry 8330 for quite some time. The source code is also provided, for those interested.
Also, while no one will deny that the default BlackBerry browser leaves a lot to be desired, I recommend using a browser called BOLT. It is a great browser for viewing full blown webpages (as well as mobile or WAP sites). I use the BOLT web browser to view the full wikipedia site all the time (among several other full-blown websites). It is availble for platforms other than BlackBerry as well..

[…] Via Wikipedia Techblog […]

Sounds great. Unfortunately, on the Palm Pre, when I click the Wikipedia link from universal search, I now get a “502 Bad Gateway” error instead of the Wikipedia page. Going directly to Wikipedia in the browser works fine.

We have partnered with an open source mobile transcoding product which could serve Wikimedia Mobile well in trying to accommodate these other devices. The license version would run through my company as Siruna is located in Belgium, but we would be more than happy to discuss the benefits of any device.
Kind regards,
Contact: JohnL at openwair (dot) com

[…] mobile site” link. It’s not a perfect solution, and they know it, so they’re even asking for your input in the creation of a full mobile editing […]

This is great.
For folks with devices that don’t automatically go to the mobile version (like my BlackBerry), you might want to include a ‘permanently enable mobile site’ link to go with the ‘permanently disable…’ link.
My BlackBerry Bold has a Wikipedia search built into the browser, so that would be a good way to force it to work right until RIM points it to the right place!

Just like Jdale at least half of the time I go to wikipedia on my iphone I get the 502 Bad Gateway error when it tries to access I also tried it in firefox once and got that error. On top of this I don’t even want the mobile version, but if I try to go to and click on an article it automagically take me to the mobile version then the 502. If I’m somehow able to load the mobile version and try to click on permanently disable mobile version I get a 401 Not Found!

[…] folks over at Wikipedia have officially launched a mobile browser optimized version of This mobile version removes a lot of the […]

[…] de grootste open-source encyclopedie, heeft eindelijk de mobiele versie van zijn site beschikbaar gemaakt. Het mooie is dat je vanuit de ‘universal search’ op de Pre ook direct op Wikipedia kan […]

Bad gateway errors and 404 error if you try to disable it. Yes, is wonderful.

[…] do Android, do Google. As linguagens disponíveis até agora são inglês e alemão. Segundo o blog técnico da Wikimedia, a tradução para outras línguas será feira lentamente. “Nosso objetivo é crescer devagar e e […]