Meet the Team: Laure, Customer Service Manager

Curious to know what’s happening behind the scenes of Travian: Legends? Meet Laure, our Customer Service Manager!

Hi Laure! First of all, tell us something about yourself/your background and how did you end up being the Customer Service Manager at Travian Games?

Hello Giulia! My name is Laure, I’m about to turn 29 and I come from lovely Paris in France.

I’ve joined the Travian: Legends team at the beginning of March after moving my family to Munich, end of 2018.

I’ve always been very involved with video games from a young age. I was always looking forward to my school vacations so that I was allowed to play as much as I wanted. It was a blessing for me to start working in this industry. It has now been 7 years… time goes by so quickly!

I have started out by answering Customer Service tickets and I have to say that not a single day looks like another one. There is always something exciting happening in Customer Service, from one very strange bug to new exciting features for the community, to players’ questions going from one very technical topic to overall game feedback to a huge team of Customer Service Representatives that love working together and share stories.

Every day is special and I absolutely fell in love with the spirit of Customer Service.

Little by little, I’ve taken more and more responsibilities by dealing with payment issues, reviewing the quality of our service, and managing a team.

Today I am very proud to be part of the Travian: Legends team and work on so many different improvements with the very experienced CS team gathered over the past years.

Let’s talk about your role as CS Manager. How does your “daily routine” look like?

Usually, I arrive at work, get myself a cup of coffee and catch up on what happened during the night. Then, I sync with the 3 Customer Service Team Leads.

We have a big team and a lot of them are in different time zones, so it’s important to check if a new issue popped up during the night, so that we can resolve it as soon as possible and preserve the great experience our players have in-game.

Like I said before, no day looks like the previous one. I always need to keep up with what’s happening in the game and in the tickets player send to us. I review how to improve the knowledge we share with players on the website, on answers and in the game but I also prepare for future events, for releases and new tools by sharing information with the team so that they have all the details necessary to reply to tickets.

What do you enjoy the most about your job position?

I love the feeling of helping.

I help players, I help the game team, I help the CS team.

I think that’s the most important part of Customer Service. You’re always ready to participate, share information, discuss potential issues that you foresee. I absolutely love feeling like what you do and work on will be visible to the community.

Some people might say working in Customer Service is hard, and yes, you might get all the complaints first, but you are also the first to get the “thank you for fixing it”.

What makes the Travian: Legends community so special, in your opinion?

I was very surprised to hear and see that we have players who have stayed with Travian for years and years.

Their experience and their views on changes are vital for us. To have such dedicated players who listen, give feedback, defend, and sometimes clearly tell us when something goes wrong is very important.

As a player myself, I would be very motivated to find and join an alliance with experience and be taught the game by experts. I think the presence of our players shows a very attractive community to new players. I see it also in our Customer Service team, as the team is primarily composed of Travian: Legends game experts who know every little detail of the game and have been here almost from the beginning.

I surely know I can count on all of them to raise topics that are very important to players, as they are players themselves.

Last question: let’s talk about games in general. What’s your top 3 all-time favorite games?

Hmmm… So many choices! I can spend hours every day playing World of Warcraft. It is such a known success but when you actually start playing it you realize why it is such a success.

Otherwise, I play a lot of strategy games like Civilization (V, VI, they’re all very good and have far too many add-ons!), and I’ve spent a fair share of hours in builders like Prison Architect. Those are my top 3, but I do spend more and more time learning Travian: Legends and I think it might get to my top 3 sooner or later!

Thank you for reading our interview, we hope you enjoyed getting to know Laure a bit more! If you have any questions for him, don’t hesitate to leave a comment, otherwise, stay tuned for the next edition of Meet the Team!
