What does the Support do ?

With a team of more than 750 employees and voluntary supporters, Travian responds to up to 100,000 email requests per day. In order to work on the requests within a reasonable time, elaborate knowledge of the game and training for the handling of the available systems are required.



Here, 100,000 is only the number of new requests. Our team often asks players for further information. Moreover, short requests such as “I have a question” or “I have encountered a problem” are not ignored. Rather, we analyze the issue or question and remain in contact with the player. In the end, we always like to have provided a solution and have helped the player.

Up to 100,000 requests in a total of 42 different languages do of course present a challenge for our customer support. In order to be able to reply to a player as early as possible, all requests are sorted according to the language they were written in and consequently worked on by our Community Managers and voluntary supporters. Here, we have developed our own ticket system, which allows for the targeted deployment of all employees according to their language and areas of responsibility.

Currently, we can guarantee that 96% of all requests are replied to within 24 hours. For the first reply of our support team, the average waiting time stands at almost exactly 6.5 hours from the moment the request reaches us. If requests require more time, they will be discussed and worked on within the relevant departments, in order to help the player.

Of course, we would not be able to have this result without our Community Managers and their teams. With this blog entry, we would therefore also like to highlight the amazing work done by all the different teams. We would also like to show our appreciation for all the voluntary supporters, which, with their close involvement in the game and their existing and ever-evolving knowledge of Travian, are a particular asset to our service. Without the voluntary support of these players, help would in many cases only be available via the public FAQs, which cannot provide answers to all kinds of questions or even actively identify and solve problems.

Thank you!

Best regards, Vinter
