Shores of War Spring Round ~ New Ship movement calculation

Winter bids farewell and Travian: Shores of War comes alive once again. From humble fishing villages to mighty harbor cities, all prepare for the new conflict. As heroes rise and empires clash, navigators must chart new courses, for the seas themselves have rewritten their laws, shaping the destiny of those who dare to sail upon them.

The spring round of Travian: Shores of War brings us a new means of traveling through deep waters on the Ancient Europe map.

Main features

The ships can be sent both to harbors and non-harbor tiles.

Warships and decoy warships travel at a static speed of 12 fields per hour for x1 speed game worlds (24 for x2-x5, 48 for x10) through deep waters. This speed cannot be boosted. The troops travel at their usual speed (including all bonuses) while traveling on land.

Trade ships travel at a static speed of 20 fields per hour for x1 speed game worlds (or for other game worlds, multiplied by the speed of the respective version) through deep waters and at the speed of merchants over land.

   The pathfinding algorithm has been simplified. The boarding time has been removed.

How the new pathfinding  works

The ships now go straight from one tile to another. The game calculates how many “regular” tiles and “deep water” tiles the ship crosses while traveling from point A to point B and applies the speeds separately based on the ratio of regular to deep water tiles.

  • Deep water movement is a static at 12 fields per hour for x1 speed game worlds (24 for x2-x5, 48 for x10) and cannot be boosted.
  • Land movement is not altered and while on land, all movement bonuses (hero items, tribe bonuses, tournament square, and artifacts) still apply.
  • Traveling through deep waters is not affected by hero items (i.e. boots, standards, etc.) except for the map.
  • The tournament square only affects land movement. This means the army must travel 20 fields on land before the tournament square takes effect.

Let’s look at some examples of the new pathfinding system.

Note: For all examples, we assume a land speed of 3 fields per hour and a deep water speed of 12 fields per hour.

Distance: 1.4


  • 2 over land
  • 0 over deep water


  • 100% land
  • 0% deep water


  • 3 fields per hour
Distance: 2.23


  • 3 over land
  • 1 over deep water


  • 75% land
  • 25% deep water


  • 5.25 fields per hour (3*0.75+12*0.25)
Distance: 3.6


  • 3 over land
  • 3 over deep water


  • 50% over land
  • 50% over deep water


  • 7.5 fields per hour (3*0.5+12*0.5)

May the winds of fortune favor the bold, and may our journeys be marked by triumph, camaraderie, and the enduring spirit of adventure. Come back on March 20th and find out all the details about the spring round feature set.
