Changelog – 2435.1

Cancelling merchants on new worlds starting May

🆕 Changes:

TL-12984 We prepared to implement the annual special feature of cancelling merchants movements on regular gameworlds. This will be introduced only on gameworlds which will start after 1.05.2024. This will make it possible to abort any delivery within the first 60 seconds since the merchants left the village.

🆕 Bugfixes:

TL-12761 Defending heroes were forgetting to apply their def bonus to their own fighting strength.

TL-13196 The list of countries in the payment shop was missing flags of some countries.

TL-12710 Fixed some incorrectly displayed apostrophes in task descriptions in French language.

TL-12029 Task progress indicators in French were sometimes not displayed correctly.

TL-12588 Fixed some other incorrectly displayed apostrophes in some farmlist tooltips. Somehow not just in French this time.

TL-13160 Fixed some inconsistency when using BBcode to insert a report in a message or a note. Now, when copying and pasting the report ID from the URL, it will work even if the sign | was changed into “%7C”. For example, both 123456%7C8ce07b47 and 123456|8ce07b47 will work.

TL-13070 Culture points production overview in Residence/Palace/Command Center was displaying alliance bonus incorrectly. However, the actual value was calculated properly and the displayed total was also correct.

⏲️ Rollout plan (Downtime ~5 min)

25.03 ~ 10:03 UTC – Asia 1, Asia 6, Asia NYS x1

27.03 ~ 10:03 UTC –
27.03 ~ 12:03 UTC –

28.03 ~ 10:03 UTC –
Europe, Alpler, LUSOBR, Eterni, HUX, Români, France
28.03 ~ 12:03 UTC –

02.04 ~ 10:03 UTC+1 –

Note the switch to summer time on the weekend. Gameworlds will change timezone from UTC to UTC+1.
