CHANGELOG – 2420.2

Fixed invisible OTO and other bugs

🆕 Bugfixes:

TL-12732 One Time Offer was not visible in the shop if you have opened the shop shortly before the notification about the offer appeared.

TL-13130 The notification about One Time Offer was appearing with no text in the pop-up, when in-game language was changed.

TL-13112 An active artefact was displayed as inactive for other players in the Treasury.

TL-13022 Attack and defense values in the Troops tab in Village overview were displayed with unnecessary line breaks.

TL-13101 Flags indicating players languages were missing in the members list in the alliance profile.

TL-13120 Images in the tasks were vandalized and painted over with brown paint. Heroes intensify search for perpetrators of this crime.

TL-12580 A rare issue was fixed that was causing an unexpected error when bidding on auctions in some cases.

TL-12611 Combat simulator was not taking into account the additional bonus Spartan hero and units get with Spartan weapons.

TL-13062 Rearranging buildings didn’t work correctly if you moved a building under construction to an empty spot.

TL-12726 Abandoned farmlist was getting closed when you moved a target from that list to an active list. The list should stay open.

⏲️ Rollout plan (Downtime ~5 min)

11.03 ~ 10:03 UTC – America 3, America 7, America New Year Special x1

13.03 ~ 10:03 UTC –
13.03 ~ 12:03 UTC –

14.03 ~ 10:03 UTC –
Europe, Alpler, LUSOBR, Eterni, HUX, Români, France
14.03 ~ 12:03 UTC –

15.03 ~ 10:03 UTC –
