Travian Loop: Occupation and farming oases

Oases are one an important part of player’s economy and a great source of resources. And they were the topic of our recent Travian Loop session with the players.

Let’s look into Players Feedback and Game Centre answers more closely. 

➡️ – Players’ feedback 

⬅️ – Game Centre Answer 

Spawning issue  

➡️ Players feel that the spawning at the start of the server is not optimal.

  • Players have to register more accounts to find a good spot
  • If you are not one of the first to register or late enough, then you are just within a bunch of other player and you have to share the oasis  
  • Early starters, can have their first oasis faster and then can go quite good for gray oasis ones, and late starter have a larger distance to them  

➡️ Players liked the idea to make the map inaccessible for ~6 hours after server start. Register, spawn in – but be unable to see your surroundings. 6 hours in – oasis gets loaded in to map / map gets unlocked and people can start raiding. This way for the first 6 hours everyone is equal. And if you dislike your spot, register a new acc but lose 6 hours.  

⬅️ Spawning and initial settling is an important step in alliance strategy. This step involves not only hunting oases, but also, for example cropper search and spots distribution, examining surrounding to see whether there are any other alliances that picked same quadrant as their main territory etc.  

Even though it might make oases distribution more even/random, delaying the whole process for 6 hours might not be welcomed by alliance leaders and strategic planners and in addition might make things overcomplicated.  

Raid/Attack issue  

➡️ A lot of players would like to change the current behavior  

  • Hero should lower the loyalty / occupy a free oasis only in Attack mode 
  • Many players think that a change is needed in the number as 1 attack to conquer an oasis is too low. One suggestion is that it could be based on Hero Mansion level both on off and deff side (see image below) 

⬅️ Out of those options we really like second suggestion, which will increase the importance of the Hero’s Mansion and also gives Hero’s Mansion an additional effect when 3 oases are taken.  

Extra advantage of Hero’s Mansion

➡️Players have sent ideas how to improve the importance of HM:  

  • Every 1 level is X% bonus on defenses.  
  • Every 1 level is X% bonus on loyalty. 
  • Every X days of having an oasis in control, provides a X% additional loyalty, to a maximum of X. 
  • Allow players to train animals in your oasis 
  • Create traps,  like Gaul trappers to defend the oasis  

⬅️ We really like the suggestion to add bonus to oasis defenses with the hero mansion level. The possibility to build traps for Gauls in oases also sounds interesting. As for the others, their implementation is either too complex with minimal effect (additional loyalty over time) or it goes against the whole feature design (training animals in oases).  

Inventory Resources

➡️Some players feel that the current set up is unfair and the following ideas were brought up:  

  • Hero should have a special inventory for each village, where he keeps the bounties that earned from that village. 
  • You can use the resources of a village inventory when it is the hero home village. 
  • The hero inventory should be related to the hero mansion level in that village. The higher HM level, the more resources you can store (You should be able to store a decent amount at level 0). 
  • If you get more bounty from killing animals or quests than your HM capacity, you will lose these resources due to overflowing. 
  • These resources should be have a similar mechanism of raiding occupied oasis (You may lose 10% of inventory) 
  • Resources need to be in the inventory only after the troops returned home from the raid  

Some players feel all these too much reduction, however they would be fine with the inventory usage in the hero’s home village and to get the rewards again in the village directly.   

⬅️ We see the point that hero inventory resources is a strong element of the game. Yet, this element also needs to be understandable and consistent. That’s why so far no changes planned on that matter.  


➡️When farming free oases and another player conquers it -> it should be automatically removed from the farmlist. It would be very useful to Off and Deff players.  

⬅️ We tried to do this for villages in the past. Unfortunately it’s too much to check for the server and slows down farmlist performance.   

Reinforcement in oasis  

➡️Players brought up the idea of reinforcing the owned oasis with captured animals  

⬅️ We would like to avoid nature units forwarding in general, this includes oases.  

Unclear reporting  

➡️There was a discussion about the calculation of nature’s losses and would need a clear explanation how it is calculated. 

⬅️ We will consider adding extra explanation to how it is calculated. Perhaps display in report statistics theoretical crop consumption of killed nature units like we do that for the PvP battles.  


➡️There is a wide range of players’ opinions concerning the animal spawns and the possible resources to be raided.  

Some players would like to reduce the time of animal spawns and increase its number, while other players would like to have this option disappear.   

It would be nice to hear the opinion of Game Center as well. Would it make sense to change? How would it impact the game? 

⬅️ The oasis farming feature has been implemented based on players suggestions and was a result of thorough work together with community representatives – the Ambassadors. If you have an exact idea how to make this better/more fair, please post your suggestion in a relevant suggestion section in Discord so that we could better see what the community thinks about it. 
