Game Secrets ~ Advanced Start ~ Fast Fourth Village on x2 speed

The gameworlds with Advanced start become quite a regular option in the Travian: Legends. One of the upcoming worlds is Community week world where this feature will be present based on the community vote.

The advanced mechanics shortens the preparation time before the battles start. At the same time it requires more attention to this preparation stage and developing your economy. And what is more important than settling fourth village (likely your future capital) as fast as possible?

Disclaimer, this guide might not be the best of the best, yet it will provide you the general course of action. Feel free to adjust it as you see best based on your experience. We will be happy for all constructive feedback how to make it more optimal.

General advise and first steps in the game

Step 1 – Bonuses: Activate 25% resource bonuses right after registration.

Step 2 – Adventures: Send hero to the first adventure. Complete other adventures as soon as hero is available. All points should be distributed to resources. (Optionally, if you spawned in area rich with oases, you can consider going on oasis hunting first and then distribute points into resources after your hero brings Book of Wisdom from the 6th adventure).

Step 3 – Send your settlers to settle village 2 and village 3: You can pick whether to settle them near your spawn village, or travel a bit further, the choice is yours. Long travel time might delay gaining enough culture points for settling fourth village, but might shorten travel time to the needed cropper.  More advise on that you can find in our previous article: Advanced Start tips and Tricks.

General settings:

In this guide we consider starting tribe Egyptians, all hero experience points to resources and no oasis farming. Also, we consider that both village 2 and 3 are settled nearby and do not travel too long from the spawn.

  • If your game supports « select second village tribe », make sure you use that for more variety. You can send both sets of settlers with the selected tribe. Only first settled village will belong to the selected tribe though, second settled village will belong to avatar tribe.
  • Use quests rewards to upgrade your hero after health losses, and make sure your hero is alive during the whole settling process. Don’t wait too long though, since your hero production is important in fastest settling village calculation.
  • In the table below you might find lines like – Main building level 12. This doesn’t mean that you need to construct it fully to level 12 immediately. In general, construct cheaper buildings that give culture points when you are online, especially those that will provide you with quest rewards, and save resources for more expensive buildings during your offline hours. We recommend though to try keeping general order of buildings.
Fourth settled village – Advanced start – Speed x2.

  • Reach 1525 points needed for the 4th village
  • Get enough resources to run celebrations, train settlers and send them for the settling.

Spawn village
Settled Villages
Woodcutter 5 x4
8 0
Woodcutter 5 x4
8  0
Clay Pit 5 x4
8 0
Clay Pit 5 x4
8  0
Iron Mine 5 x4
8 0
Iron Mine 5 x4
8  0
Cropland 5 x6
12 0
Cropland 5 x6
12  0
Main building lvl 12
18 12260
Main Building 10
15 7150
Rally point lvl 1
1 0
Rally point lvl 1
1 430
Cranny 10
6 5005
Cranny 10
6 5005
Marketplace 7
11 5620
Marketplace 7
11 5620
Barracks 3
2 2865
Barracks 3
2 2865
Academy 10
27 19675
Academy 10
27 19675
Embassy 1
5 540
Embassy 1
5 540
Wall 3
2 1565
Wall 3
2 1565
Warehouse 8
4 9295
Warehouse 8
4 9295
Granary 7
4 4475
Granary 7
4 4475
Workshop 1
4 1890
Workshop 1
4 1890
TownHall 1
4 4220
TownHall 1
4 4220
Extra crannies of level 3 x8
16 4080
Extra crannies of level 3 x8
16 4080
Crannies 7 x4
8 6540
Crannies 7 x4
8 6540
2 1090
Smithy 1
2 1090
Residence 1
2 1570
Residence 1
2 1570
Run Small Celebration at ~150 CP
 0 22360
Run Small Celebrations in both villages at ~150 CP
 0 2 x 22360
 End of development for Spawn and one of Settled villages till 4th village settling
Residence 2->10
 12 59030
Train 3 settlers
Run second small celebration
Run second small celebrations
2 x 22360
Settle 4th village
COSTS and INCOME ~36-40 hours
Total costs
Village production (2070 per village)
Resource rewards for quests and adventures (approx from all 3 villages)
Total Income
