Hammer Records – x5



Greatest Hammers – x5


Classification by Wheat Consumption

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat Days Server Round
1.png The Godfather N.W Teutons 2.618.495 70 Arabics 50 6
2.png Baked Chihuahua Dog Huns 1.254.374 44 Inter 50 4
3.png Trainwreck  STD Romans 1.136.063 53 America 50 1
4.png The godfather NW Teutons 1.063.646 49 Arabics 50 4
5.png Touchdown [¿?] Teutons 1.080.140 43 Arabics 50 3
6.png Yuno Poker Teutons 1.010.070 48 America 50 1
7.png Stepp Sister Тень Huns 958.274 39 NYS 50 2022
8.png Holigan -FTG- Teutons 945.276 46 America 50 3
9.png Bad boys N.W Romans 853.149 43 America 50 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png BloodReaper MBT Teutons 847.652 40 Europe 50 5

Classification by Attack Strength

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Days Server Round
1.png The Godfather N.W Teutons 105.950.080 70 Arabics 50 6
2.png Baked Chihuahua Dog Huns 52.389.780 44 Inter 50 4
3.png The godfather NW Teutons 52.962.170 49 Arabics 50 4
4.png Trainwreck STD Romans 48.415.655 53 America 50 1
5.png Touchdown [¿?] Teutons 44.165.190 43 Arabics 50 3
6.png Yuno Poker Teutons 40.618.040 48 America 50 1
7.png Bad boys N.W Romans 40.094.935 43 America 50 5
8.png Stepp Sister Тень Huns 39.127.105 39 NYS 50 2022
9.png Holigan -FTG- Teutons 36.681.000 46 America 50 3
Roman_Numeral_10.png Careless Snoop Huns 35.432.965 44 Inter 50 4

Classification by Rams

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams Days Server Round
1.png The godfather NW Teutons 56.656 49 Arabics 50 4
2.png Touchdown [¿?] Teutons 40.152 43 Arabics 50 3
3.png SadBoyHours STD Gauls 37.400 52 America 50 1
4.png BloodReaper MBT Teutons 36.283 40 Europe 50 5
5.png JinxX IMP Huns 30.299 37 NYS 50 2022
6.png Godfathers MAFIA Teutons 30.031 39 America 50 4
7.png TrojanHorse [¿?] Teutons 22.539 40 Arabics 50 5
8.png Careless Snoop Huns 2.225 44 Inter 50 4
9.png Dogus [¿?] Teutons 2.223 40 Arabics 50 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png FTG Brothers -FTG- Gauls 1.607 42 America 50 3

Classification by Catapults

02_100__0013_AttackerRanking.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults Days Server Round
1.png The Godfather N.W Teutons 45.002 70 Arabics 50 6
2.png Trainwreck  STD Romans 29.361 53 America 50 1
3.png Meowy Jane STD Romans 28.120 52 America 50 1
4.png Baked Chihuahua Dog Huns 24.658 44 Inter 50 4
5.png Holigan -FTG- Teutons 21.870 46 America 50 3
6.png Bad boys N.W Romans 20.765 43 America 50 5
7.png SideWayz Boys G9 Huns 20.540 43 Inter 50 1
8.png SideWayz Boys G9 Huns 20.282 41 Inter 50 1
9.png Stepp Sister Тень Huns 20.100 39 NYS 50 2022
Roman_Numeral_10.png Cars MAFIA Romans 19.312 39 America 50 4


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Slave Militia
Khopesh Warrior
Resheph Chariot
Stone Catapults


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png FTG Brothers -FTG- 712.319 42 America 50 3
2.png SadBoyHours STD 394.706 52 America 50 1
3.png FireBall LIPS 47.952 43 Asia 50 5

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png FTG Brothers -FTG- 35.048.955 42 America 50 3
2.png SadBoyHours  STD 17.302.500 52 America 50 1
3.png FireBall LIPS 2.284.715 43 Asia 50 5

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Swordsman FTG Brothers -FTG- 268.209 42 America 50 3
Theutates Thunder FTG Brothers -FTG- 161.603 42 America 50 3
Haeduan FTG Brothers -FTG- 119 42 America 50 3
Rams SadBoyHours  STD 37.400 52 America 50 1
Trebuchet FTG Brothers -FTG- 19.103 42 America 50 3

FireBall - Asia 50, Round 5 (May 2024)
FTG Brothers - America 50, Round 3 (September 2022)
SadBoyHours - America 50, Round 1 (June 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Baked Chihuahua Dog 1.254.374 44 Inter 50 4
2.png Stepp Sister Тень 958.274 39 NYS 50 2022
3.png JinxX IMP 751.111 37 NYS 50 2022
4.png SideWayz Boys G9 716.374 41 Inter 50 1
5.png Leatherface L9 671.175 38 Inter 50 3
6.png SideWayz Boys G9 538.795 43 Inter 50 xxx

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Baked Chihuahua Dog 52.389.780 44 Inter 50 4
2.png Stepp Sister Тень 39.127.105 39 NYS 50 2022
3.png JinxX IMP 31.664.075 37 NYS 50 2022
4.png Leatherface L9 27.256.645 38 Inter 50 3
5.png SideWayz Boys G9 26.527.615 41 Inter 50 1
6.png SideWayz Boys G9 23.389.450 43 Inter 50 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Mercenary Baked Chihuahua Dog 604.000 44 Inter 50 4
Bowman SideWayz Boys G9 246.735 43 Inter 50 1
Steppe Rider JinxX IMP 121.984 37 NYS 50 2022
Marksman Stepp Sister Тень 6.683 39 NYS 50 2022
Marauder Baked Chihuahua Dog 167.122 44 Inter 50 4
Rams JinxX IMP 30.299 37 NYS 50 2022
Catapults Baked Chihuahua Dog 24.658 44 Inter 50 4

Baked Chihuahua - International 50, Round 4 (July 2023)
Stepp Sister - NYS International 50 (February 2022)
JinxX - NYS International 50 (February 2022)
Leatherface - International 50, Round 3 (November 2022)
SideWayz Boys - International 50, Round 1 (August 2021)
SideWayz Boys - International 50, Round 1 (August 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png Trainwreck  STD 1.136.063 53 America 50 1
2.png Bad boys N.W 853.149 43 America 50 5
3.png Careless Snoop 819.447 44 Inter 50 4
4.png Meowy Jane STD 808.371 52 America 50 1
5.png Cars MAFIA 747.938 39 America 50 4
6.png Bin Bag V 635.294 44 Europe 50 1
7.png Stepp Sister Тень 606.170 37 NYS 50 2022
8.png ItCameToRome G9 425.826 41 Inter 50 1

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png Trainwreck  STD 48.415.655 53 America 50 1
2.png Bad boys N.W 40.094.935 43 America 50 5
3.png Careless Snoop 35.432.965 44 Inter 50 4
4.png Meowy Jane STD 34.915.470 52 America 50 1
5.png Cars MAFIA 31.871.620 39 America 50 4
6.png Bin Bag V 28.926.800 44 Europe 50 1
7.png Stepp Sister Тень 27.494.915 37 NYS 50 2022
8.png ItCameToRome G9 16.722.060 41 Inter 50 1

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Imperian Trainwreck  STD 260.831 53 America 50 1
Equites Imperatoris Trainwreck  STD 232.906 53 America 50 1
Equites Caesaris Bad boys N.W 123.806 43 America 50 5
Rams Careless Snoop 2.225 44 Inter 50 4
Fire Catapults Trainwreck  STD 29.361 53 America 50 1

TBad boys - America 50 (December 2023)
Trainwreck - America 50 (June 2021)
Careless - International 50 (July 2023)
Meowy Jane - America 50, Round 1 (June 2021)
Cars - America 50, Round 4 (April 2023)
Bin Bag - Europe 50 (November 2021)
Stepp Sister - NYS International 50 (February 2022)
ItCameToRome - International 50 (August 2021)


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Classification by Wheat Consumption

Player Alliance Wheat Days Server Round
1.png The Godfather N.W 2.618.495 70 Arabics 50 6
2.png Touchdown [¿?] 1.080.140 43 Arabics 50 3
3.png The godfather NW 1.063.646 49 Arabics 50 4
4.png Yuno Poker 1.010.070 48 America 50 1
5.png Holigan -FTG- 945.276 46 America 50 3
6.png BloodReaper MBT 847-652 40 Europe 50 5
7.png Dogus [¿?] 779.922 40 Arabics 50 5
8.png Mister X All 778.010 47 America 50 3
9.png TrojanHorse [¿?] 743.884 40 Arabics 50 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png Godfathers MAFIA 708.192 39 America 50 4

Classification by Attack Strength

Player Alliance Attack Days Server Round
1.png The Godfather N.W 105.950.080 70 Arabics 50 6
2.png The godfather NW 52.962.170 49 Arabics 50 4
3.png Touchdown [¿?] 44.165.190 43 Arabics 50 3
4.png Yuno Poker 40.618.040 48 America 50 1
5.png Holigan -FTG- 36.681.000 46 America 50 3
6.png BloodReaper MBT 34.507.295 40 Europe 50 5
7.png TrojanHorse [¿?] 31.173.535 40 Arabics 50 5
8.png Mister X All 30.825.100 47 America 50 3
9.png Dogus [¿?] 30.077.290 40 Arabics 50 5
Roman_Numeral_10.png Godfathers MAFIA 28.963.135 39 America 50 4

Army Breakdown

Troop Player Ally Quantity Days Server Round
Clubswinger The Godfather N.W 1.365.419 70 Arabics 50 6
Axeman The godfather NW 459.593 49 Arabics 50 4
Teutonic Knight The Godfather N.W 326.779 70 Arabics 50 6
Rams The godfather NW 56.656 49 Arabics 50 4
Catapults The Godfather N.W 45.002 70 Arabics 50 6

BloodReaper- Europe 50, Round 5 (March 2024)
The Godfather- Arabics 50, Round 6 (November 2023)
The godfather- Arabics 50, Round 4 (March 2023)
Touchdown - Arabics 50, Round 3 (July 2022)
Yuno - America 50, Round 1 (June 2021)
Holigan - America 50, Round 3 (September 2022)
TrojanHorse - International 50, Round 5 (May 2023)
Mixter X - America 50, Round 3 (September 2022)
Dogus - Arabics 50, Round 5 (May 2023)
Godfathers - America 50, Round 4 (April 2023)
3 Musketeers - International 50, Round 1 (September 2021)
