Ships & Harbours: Community Feedback and Future Directions

The “Ships & Harbours” feature, implemented in both the AS and NYS versions of our game, has elicited a wealth of feedback from the community. This feedback, ranging from detailed critiques to valuable suggestions, has provided us with a unique opportunity to refine and enhance this game feature. We set sail on this feedback process to engage with players from various backgrounds and experience levels, aiming to fine-tune existing mechanics and gather insights on potential new features. We are immensely grateful for the community’s active participation and would like to share how your insights have shaped our vision for the future of “Ships & Harbours.”

Feedback and Decisions: AS vs NYS

⚓ AS Originated Feedback and Decisions

The AS version, launched in September 2023, introduced the “Ships & Harbours” feature, which included a pathfinding algorithm. Feedback on this version highlighted challenges with the pathfinding mechanics, describing it as difficult to understand and occasionally erratic. Players expressed a desire for a balance between realism and accessibility, which the feature struggled to achieve. Based on the AS community feedback, significant changes are planned for the “AS Spring Round” in April 2024. These changes will eliminate the pathfinding algorithm and not reproduce the onboarding times from NYS, addressing two major points of critique. Furthermore, the revised feature will allow ships to travel in straight lines across different terrains, adjusting speed based on whether they are traversing water or land. Yes, you read well: the harbour to harbour only travel will not be ported to AS and most likely dropped all together.

✨ NYS Originated Feedback and Decisions

The NYS24 iteration of “Ships & Harbours” faced criticism for its 20-minute onboarding time and travel restrictions. Unlike the AS version, the NYS implementation focused on different aspects of gameplay, which did not resonate well with the player base. Decisions for the 2025 NYS version of “Ships & Harbours” will be heavily influenced by the community’s overall feedback. While specifics remain under consideration, the focus will be on enhancing player experience and addressing the concerns raised about the NYS24 version.

Third Time’s the Charm?

The journey of refining “Ships & Harbours” underscores a tale of continuous improvement and adaptation. With the initial two versions providing a solid foundation and valuable lessons, the anticipation builds for what the third installment might bring. This iterative process, fuelled by community feedback, aims to strike the perfect balance between realism and playability. The removal of pathfinding and onboarding delays, coupled with the innovative travel mechanism, signifies a bold step towards achieving an ideal feature set. As we navigate towards the “AS Spring Round” of 2024, the question looms: Will the third time indeed be the charm? This next chapter promises to embody the collective wisdom and aspirations of our engaged player base, setting the stage for a potentially transformative experience in the realm of “Ships & Harbours.”

Thanks to You

The feedback from both the AS and NYS communities has been instrumental in shaping the future of the “Ships & Harbours” feature. By addressing the specific concerns and suggestions from both versions, we aim to create a more enjoyable and engaging experience for all players. The forthcoming changes in the AS Spring Round of 2024 represent our commitment to listening to our community and continuously improving the game. We look forward to your continued feedback and participation as we refine “Ships & Harbours” and explore new features for our game. Your insights are invaluable to us, and we thank you once again for your active engagement and support.
