♞ Thursday Tactician – Contest Galore!

Time to rejoice!

The number of Discord contests is growing again with a new golden tradition. After having so much fun with the weekly Giveaways, Monday Mysteries, Takes a Village, and Travian Loop, we are here to introduce Thursday Tactician!

Thursday Tactician is a fresh new weekly contest tradition that combines the best of two worlds. 

Thursday Guides have been a precious blog source of knowledge for new and experienced players. Starting this week, these informative articles will always be published on Wednesdays under the name of ‘Game Secrets.’

Thursday Tactician Quizzes run the next day, on Thursdays, always focused on the theme of the previously released Game Secrets blog article. Get familiar with the theme and prepare to answer five questions to win Gold and rise in the rankings.

Gold, Rankings, and More!

  • The first player to answer a question correctly will earn 50 Gold and one point. With each weekly Thursday Tactician Quiz, you can earn up to 250 Gold.
  • Once the first player has reached 10 points in total by participating in multiple quiz rounds, they will earn an extra 500 Gold and a shiny Discord badge.
  • The badge acts as a Challenge Cup, and these rankings will reset to zero after the ongoing quiz round. The question is, who holds the badge and earns 500 Gold at the end of the next round? Will the current champion keep the badge, or do we have a new winner? No two players can win the main prize or hold the Discord badge simultaneously.
  • After each Challenge Cup round, total points are added to the Eternal Leaderboard below. What will happen to those rising highest in the rankings? That is to be revealed! 🤫

It’s always smart to join the Thursday Tactician Quizzes to earn smaller, bigger, and surprise rewards! The quizzes start at 18:00 UTC+1 on #thursday-tactician channel on Discord.

Join the Travian: Legends Discord community today to earn Gold in various Community Contests and earn your place in Thursday Tactician history!

Thursday Tactician Discord Badge

Thursday Tactician Challenge Cup Badge

Eternal Leaderboard is updated after each Challenge Cup round.

Player Name Total Points
Supporter 29
Firenze  23
Zita 15
Satano 15
Wikkydoo 12
Gumbo 6
MoonSculptor 4
Pipo [PT/EN] 4
Acti 4
Scouser 4
Yazan 3
Miki 3
Pleomax 3
PrintGibbon 2
Sleep Dealer 2
Pom/ปอม [TH] 🇹🇭 2
TheReaper 2
Jonttu 2
Lightning.od.ua 2
leonidas 2
Nazar 1
Baby Duckling 1
Betradium 1
Jee 1
😌 1
Charlie Atlas 1
Gil 1
Lyrendir 1
Kapeika | Lira 1
Krona 1
EatenN 1
Anathema 1
Barat 1
Keff1r 1
LightRedT 1
Josheyy 1
Dykuma 1
Trinitium 1
SexyRitka 1
Ardacja (Minioons) 1
Cr4zY 1
Destructor 1
AKillies 1
Texugod 1
serputz 1
Excel1 1
Tutecarp1234 1
Double mouble 1
Alexandrius 1
josip_misko11 1
Neutrality 1
Kenzo | Bekrije 1
Kalkkuna 1
Walt #7615 (Alastor) 1
Pluggle 1
Godzila 1
David 1
Eudex 1
menbehindthesun 1
KacpereK [PL] 1
Asmodeus | Didi 1
Huuus 1
NaginataSquid 1
Jester The Fool 1