Travian Loop: The Marketplace

Welcome to Feedback Loop #4! One of the hottest discussions within our Feedback loop round was about the marketplace.

We first want to thank you for all the time and energy you put into the “market place rework” feedback. While we are sorry the changes did not meet your expectations upon release, we are glad that this was the opportunity to get a deep and thorough insight of your player’s minds on this very topic. Thanks to you we will do better, we will be able to bring solid, valid changes, and we’ll prevent this type of consultation to occur after an update, and instead, before.

Thank you all, again.

As part of the positive feedback we received from you, on the feature’s changes, we can list the following:
  • Some of you were happy to see the total number of incoming resources
  • Some were also happy to see when those merchants are expected to arrive
  • It seems you liked to now have a button to fill all available resources as it makes this step faster
  • And you also liked the filters on the buying page, as according to most of you they are easy to use and working well

Not in any way a reason to congratulate ourselves, but this kind of feedback does help us to know what we did right on a complicated topic with various results.

➡️ – Players’ feedback

⬅️ – Game Centre Answer


➡️ Many players would like to have more space between the two buttons right of the resource bar, to avoid mis-clicks.

Thank you for letting us know, if this can be arranged in the current UI, and especially work on mobile, we will try to adjust it.

➡️ The majority of the players seems to agree that the overview should be in a separate tab and sending resources should be kept for “sending only”. It would also avoid the necessity of the pop up window.

⬅️ We are currently implementing more and more popups to have them in more and more places. Imagine the possibility, for example, to send resources directly from the map! The “send merchants” menu from a popup village overview, would open a popup to execute the action, instead of redirecting you to the building’s menu. We are looking at these kind improvements.

However, we consider improvements to the pop-ups in general.

  • Pop-ups will no longer close directly when the action is done. There will be a notification that the action was taken into account with a small snack bar like for hero inventory.
  • When clicking on “send merchants” on the map/village details page, the send resources pop-up will open instead of opening the marketplace. It will save the coordinates

Many players found the overview too complicated, the following are suggestions to improve it:

➡️Possibility to sort the total amount coming in by hour/ 2 hours/ 24 hours, etc

⬅️ As this is would be an additional new feature, we’d like to ask you to use the suggestion process to have other players vote on it. This will help us to identify the community’s need for it so we can consider it for implementation.

➡️Have several information hidden, and make it visible when they click or move the mouse over it.

⬅️ In this regard, we have gotten various and mixed feedback, a mix between requests to avoid hiding info, or on the contrary hiding info but revealing it via click/mouseover. We’d like to bring to your attention that in general, we really try to avoid putting important information in tooltips (hidden info that is revealed by click or mouseover) to assure the best possible browser support.

➡️A “fill equally” within all type of resources button would be nice to have.

⬅️ Same as for the previous suggestion: wed like to ask you to use the suggestion process to have other players vote on it. This will help us to identify the communitys need for it so we can consider it for implementation.

➡️ Players would like to have the option to recall merchants (a suggestion which was already brought up on discord before).

⬅️ This will probably be seen as good news, but since this was already proposed and voted, we will push it higher in the list of features we have ahead of us. Thank you to help us prioritize it!

➡️ Lot of players would like to use resource bar as a scroll bar to set the amount of resources by sliding it.

⬅️ This can be done, yes. By now you know the drill: suggest it, get it voted and we can pick it up from there!


Now for the, hmm, more problematic feedback 😀 The complaints! But feedback is feedback, and we commit to address it, whether positive or not.

➡️Some players do not like the fact that they have to click one more time for the same action.

⬅️ Yes, we understand and are currently looking into a shortcut to prevent this extra click.

➡️ Some players complain about the pop up window covering big part of the interface. They dont see the village names or the available resources while the pop up is there.

⬅️ The issue with the pop-up hiding resource bar has been addressed and will be fixed. We are also looking for solution for mobile version issues. 

➡️ When you start to type in your village name, other players village names pop up.

⬅️ This should only occur if your setting allow for “auto-completion”. There is an option to uncheck to prevent this. However if you use it, the name of your village should appear first – this is a bug we are fixing currently.

➡️ Some players find that the bar between – and + is useless.

⬅️ We can find a solution to switch it for a real “scroll bar”, depending on the suggestions from the community.

➡️ A majority of players complain about missing a confirmation button.

⬅️ We are actually considering an “abort” button instead, to reduce the amount of clicks in general 😉

➡️ A lot of players complained about the fact that, after arrival, the page does not refresh.

⬅️ Sorry if this is a bit technical, but we think it’s the best way to make you understand our dilemma: We want to avoid page reloads as for busy pages like the marketplace every other second can be arriving merchants. But we still want to update the information – without page reload. We still need to refactor old parts of the game to be able to achieve this.

➡️ Overview is not transparent enough.

⬅️ We are looking to implement more tooltips.

➡️ It is not possible to move the pop-up window, it stays in the way.

⬅️ We are looking at an overall UI improvement on this whole feature.

➡️ There were quite a lot of performance issues mentioned.

⬅️ Your best option for such issues is to contact our Customer Service via tickets. Ideally a video in the ticket so that we can best figure out the origin of the performance issue.

➡️ Long village names get cut off in the drop-down box.

⬅️ We have forwarded this to our user experience team.

➡️ Several players dont like the new way of creating offers. They cannot duplicate it and have to type in every offer manually, which is very time consuming.

⬅️ We have also forwarded this to our user experience team and asked them for a solution. Currently we are working on implementing a change where create an offer pop-up will not get closed after the offer been created, that will allow to make similar offers with the same settings. 

➡️ The amount of resources available to send is now locked at the amount that was when the pop-up for sending was opened.

⬅️ Yes indeed. We have sent this to the developers’ team for a solution.

➡️ When a type of resource is added, the order of the resource type changes.

⬅️ We are sorry but we will need more info and/or details. We couldn’t identify the issue.

➡️ Arriving times are shown in server time instead of local time.

⬅️ We were not able to reproduce this.

➡️ A large amount of players are wondering why we had not tested the new marketplace on PTR first.

⬅️Rest assured that we will not repeat the same mistake twice 😉
