GoS INTERNATIONAL x2: Won by DF (September 2022 – January 2023)


Game world information

Game world: GoS INTERNATIONAL x2
Round: I (1)
Travian Version: T4.6 Glory of Sparta
Map size: 401×401
Speed: x2
Troop speed: x2

Game world progression

Start date
14.09.2022, 16:00 UTC+1
First to settle 2nd village
Old Fashioned, 16.09.2022
First artefact conqured by
End date
12.01.2023, 15:00 UTC+0

Age of the game world
120 days

Total numbers of created accounts
7.217 accounts


01_150__0002_TribeRanking_Roman.png.png 14,8%
01_150__0003_TribeRanking_Teuton.png.png 7,3%
01_150__0001_TribeRanking_Gaul.png.png 16,1%
01_150__0005_TribeRanking_Egyptian.png.png 26,1%
01_150__0004_TribeRanking_Hun.png.png 12,5%
03_150_0031_TribeRanking_Spartan.png 23,3%

The 10 most successful alliances

Victory Points
Roman_Numerals_1.png DF 60 24 2.534.359
Roman_Numerals_2.png Myth 56 19 2.024.172
Roman_Numerals_3.png Legio 57 18 1.472.054
Roman_Numerals_4.png FoH 52 6 686.223
Roman_Numerals_5.png BAR 53 6 567.438
Roman_Numerals_6.png CHC 60 6 346.070
Roman_Numerals_7.png Music 57 1 111.804
Roman_Numerals_8.png Aux 35 0 31.807
Roman_Numerals_9.png DAC|A 58 0 14.246
Roman_Numerals_10.png Fenix 4 0 1.296


Regional Population
Territorial Control
Tyras (The unique titan boots) Myth 44.945 100%
Carthago (The slight titan boots II) Legio 62.998 99,98%
Delphi (The trainers great talent III) Myth 26.813 99,52%
Halicarnassos (The slight titan boots VI) Myth 78.033 98,04%
Apollonia (The eagles slight eyes V) Myth 27.765 97,67%
Rusicadae (The architects unique secret) Legio 21.391 97,28%
Emerita Augusta (Rivals unique confusion) Legio 37.413 96,28%
Paraitonion (The trainers unique talent) FoH 51.653 95,78%
Caralis (The eagles great eyes III) Legio 30.015 95,65%
Philippopolis (Increased victory point production) Myth 21.329 95,1%
Hippo Regius (The trainers great talent IV) Legio 18.410 93,35%
Cimbri (Rivals slight confusion I) CHC 149.658 93,31%
Aquileia (Rivals great confusion IV) DF 31.969 93,2%
Ulpiana (Slight storage masterplan VI) Myth 38.531 93,14%
Apollonia Pontica (The trainers slight talent V) Myth 44.715 92,91%
Tarsus (Rivals slight confusion III) Myth 22.618 92,81%
Vandali (The slight titan boots IV) FoH 32.017 92,81%
Epidaurum (Rivals slight confusion II) Myth 53.813 92,38%
Emporiae (The architects’ great secret IV) DF 36.170 91,15%
Hispalis (Rivals great confusion III) Legio 26.536 88,54%
Gherla (Great diet control I) Myth 41.822 87,78%
Byzantinum (The architects’ great secret I) Myth 30.597 87,33%
Mursa (The trainers great talent II) Myth 36.898 87,15%
Girba (Slight diet control IV) Legio 67.790 85,9%
Narbo (Great storage masterplan IV) DF 33.949 85,12%
Rusadir (Increased victory point production) Legio 42.257 84,75%
Venedae (Slight diet control III) FoH 98.615 84,71%
Iconium (Slight diet control V) Myth 90.637 84,26%
Segovia(The slight titan boots III) Legio 88.987 84,04%
Massalia(Increased victory point production) DF 37.877 83,64%
Saguntum(The architects’ slight secret II) Legio 43.394 79,65%
Alalie(The architects’ slight secret I) DF 38.240 79,51%
Numantia (Slight storage masterplan I) Legio 56.122 77,57%
Burgundi (The architects’ slight secret VI) FoH 38.674 76,74%
Pictavium (The eagles slight eyes I) CHC 155.230 75,6%
Lepcis Magna (The trainers slight talent I) CHC 131.864 75,07%
Ravenna (The slight titan boots V) BAR 39.548 74,01%
Corduba (The trainers slight talent III) Legio 26.272 73,72%
Durnonovaria (The trainers slight talent VI) DF 33.338 72,74%
Hyperborea (Increased victory point production) FoH 128.080 71,58%
Carthago Nova (The great titan boots III) Legio 22.716 71,32%
Volubilis (The eagles slight eyes III) Legio 41.570 71,21%
Lilybaeum (Great diet control IV) Legio 38.663 70,1%
Sarmatia (The eagles great eyes IV) FoH 56.099 69,85%
Samothrace (Rivals great confusion II) Myth 110.999 69,41%
Theodosia (Rivals slight confusion IV) DF 40.602 69,32%
Castra Regina (Great diet control III) BAR 37.316 69,08%
Augustodunum (The great titan boots IV) DF 51.170 68,99%
Mogontiacum (The eagles slight eyes VI) BAR 52.193 68,26%
Bagacum (The eagles great eyes II) BAR 70.719 67,72%
Sparta (Increased victory point production) Myth 41.160 67,41%
Teutones (Unique diet control) DF 38.230 65,49%
Brundisium (Great storage masterplan I) DF 37.136 64,27%
Bastarnae (Increased victory point production) DF 48.650 64,03%
Scythia (The architects’ slight secret III) CHC 103.467 63,8%
Lutetia (Slight diet control II) DF 66225 63,37%
Syracusae (The architects’ great secret II) DF 26.555 62,52%
Marcomanni (The trainers slight talent IV) DF 31.631 62,47%
Athribis (Great diet control II) DF 52.177 62,37%
Eburacum (The slight titan boots I) DF 99.421 61,9%
Olisipo (Increased victory point production) Legio 44.549 60,52%
Nemausus (The trainers slight talent II) BAR 38.319 60,21%
Cyrene (The great titan boots II) CHC 101.254 60,13%
Ancyra (The eagles slight eyes II) Myth 30.212 59,85%
Berzobis (The great titan boots I) Myth 53.679 59,81%
Hibernia (The eagles unique eyes) DF 137.608 59,09%
Mediolanum (Rivals slight confusion VI) DF 24.040 58,32%
Thebes (Great storage masterplan II) Legio 76.463 58,28%
Memphis (The architects’ slight secret V) Myth 70.120 57,89%
Tarraco (Rivals slight confusion V) Legio 53.746 57,15%
Pisae (The eagles slight eyes IV) DF 103.409 56,8%
Corinium (Slight storage masterplan V) DF 49.687 55,13%
Argentorate (Slight storage masterplan II) BAR 26.616 54,71%
Athens (Great storage masterplan III) DF 36.956 54,14%
Burdigala (The trainers great talent I) CHC 45.896 54,14%
Tolosa (Slight diet control VI) DF 39.894 53,43%
Londinium (Increased victory point production) DF 80.882 52,89%
Salona (Increased victory point production) Myth 120.543 52,28%
Cherusci (Increased victory point production) DF 55.635 52,24%
Treverorum (The architects’ slight secret IV) Music 81.851 51,4%
Alexandria (Slight storage masterplan III) FoH 11.602 47,53%
Ammon (Rivals great confusion I) FoH 76.512 47,05%
Segestica (Slight diet control I) Myth 94.539 46,1%
Petra (The eagles great eyes I) Myth 127.533 45,9%
Caledonia (The architects’ great secret III) Music 118.666 44,23%
Jerusalem (Increased victory point production) Myth 24.600 44,05%
Caesarea (Slight storage masterplan IV) Aux 62.869 43,73%

The 10 largest players

Roman_Numerals_1.png PRESIDENT DF 71.752 66
Roman_Numerals_2.png Jooe FoH 64.147 59
Roman_Numerals_3.png Golden Girls DF 52.087 57
Roman_Numerals_4.png Сиськин домик DF 50.722 50
Roman_Numerals_5.png Bakeneko Myth 48.933 52
Roman_Numerals_6.png MDV Legio 47.820 46
Roman_Numerals_7.png Passion DF 45.826 50
Roman_Numerals_8.png Shrek in Agony DF 45.568 48
Roman_Numerals_9.png Sam Legio 45.250 47
Roman_Numerals_10.png Red Alert Legio 45.005 51

The 10 most successful attackers

Roman_Numerals_1.png Golden Girls 4.037.453
Roman_Numerals_2.png Old Fashioned 2.926.760
Roman_Numerals_3.png Mind Eraser 2.776.863
Roman_Numerals_4.png Бюргер 2.620.814
Roman_Numerals_5.png Independence 2.402.650
Roman_Numerals_6.png Mithycos 2.217.002
Roman_Numerals_7.png Bombay Sapphire 2.067.115
Roman_Numerals_8.png All Inclusive 1.884.090
Roman_Numerals_9.png Bakeneko 1.850.284
Roman_Numerals_10.png VeB 1.782.734

The 10 most successful defenders

Roman_Numerals_1.png PRESIDENT 3.994.497
Roman_Numerals_2.png Mojito 2.694.013
Roman_Numerals_3.png Passion 2.168.454
Roman_Numerals_4.png unicorns 1.946.872
Roman_Numerals_5.png SevenDeadlySins 1.858.930
Roman_Numerals_6.png Vrbis 1.581.386
Roman_Numerals_7.png Jooe 1.427.027
Roman_Numerals_8.png Prosecco 1.342.433
Roman_Numerals_9.png !Dave! 1.338.920
Roman_Numerals_10.png Askanio 1.312.539

The 10 most experienced heroes

Roman_Numerals_1.png PRESIDENT 442 4.905.525
Roman_Numerals_2.png Golden Girls 354 3.148.272
Roman_Numerals_3.png Old Fashioned 350 3.083.450
Roman_Numerals_4.png Бюргер 340 2.898.972
Roman_Numerals_5.png Independence 336 2.835.139
Roman_Numerals_6.png Mithycos 309 2.401.017
Roman_Numerals_7.png Bombay Sapphire 309 2.399.564
Roman_Numerals_8.png SevenDeadlySins 306 2.356.699
Roman_Numerals_9.png unicorns 302 2.299.818
Roman_Numerals_10.png Mind Eraser 298 2.240.670

The 10 largest alliances

Roman_Numerals_1.png DF 60 29.401 1.764.037
Roman_Numerals_2.png Myth 56 25.866 1.448.468
Roman_Numerals_3.png Legio 57 17.132 976.542
Roman_Numerals_4.png FoH 52 16.382 851.850
Roman_Numerals_5.png CHC 60 14.075 844.492
Roman_Numerals_6.png BAR 53 14.946 792.113
Roman_Numerals_7.png Music 57 7.108 405.184
Roman_Numerals_8.png Aux 35 7.543 264.009
Roman_Numerals_9.png DAC|A 58 3.401 197.285
Roman_Numerals_10.png VN 6 2.250 13.497

The 10 best alliances (attack)

Roman_Numerals_1.png DF 41.336.573
Roman_Numerals_2.png Myth 32.075.723
Roman_Numerals_3.png Legio 20.510.653
Roman_Numerals_4.png FoH 15.843.427
Roman_Numerals_5.png CHC 9.675.913
Roman_Numerals_6.png BAR 8.240.402
Roman_Numerals_7.png Aux 1.926.221
Roman_Numerals_8.png DAC|A 1.120.979
Roman_Numerals_9.png CS 833.111
Roman_Numerals_10.png GCE 714.155

The 10 best alliances (defense)

Roman_Numerals_1.png DF 26.847.419
Roman_Numerals_2.png Myth 24.258.981
Roman_Numerals_3.png FoH 14.183.205
Roman_Numerals_4.png CHC 14.084.949
Roman_Numerals_5.png Legio 13.331.850
Roman_Numerals_6.png BAR 8.043.687
Roman_Numerals_7.png DAC|A 4.188.683
Roman_Numerals_8.png Aux 2.761.508
Roman_Numerals_9.png Music 1.580.522
Roman_Numerals_10.png CS 1.089.432

The 10 greatest romans

Roman_Numerals_1.png Сиськин домик 50.722 50 DF
Roman_Numerals_2.png Catena Zapata 37.669 38 DF
Roman_Numerals_3.png Rut 32.234 39 DF
Roman_Numerals_4.png as de corazones 29.046 32 FoH
Roman_Numerals_5.png sok0612 27.132 34 Aux
Roman_Numerals_6.png Strag 26.725 32 Myth
Roman_Numerals_7.png Geen 25.967 33 Myth
Roman_Numerals_8.png ntc 24.053 28 BAR
Roman_Numerals_9.png JARUNA 22.688 25 CHC
Roman_Numerals_10.png Wild Hunt 22.633 31 BAR

The 10 greatest teutons

Roman_Numerals_1.png Mithycos 40.666 48 Myth
Roman_Numerals_2.png Крeм-сода 27.854 38 BAR
Roman_Numerals_3.png Dеstroyer 25.702 30 Myth
Roman_Numerals_4.png Mind Eraser 25.398 31 DF
Roman_Numerals_5.png Вермут 22.930 28 DF
Roman_Numerals_6.png boy 22.372 32 Myth
Roman_Numerals_7.png atena & odisej 21.224 29 Legio
Roman_Numerals_8.png Paul 20.862 30 Legio
Roman_Numerals_9.png Debthunter 20.204 24 Myth
Roman_Numerals_10.png Ferda Mravenec 17.838 18 FoH

The 10 greatest gauls

Roman_Numerals_1.png PRESIDENT 71.752 66 DF
Roman_Numerals_2.png Odyssey 40.964 47 Myth
Roman_Numerals_3.png Белая Горячка 36.450 38 DF
Roman_Numerals_4.png semm 31.576 36 DF
Roman_Numerals_5.png Jägermeister 30.368 38 DF
Roman_Numerals_6.png djin13 29.001 34 DF
Roman_Numerals_7.png felektaa 28.046 38 Legio
Roman_Numerals_8.png Mozg 25.587 30 DF
Roman_Numerals_9.png BeerHypers 21.326 25 DF
Roman_Numerals_10.png Vercingetorix 21.308 27 Legio

The 10 greatest egyptians

Roman_Numerals_1.png Jooe 64.147 59 FoH
Roman_Numerals_2.png MDV 47.820 46 Legio
Roman_Numerals_3.png Passion 45.826 50 DF
Roman_Numerals_4.png Shrek in Agony 45.568 48 DF
Roman_Numerals_5.png Арарат 41.876 52 DF
Roman_Numerals_6.png Mojito 39.937 44 DF
Roman_Numerals_7.png Cucum-Bar 36.858 36 DF
Roman_Numerals_8.png Askanio 36.822 40 DF
Roman_Numerals_9.png McLarens 35.307 38 DF
Roman_Numerals_10.png Аперолька 33.267 43 DF

The 10 greatest huns

Roman_Numerals_1.png Golden Girls 52.087 57 DF
Roman_Numerals_2.png Bakeneko 48.933 52 Myth
Roman_Numerals_3.png Sam 45.250 47 Myth
Roman_Numerals_4.png Moonshine 44.538 44 DF
Roman_Numerals_5.png Mamji Jakojamu 41.111 42 CHC
Roman_Numerals_6.png VeB 40.428 43 Legio
Roman_Numerals_7.png Bombay Sapphire 39.958 44 DF
Roman_Numerals_8.png The Garbage Man 35.343 42 DF
Roman_Numerals_9.png unicorns 32.812 36 Myth
Roman_Numerals_10.png Ukko 32.699 38 Myth

The 10 greatest spartans

Roman_Numerals_1.png Red Alert 45.005 51 Myth
Roman_Numerals_2.png ChihPyh 38.755 43 DF
Roman_Numerals_3.png Silver Bullet 36.587 39 DF
Roman_Numerals_4.png Jupiter & The B 31.494 38 Myth
Roman_Numerals_5.png Похрентапки 29.831 35 BAR
Roman_Numerals_6.png Грешник 23.853 26 BAR
Roman_Numerals_7.png Dart Vader 23.290 28 CHC
Roman_Numerals_8.png pipito 22.545 27 Myth
Roman_Numerals_9.png фермер572 20.702 31 BAR
Roman_Numerals_10.png 100гр 19.941 26 DF